"Get him out."

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He's stuck in his old cell again. Right when he was clean for a good 3 months, he's back. Being held against his will and banging his head on the bars every so often.

It wasn't something you agreed on either. Tony, the big asshole with no sympathy for your boyfriend, locked him up. Saying the same shit he says everytime, "He's not safe, Y/n. You'll thank me one day." One day, you'd thank him with a punch to his face and the bruise rising in his eye. You hated seeing your boyfriend locked up, held there until everyone felt it was okay to let him out. It pissed you off to the universe and beyond. Busting through the Avengers HQ and almsot breaking the doors, you were face to face with the jackass that put him in there in the first place. Backing up into a wall, Tony raised an eyebrow at your sudden burst of adrenaline in your system.

"Give him out." You growled.

"Well, Good morning to you too. How was your day? Mine was-"

"I don't give two shits about your day! Hand him over!" You shouted cutting him off.

He sighed and slipped past you only for you to grab his shoulder, spin him around, and slam him against the wall again. With a pained groan, he let out a breath and moved your hand off his chest. Your blood boiling. As much as you saw Tony as a brother, he was being a Grade A asshole right now. He didn't care about how anyone felt when it came to safety, and frankly you didn't care that he didn't care. You did things your way anyway, you didn't need, get, or ask permission for shit. It was just you and your own rules.

"Just tell me, Stark. Or so help me I will blow you to the moon and back." You threatened balling your fists.

"No. I can't let him go and you know this, Y/n." He spoke sighing.

"He didn't do anything wrong! He was used! Again!" You blurted pointing at him, "You should show a little gratitude, Tony. He saved your fucking life once. Remember?"

"H.Y.D.R.A wouldn't have been here if he didn't come here! That was on him. As a trained assassin he should've known he was being followed."


Tony shrugged and got out your grip once more. You've had enough. You tried getting to him without breaking things but that clearly wasn't the answer, not this time at least. With a huff of anger you kicked his back that was to you, just for fun, and made your way to the cells. Getting to the stairwells, you jumped over the rail and fell a good 3 feet before you tumbled to the floor. Rolling so you don't break anything, you jumped to your feet and took off. Sliding and moving through the hallways, you know the way to his cell like the back of your hand. When he was captured back in 2013 and still in his WS days, you visited him now and then. You felt bad that no one had at least an ounce of pity for the guy except for you and Steve. You were the only one who he'd talk to and let you in, you broke down his walls and helped him become a better person at heart. You helped him accept who he was, accept that he's here now and that he can make a difference by becoming someone that people look up too. He trusted you with his life and he'd never turn down on that.

Finally taking that last turn, you were met with his cell door. You took a few deep breaths catching yours and took out a key card you stole from a S.H.E.I.L.D agent a few seconds ago. Swiping it across the scanner the door opened, you pushed your way through and scanned the room. Your eyes finally landing on his figure in the corner of the room, hiding in the shadows. You made your way over to him and dropped on your knees, your hands quickly found his face as you examined him. His expression was a mix of confusion and relief. He was happy to see you but he didn't understand why you were back, even after the incident.

"Y/n?" He mumbled gently grabbing your wrists, "W-what are you doing here?"

You grabbed his hand and pulled him up, "Getting you out of here. We have a good 5 minutes before they come in and get you again."

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