Chapter 97 For The Finale !

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Mariah and Tessa were now approaching sixty-five years old, they had just finished celebrating another wedding anniversary. Did you ever think we'd be together this long? asked Mariah Well I was hoping that you'd be the one said, Tessa. So I guess in that vein it's not worked out too bad. She smiled at Mariah. I guess we've not done too bad considering all our ups and down's said, Mariah. I'm glad Cassie and Crystal were able to sort something out with Sharon about the coffee house when she decided to retire. Yeah! Now, look what's happened! Can't believe Cee Cee and Tessa now live here with Sharon, until they can afford a place of their own. And they run the coffee house for her. She loves their company, I think it's keeping her young, even though she's eighty now. I agree smiled Tessa. I know there is something on your mind said Mariah so come on spill, you know I hate dragging it out of you. Ok! smiled Tessa.

Well, I'm getting to that age where if I don't do this now I'm never going to do it again. Do what? asked Mariah. Well, I was thinking of doing a final tour, as a farewell to my singing career. Oh wow! I know it would mean me being away for a while, but I've really had it on my mind for about the last five years, and I can see myself reaching seventy on the horizon and being bummed that I didn't do it. I can see where your coming from said Mariah Really ? said Tessa I honestly thought you'd say I was insane! Mariah laughed. Look you've been lucky to of had an amazing career and I understand you'd want to give the fans what they've wanted for a long time. I know you've done songs for movies and TV specials etc, but you come alive when you're on stage in front of thousands of your adoring and faithful fans. Not to mention the #Teriah fans said, Tessa. I mean I'm hoping you'll be there for some of the epic concerts? Well, are you going to do a world tour? asked Mariah. I don't know yet . I just wanted to do a tour as a last hurrah said, Tessa.

What does my management say? She looked at Mariah. Mariah laughed I guess you ought to do a world tour seeing as you have worldwide fans. Ok! Well, that will mean I'll need to be away a lot more. Are you ok with that? Mariah walked over to her wife and gave her a passionate kiss. I can't say I'm going to enjoy being left behind said Mariah. But this is obviously something you have thought about for a long time, so I'm not going to stand in your way. Tessa kissed her wife and swept her off her feet! "Tessa" Put me down, you don't want to put your back out. I've got you said Tessa. I've had years of practice carrying you up these stairs. The sex wasn't quite as physical as it used to be, but for sixty-five-year-olds, it was still bloody amazing! In the next few months, Mariah helped Tessa plan a route for the tour. She was doing it the opposite way around this time. She would start in London and work her way through Europe, before doing Dubai, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, and finally all over the USA for the final three months. 

What Tessa didn't know was that Mariah was in talks with Cassie to take over power while she went with Tessa on tour. She'd always wanted to travel the world with her. Mariah told Cassie they would come back every time Tessa had a break in the tour, which roughly would be every three months or so, or at least that's what Mariah was hoping it would be. Mariah felt comfortable leaving because Cee Cee and Tessa more or less looked after Sharon now, she also knew the business could not be in more capable hands than Cassie's. She told, the girls to keep it a secret from their mommy if they possibly could? Obviously, for the USA leg, Mariah made sure she booked their favorite room in San Francisco. They decided the tour would start in January so that they could have a lovely Christmas with the girls and the grandchildren at home.

While they were all together over Christmas, Cassie and Crystal had their own surprises! They were both going to be buying houses in Wisconsin because they were getting fed up with all the hustle and bustle of New York and wanted some peace and quiet. I know Cassie and Jo can more or less work from here said Mariah, but Crystal and Sophie what about you? Well, we've been very lucky to earn well-said Crystal so we were thinking of buying the theatre in town and giving it a refurb, and then opening it up to touring companies. We know a lot of people in the business now so think we'll do great said Sophie. We had a look inside the last time we were here, it needs a lot of work inside said Crystal but we think we can get the backing to do it? Well, girls that is, such wonderful new's isn't it Tessa? said Mariah Tessa was dumbfounded.  Well yes obviously, it's amazing said Tessa. Will it be finished by the time I finish my tour? It might be mommy. Why ? asked Crystal 

Well, I started here in GC thanks to your mom, so it will be a wonderful way for me to pay GC back. How about we make it a benefit concert and I'll do it for free and I'm sure I and you could do a duet? She looked at Crystal Oh wow! That would be wonderful said Crystal. We've not done that together since you and mom got married. Oh yeah! And you bravely sang in front of twenty thousand people.  They both smiled at one another. Ok, you two stop reminiscing said Mariah laughing. This tour you're going on it's not you saying goodbye to singing, is it? said Cassie No! No! just touring said, Tessa. When the new year struck, Mariah took Tessa down to the boathouse. Why are we down here? asked Tessa. Well first of all I wanted to do this Mariah kissed her wife. Happy New Year. Happy New Year to you too my love. Now that's out of the way, I was wondering if you'd like a fangirl to come on tour with you? A fangirl ? said, Tessa. Yeah! Someone who's loved your music for the last thirty-something years or is it forty now? Since I saw you on that outside patio. 

Oh, don't ask me said, Tessa. you know what I'm like with dates. They both laughed. You mean, you want to visit me while I'm on tour? Err not exactly said, Mariah. I'm confused then said, Tessa. Well, I thought if you're up for it? I was going to travel with you and come to every concert your going to do. Oh my god ! Really? Oh, Mariah that! That will be just the icing on the cake, us travel the world together. It's going to be insane, the #Teriha fans are going to love it. What made you think of coming? asked Tessa Well I just thought it's now or never! We've managed to have such an amazing life and I love seeing you in concert, and when you said you wanted to do one final tour, I just asked the girls if they would take care of mom while we're away, and like you always say to me Cassie can do my job standing on her head. I had no idea they were all thinking of moving back to Wisconsin though. No neither did I said Tessa Their not doing it because you asked them to look after Sharon are they ? Oh no! I don't think so said Mariah. But we can go and ask them if you want ? I'm guessing seeing as I leave in a week you have already booked all the hotel's and your tickets smiled Tessa. Of course, Mariah kissed her again.

But let's go back and enjoy having the girls here, mind you if they're moving back we may want to be away, to have the peace and quiet. Laughed Tessa She grabbed Mariah and lead her back up to the house, where their kids and grandchildren were all bogeying away to the music. They did turn it down when their moms entered. Well said, Cassie. Well, what ? said Tessa Is mom going on tour with you of course? Tessa looked at Mariah. Can we ask a question before we answer that said, Mariah? Sure said the girls. Are you all moving back here to GC because I asked you to look after grandma if I go on tour? No! No! They both shouted in unison. We want the kids to have the life we had growing up, and we hate being so far away and we really are getting fed up with city life. We just want a bit of peace and quiet and build our own homes, as mommy did for you. Crystal and Cassie both smiled at them. In that case. Yes! Mommy said yes to me going with her.

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