Emotions blind the World (Pt.2)

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Might be some typos.

Word count: 1937

                   6 months passed

He's been counting. It's been 6 months since you got put in Cryo freeze, 6 months of Bucky waiting for you to come back. To wake up from this nightmare.

Some nights, he'd get drunk from the pain, other nights he'd cry, and most nights he'd go quiet. He ha dope that you'd come back, but that hope slowly started to fade. He didn't date anyone, he didn't go out anymore, and he didn't socialize either. Not even with Steve. That day was one of the worst days if his life. You accepted him, you completed him, you were his everything, and without that peice that glued everything together- he started to crumble. He started to fall apart, fast. It was so easy for him to fall back into the rabbit hole, to get baited out his safe place and pulled back into the dark abyss. His life was fine, he was more than okay, he was with you. He was with the one person he loved more than anything in this world.

Sitting in his room in the quiet, a knock came to his door. He didn't move, he didn't want to move. It opened and Steve came in, closing it behind him and sitting next to Bucky on his bed.

"Hey, I just uh....came to check on you." He mumbled looking at his beat friend.


"I know, okay? I know you're hurt, but you can't stay here forever, Buck."


Steve sighed, "Bruce is still working on the counter medicine. He says he's closer than before, so....maybe he could wake her up today."


"Say something....please."

He turned his head twords Steve. His features empty yet relaxed, "Don't fill my head with lies."

"Their not. I'm being serious. Bruce is close to completing the medicine for her, she could wake up today."

Bucky scoffed, "You said that 6 months ago."

"And that was true too. But this time is serious Buck, just try okay? Please just come with me?" Steve asked putting a hand in his shoulder.

Please don't mess with me.

Bucky nodded and got up. A spark of hope in the pit of his stomach. A feeling he thought he lost months ago, maybe you would wake up. There was no reason for Steve to lie, he's never lied to him before. The thought of holding you again filled Buckys head, even if you didn't remember anything he wouldn't very much care. He just wanted to feel you again. Getting to the Lab, they sat and waited, Buckys anxiety getting to him faster than he thought it would. Not even 5 minutes later you came in, Clint on one side helping you and Sam on the other. You were breathing hard through your mouth, your hair damp and sticking to your forehead as they laid on you on a table.

"So, I figured it out." Bruce spoke stepping into the lab, "H.Y.D.R.A did do...things to her, but they didn't have her get rid of her emotions. Her anxiety and stress did. Once that happened, they continued whatever they did which made it worse."

"She was crumbling from within." Steve pointed out.

"Exactly. It took sometime since Y/n is pretty deep in this, but I did it. Now, catch is, if I put this in her she will wake up with a shock. Possibly try to kill everyone in here." Bruce explained.

"Why?" Clint huffed leaning against a wall.

"Since her brain was trying to fight off whatever H.Y.D.R.A did to her, it took a lot of effort. Mentally and physically. Once her brain surrendered to them, she caved in. So when I put his in her, whatever she caved will come back in light speed giving her adrenaline."

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