Chapter 24 Cheating !

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January in Australia was the start of their summer. Tessa was loving her time there. the only thing missing was Mariah. They had just managed a handful of calls while she'd been here. Mariah had been so busy herself traveling all over America. They had not even managed one zoom call. She'd been in different time zones too, which upset Tessa because she'd not seen Mariah's face since the day she'd left for work and Tessa went to the airport to start this tour.

It had been four weeks already, and there was no sign from Mariah when she would be able to see her. She sent a message to her when she'd finished her gig in Sydney. It was 1am Sunday morning here so Mariah is 17 hour's behind in Wisconsin which makes it 8am Saturday morning there, so we might be able to arrange something later when I wake up maybe?

She wrote Hi I've just finished in Sydney and don't move to Melbourne until Monday. So I'll be free later once I wake up if you want to zoom call? Love you T x  In Wisconsin Mariah's phone pinged argh!  She thought as she lent over and reached it on her bedside table. It was her first lie in bed since Tessa had left.

Things had been insane since she'd left, Mariah looked at her planner, god Tessa had been gone four weeks already! Not only that but she will only be in Australia for another two days and then she'll be flying to New Zealand for the next leg, which means the time difference will stretch to 19 hours for them to deal with, god this was harder than I thought it was going to be. We've only managed to talk once a week since she left. We need to sort this out. She texted her back and told her she was off for the day, so message me once your up. She forgot to add I love you. 

Tessa received the text just before her eyelids shut tight, she noticed there was no I Love you from Mariah. At 10am Sydney time Tessa woke up in her room, she looked out of the window and had a view of Sydney harbor. She thought of Mariah and their view in San Francisco when she proposed. She looked at the clock and worked out the time difference it will be about 5pm. So she texted Mariah Do you want to zoom call? Within minutes her phone pinged YES! Tessa made herself some coffee and got propped up on the bed with her laptop, Mariah sat on the sofa waiting for the screen to come to life.

Beep! Beep! The picture came through and there was Tessa on the screen. Hi! Hi! You look so good said Tessa Ah well I don't feel good said Mariah I'm a bit jet-lagged. It's the first day I've had off since you left. Wow! You have been busy, no wonder we've been unable to talk said Tessa Yeah! I'm sorry this sucks said Mariah and it will get worse when you move to New Zealand for the next leg on Wednesday.

Mariah look we know one another's schedules we could try harder. I know it's hard. With that there was a knock on Tessa's door, excuse me I have to answer that, she left Mariah hanging, she was talking to a girl Mariah could make that much out, she also heard her say Yeah! I'll just finish this call and come and find you. Oh no! Thought Mariah she wouldn't? When Tessa came back Mariah asked who was that? Tessa just said Oh it was just housekeeping they wanted to clean the room. Mariah thought that was not room service! Why was she lying? 

They chatted about this and that, and then Tessa asked her if she had any idea yet when she could come and see her? Err No! It's not looking good for a while I'm sorry. Are you traveling again? Asked Tessa. Yeah! There are a lot of influencers that we want to sign up quickly before anyone else does. So what are you saying? It's not looking good until after you leave New Zealand. But that's going to be another month Tessa said I was hoping you would come for at least Valentine's I've planned a couple of days off. hoping you would be with me.

I'm sorry Tessa there's nothing I can do. Mariah was cross, she had a job too, and she couldn't just drop everything. Well, I guess that's it then said Tessa I'd better let you go. I'm ok to talk some more? No! it's fine said Tessa getting upset, I guess I'll call you some time from New Zealand? Well yes, I'd love that. With that, Tessa didn't say goodbye; she just cut off and cried on her pillow. Mariah was left flabbergasted! What just happened? I need to sort this out and get my arse to New Zealand for Valentine's and surprise her.

Back in Sidney Tessa went looking for Tamsin. She was one of the singers in one of her warm-up band's. They had clicked not long after they arrived here in Australia, she found her easy-going and to talk to and she was great company. Tessa found her in the lobby. Hey! Oh hi, Tessa are you ready to go explore Sydney? Yeah! Let's go.

They had a great day, climbing the Sydney Harbour bridge, looking around the harbor area in general, and took a boat trip, Tessa loved the water. Coming back to the hotel Tessa invited Tamsin back to her suit. She was still mad about Mariah not being able to come and visit, and she didn't know why she did it but she kissed Tamsin. Then one thing just leads to another ! Tessa woke up the next morning, looked out at the view, and then realized!! NO ! she screamed and woke Tamsin up. Tessa, it's ok said Tamsin I knew what this was when I started kissing you. 

I'm sorry said Tessa this won't be happening again I love Mariah Why have I just done this to us? Because once Mariah finds out that will be the end. She doesn't have to find out! said Tamsin Oh yes she does said Tessa Because I'm supposed to be getting married to her when this tour is over. So I'm going to have to tell her I can't live with a lie like this. She's never going to forgive me! I'm sorry, you'd better go. Tamsin left and Tessa sobbed into her pillow.

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