Sebastain Stan: (At home interview)

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Idea. Basically. Help :).

Quick note: The recent news on our beloved cinnamon roll has me pissed. I can't belive people want to cancel him and get thim out the new movie he's making. It hurts, a lot. And the fact that people are blaming him for his gf has me pissed as well, that he has to take the blame for her and get attacked for it as well. Fake people get on my nerves, I came across 5 videos on Tik tok where people said he wasn't supporting him anymore.

He needs a hug. My bby dosen't deserve this.

Anyways, on with the story.

Text of Story: Short.


"Alright!" You shouted plopping down in your seat next to Sebastain, "Let's do this!"

Sebastain chuckles sitting next to you and Anthony sits down as well. You three grab your jars of questions and take a deep breath before Anthony starts talking.

He clears his throat dramatically, "What's up, I'm Anthony Mackie."

"Y/n Y/l/n."

"Sebastain Stan."

"And were here to secretly die and answer your questions." Anthony jokes, "Who's- me? Am I-"

"I mean you can if you want..." You trail off looking between the two.

"I can go first, maybe?" Sebastain mumbles.

"My Pizza is about to burn, I vote Mackie!" You blurt joking.

"Alright, okay. Fine." Anthony chuckles reaching into the Jar and grabbing a piece of paper, "Okay. 'Anthony talks about Sebastains couch like he's married to it. How come you didn't invite me Mackie?'"

"Yeah Mackie, how come?" You speak up smiling, "I wasn't invited and I didn't that offensive."

"Well, Sebastains couch and I.....are married. Yes." He nods his head.

"He's never been to my house!" Sebastain laughs, "He's never come over!"

"I have too! Y/n's FaceTimed me enough that me and your couch are practically married." Mackie argued.

"Agh, whatever. My turn!" Seb reached in the Jar and pulled out his first peice of paper, " 'Sebastain Stan. That's it. That's the tweet.' I'm very confused."

"Oh my God." You laughed along with Anthony, "That's it. No further explanation, and I agree with youuu......Roxy42. I agree. My turn!"

You pulled out the piece of paper, " 'Y/n Y/l/n, God. Literal God.' Yes. Yes I am."

"I mean, you are a God to me." Seb nudged your arm, "And is to be treated like one!"

"Although my highness will serve our country well," Anthony played along with his best knight voice, "She is to have the finest gold and jewelry."

"Yes. I agree." Seb sustained a laugh.

"Whatever." You giggle playfully pushing them.

After a few more minutes everyone went through their peices of paper with questions and comments. You three were down to your last ones. You grabbed your water sipping it and let our a satisfied sigh as you sat it back down on the table infront of you three.

"Okay, last ones. I'm ready!" You clap your hands together and watch Anthony go first again.

He sighed picking up the paper, " 'How did Anthony's chocolate skin not be in my bed right now? Where art thou?' Well, I mean, hit me up. We could....I don't know. Hang out. Seriously, give me your number."

You laughed, "Desperate!"

"Wow. Anthony's got a girl now, I'm so proud." Sebastain chuckles grabbing his paper, " 'Sebastain needs to do a world tour, that way everyone can see him and fangirl until they hit the floor lmao.'"

"I mean you should." You agree, "I swear I've seen people hit the floor over pictures of you. I've seen it all."

"Yes. Sebastain's beauty has that effect you know? God has favorites." Anthony mumbled near the end.

Sebastain chuckles running a hand through his hair, "Uhm, I mean I can try. If- If that's possible to do that. Yeah, I will. Thanks, person!"

You smiled grabbing your last peice, " 'Can we just say that Y/n is a whole package? I mean the Humor, looks, style, and her shoe game? Give me please. I want.' Ugh, thank you! Getting noticed for the shoe game!"

Sebastain chuckles, "Litterally all she buys are hightops and maybe some heels. Big maybe."

"But, Y/n's shoe game is pretty cool. Person's not wrong here." Anthony cocks his head to the side a bit looking at you.

"Oh my God, Sebastain is just jealous." You blurt as he scoffs, "Yes! I said it! Jealous. You should see this man in the store. He won't buy a pair for the love of God but hate on me because I pick out shoes he had his eye on or because they look better than the one's he was going to get. Jealousy shopper."

"Am not!.....I-I just make sure their not better than mine." He speaks, "Shit, that's the samething."

You all start laughing as you shake your head putting the Jar back on the table. The two following your movements and taking a deep breath getting themselves together. You clap your hands together and look at the camera, you lips in a tight smile.

"These, were the best comments I've ever gotten. Uhm, and I'm sad we couldn't do this in-person like at Comic Con or Wizard world. I miss you guys and signing autographs." You half fake cry wiping away a fake tear causing the two men to chuckle, "Uhm, anyways. So, I have a pizza to make and hope we can do this again in-person this time."

You finished your goodbyes and so did Mackie and Seb. You ended the video, and went to make your pizza. Sebastain followed laughing, you looked back confused.

"What? You didn't think I was being serious? I'm hungry!" You smiled taking out the frozen pizza.

"Can I get some?" He asked, his mouth near your ear as he wrapped his arms around your waist.

You laughed a bit taking it out the cardboard box as Sebastain kissed your neck lightly, "Sure."

Anthony came over and silently gagged as he got a mug and grabbed the soda out the fridge.

"The more you two do that the more sick I feel in my stomach." Anthony said pouring his drink.

Sebastain smirked kissing your neck one more time before turning to Anthony, "Don't even go there, Mackie. You want a girlfriend so bad-"

"Yeah. Maybe he can get one if he hits up that girl from the video." You cut in putting the Pizza in the oven, "I'm sure she'd like to hangout with you."

"Yep." Sebastain agreed hugging you again this time from behind, both of you facing Mackie.

Anthony scoffed, "Can we just get the pizza done?"

"HA! He's mad about it! Look at his face!" You pointed laughing at how Mackie tried to hide.

"Stop it!" Anthony swatted walking away.

"Anthony needs a girlfriend!" Seb chimed, "Anthony needs a girlfriend!"

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