Harry turns his flashlight on because the lights coming from the log wall by the beach are bright enough to highlight our path.

"Then I'll have a look on my jog tomorrow morning. What number is it?"


"16. I like that number. That's how old I was when my whole world changed for the better."

I smile. "Sixteen hey. To think that was only five years ago. It feels like so much longer. I can't believe how much has changed in only five years."

He lets out a deep breath of air. "I know. You didn't even have boobs five years ago."

I hit his chest. "Shut up. I mean, to be honest I didn't even have boobs up until I got pregnant."

Harry laughs. "I've always loved your body, but I'll admit that I really am loving these pregnancy boobs. Do you think you'll be able to keep them?" He asks, lowering his hand from my shoulder and giving my boob a firm squeeze.

"I don't know, maybe I'll ask our daughter for permission." I pause for a moment, thinking about what he just said. "Do you think you'll be able to keep them." I repeat him mockingly.

"What do you like about the house? I mean, from what I could see it is beautiful. It has the most perfect view of the ocean. The beach is basically your backyard."

"You said it yourself. The view of the ocean is perfect and the beach is your backyard. You'll see it in the daylight but the kitchen is facing this way so you look out the kitchen window to see the gorgeous view. It would make washing the dishes enjoyable."

"Hailey, you never wash the dishes. Besides, with a house that modern I'm sure that it has a dishwasher. Maybe even three dishwashers."

"It's not just the kitchen view. There's floor to ceiling windows and it's so spacious. Like, it's a big house but not too big that you'll get lost in it. I like the homely vibe that it gives. I haven't been inside but I can only imagine how beautiful it is. And it has a fireplace. Not many homes here have fireplaces as there's never really a need for them. It doesn't get that cold here in the winter. And most people just use ducted heating in their homes."

He nods his head. "Right. So you like the homely vibe and the fireplace. Oh, and the windows."

"And the Hampton's facade. I was born and raised by the beach so the Hampton's style has always been my favourite. The dark grey paneling around the house and the off white coloured roof with the rockery trimmings. I just love the house. It was built when I was fourteen. Each day I would walk past and see the progress of it getting built. Then as I got older and it was finally finished, I would purposely walk this route so that I could walk past it and admire it from afar. I would love to take a look inside it but that would be creepy."

"I'm surprised that you don't know the people who live in there."

"Well I'm actually not too sure. I do know a lot of people in the area but the man who owns that house keeps to himself. I've only seen him driving out in his Porsche a couple of times. I heard a rumour that he had built this house for his wife and three young children but his wife cheated on him and took off to Spain with the kids."

"That's horrible. I hope that's not true."

"Yeah, I know."

"How are the pains? Are you feeling alright?" Harry asks me curiously.

I nod my head. "Walking helps."

Earlier on in the week, I made a panic call to the hospital because I was experiencing severe pain and I couldn't feel her moving around as much anymore. I feared that something had happened to her. So I had an ultrasound and the doctor basically laughed at me.

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