Chapter 109 Years Roll By

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Where have all the years gone? Mariah asked Tessa as they were cuddling up in bed. I have no idea smiled Tessa. Fifty years! Wow! Who'd have thought we would have got to this milestone? Smiled Mariah as she propped herself up to drink her coffee. I would say Tessa What? Do you mean to say that when we got together you knew we'd get to fifty years of married life? Well no not exactly said Tessa But I did know once we were together this was it for me. I'd found the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. She smiled at Mariah and then leaned in to kiss her. A lot of stuff has happened since we first meet said Tessa. It sure has said, Mariah. Some good some bad! They both laughed. You can say that again said Tessa I mean at the beginning who would have thought we'd have all this, two wonderful girls, four lovely granddaughters, and an amazing house I built for you. We've had a great time, haven't we? We sure have said, Mariah 

I'm guessing the girls know what day this is? Oh yes! Laughed Tessa So we can expect they have planned something then ? said Mariah Well I'm not too sure said Tessa If they have organized something they have not let the cat out of the bag to me and I'm guessing you don't know either? Nope! smiled Mariah Well I guess we ought to get up? How do you fancy doing some yoga down at the lake house? Err! Ok, you don't have to said Tessa I'll go down and do it by myself. I said err because I was wondering if you fancied another form of exercise? Mariah smiled at her wife and then cupped her face and pulled it towards her and kissed her passionately. Oh, I see said Tessa finally cottoning on to what Mariah was suggesting! She started to kiss Mariah deeper and as they went on thing's escalated. 

Tessa was going down Mariah's body she knew every inch of it by now, she knew where all Mariah's erogenous zone's where too so that she could give her the most powerful orgasms. Mariah was just as adept with Tessa's body she loved how Tessa's body would move if she touched her in a certain way or she nibbled at her ear lobe. Mariah was astride Tessa as they entered their fingers into one another. They may be in their seventies but boy oh boy they knew how to press one another's buttons. Once they both screamed out in ecstasy they fell back onto the bed out of sheer exhaustion. Both of them could not speak. Tessa slid out of bed, wrapping her dressing gown around herself as she headed for the door! Where are you going? asked Mariah.  Tessa turned around and looked at her stunning wife and said. Well, I thought I would go down and make some more coffee after that session and bring it back up here. 

How about instead I get my gown on and we make the coffee together and take them down to the lake house? It's a gorgeous day out. Ok, that sounds lovely said Tessa walking back over and kissing her wife. Right, let's go then said Mariah as Tessa helped her into her dressing gown. When they got downstairs, Mariah's phone was buzzing she looked down at the screen. Well, that was good timing Mariah smiled. The girls? said, Tessa. Yes! How did you know? Tessa started to laugh. I don't know how they do it, but have you not noticed we either get messages before after, or during sex !! I think they're all psychic. Mariah burst out laughing. I've never thought of it like that until you just mentioned it. After all these years too! Laughed Tessa. The coffee machine just finished doing its job. Tessa made them a latte with soya milk. She handed one to Mariah.

I must admit over the years you make a lovely coffee just like we used to get when mom used to make it in Crimson Lights. Mariah smiled at Tessa Thanks! They walked hand in hand down the garden admiring all the plants they've planted over the years. They also stopped at the tree they had planted in memory of Samantha CC the granddaughter they never got to meet. It had grown over six meters and had the most amazing pink blossom when it came back into leaf after the winter. Sitting down and admiring their view Tessa turned to Mariah and took her hand. Thank's for everything Mariah. She lent in for a kiss. What was that for ? said Mariah Oh you know, me being a sentimental old fool. Mariah smiled at her. "Tessa" You can be as sentimental as you want. And you know I have to thank you for everything too don't you? Why do you have to thank me? You're the one who rescued me all those years ago. I dread to think where I might have ended up if you hadn't, come out of Crimson lights that day? 

I was literally living hand to mouth, washing in garage restrooms when I could and my clothes! Well, they stank until I meet a lovely launderette lady here in GC who took pity on me and washed them all with someone else's so that I only had to pay half of what it should have cost me. And then Abby gave me a regular gig at society and you signed me and you found the condo which we hung onto for years. Ten the stardom and going on tour, all the TV specials, Grammy awards. After all that there has only been you. She smiled at Mariah with tears in her eyes. The icing on the cake was you asking me to marry you and then we found our daughters. Oh by some miracle were named after our two sisters, it's as if the stars were aligned for us to meet and the rest just fell into place. I love you so much Mariah, it's been an amazing journey. So thank you from the bottom of my heart. Mariah was now in tears. Wow! Did you rehearse that? No! It just flowed out smiled Tessa.

Well, where do I start with you? Mariah said as she wiped away the tears. I can still remember what that voice of yours did to me that day in the coffee house. It was just a normal day I did day in and day out before I went to work. I would always pop in to see mom for my usual coffee on the way to power communications. But this day! Oh boy! First of all, mom had the day off so wasn't there and then I sat down with my coffee and this angelic voice hit me and gave me goosebumps. When I came outside I saw your beautiful face. Tessa smiled. The only trouble was it was more than that! After I left and we'd made arrangement's to meet up later, I knew I was in trouble! Trouble ? said Tessa Yeah! There was something about you that made all these alarm bells start to ring inside of me. I'd never had that feeling with any other woman or man for that matter! It scared the crap out of me! I remember, said Tessa grinning. What I didn't know at the time was you were feeling it too! I was said to Tessa. I can honestly say I've never had that feeling again. Me neither smiled Mariah.

Ever since that day I have felt like the luckiest woman alive, having you by my side. "Tessa" You have been my go-to, my rock, best friend, lover, and best of all my soul mate. I love you more and more as each day passes. I've been so happy being your wife. She smiled at Tessa. The icing on the cake for me has obviously been our kids, but when you built me all of this (she pointed at the house) and did it in the style you knew I would love, that goes above and beyond everything. I'm so glad I walked out to investigate that day because it changed my life forever and for the better. We've had over fifty wonderful years together and here's hoping we have fifty more years! Steady on laughed Tessa. That would mean we'd be one hundred and twenty and with the best will in the world, I know the odds will be stacked against us for that one. Mariah laughed You are probably right! Let's just take it one day at a time said Tessa and see what happens. Ok said Mariah snuggling into her wife. Later that day the whole family came around to celebrate two amazing women and their achievement of lasting over fifty years together.

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