Chapter 74 Round Two

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Dr. Grey's office had got hold of them and asked them to come in. Mariah was hoping she would get her sutures out at the same time. It had been three weeks since the surgery was done and she felt in good shape. She had done the exercises religiously so she had good arm movement. Tessa got her into the car and off they went, she was holding Mariah's hand as she drove to the hospital. Are you ok  Tessa asked. Yes, I think so said Mariah Are you? Well, I'm a bit apprehensive about what they might say but other than that I'm good. You've done really well since the surgery. Yeah! I've not felt too bad smiled Mariah although we've got the worst bit to come I think. Yes! I don't think the next bit's going to be much fun for you she said squeezing Mariah's hand. But I'm going to be here holding your hand no matter what. Tessa gave her a huge smile. I'm glad you're here with me too ! said Mariah. I don't think there is any way I would have gotten through all of this without you. She squeezed Tessa's hand back.

Once they arrived at the hospital they grabbed a coffee and headed toward Dr. Grey's office. When they arrived they were shown in. Hi, you two said Dr. Grey. How have you been Mariah? Fine, I've been doing the exercises you told me to do so I can now do this. She showed how good her movement was. Wow! That's brilliant said, Dr. Grey. Now I expect you'd like me to take out those sutures for you? Yes please said Mariah My wife won't touch me until they come out. She smiled at Tessa who turned bright red. So Dr. Grey got her onto the table and took out the sutures. It's all looking good she said. Mariah asked why she had done a lymph node incision as well? I thought I didn't have to have one of those? Well, I had a feel around while you were under and found a few nodules on one of them, so I took it out as a precaution. Do you have any results? asked Tessa in a concerned voice. Yes! We do said, Dr. Grey. It showed that you definitely have cancer. Mariah grabbed Tessa's hand. And it looks like I was right to take that one lymph node out too.

I'm just glad I took the chance and took it out when I did, otherwise you would have to go under the knife again. Is it still looking like stage two? Mariah asked cautiously. Yee thank goodness, even with the lymph node involved. Dr. Grey smiled at them. So she said I want you to continue with the exercises and keep those wounds clean and healing nicely. You can now have baths and showers, which means it gives you a bit more freedom. Oh, I was enjoying my wife giving me bed baths, she smiled at Tessa who turned bright red and got all embarrassed. I want you back here in about three weeks to start Radiation therapy. So you need to get as fit as you can, without overdoing it too much obviously said, Dr. Grey. Ready for the next part. Which Mariah no matter what you do it will be brutal on your body, and you and Tessa need to be ready for that. Ok, Doc I will be ready. Ok, good said Dr. Grey. Any more questions? Yes ! said Mariah Seeing as my body is going to be put through the mill in the next few months. When can I have sex with my wife? Mariah smiled. Dr. Grey smiled back and said I think you are good to go! Just be careful where the sutures were for the next week. They should be fully healed by then. Ok, that's great thanks very much. They got up and shook hands. See you in three week's said Mariah over her shoulder. 

They got back in the car. What would you like to do? Mariah asked Tessa. How about we go for a ride in the car out to Lake Winnebago we've not been there in a while and watch the sunset and have a bit to eat? That sounds wonderful said, Mariah. Let's go! Once there they had some lovely seafood for lunch, and they cuddled up in the car to watch the sunset. Mariah never saw it though. The day had caught up with her and she had fallen asleep in Tessa's arms. When she woke up an hour later the sun had gone! Oh no! Why didn't you wake me ? she turned to Tessa. Because you looked so peaceful in my arms and you needed the rest. I didn't mind that you didn't see it, I did take photos for you to see. Look. Wow! It is spectacular here, isn't it? Mariah kissed Tessa. Thanks for doing that for me. Your welcome smiled Tessa. Right we need to get you home, so you can have a nice soak in the bath, while I make us something for dinner. Ok sounds lovely said Mariah leaning over and giving her another kiss.

Once indoors Tessa went up and ran Mariah a  bath, she lit all the candles, but she wasn't allowed to put anything in the water, because of Mariah's operation, so the candles will have to do for now. She called Mariah up. Are you not joining me? Mariah said wickedly. No! No! You just chill. I'll go and shower and then head down to make dinner. You take all the time you need. Ok, thanks. Mariah kissed her more deeply. God, I want her! thought Mariah. Tessa was cooking away and never heard Mariah coming. She grabbed Tessa around her waist. Hey hey! Was that bath lovely for you? Oh, it was divine! Not that I didn't enjoy you giving me a bed bath, and we might have to go back to that once I have the radiotherapy, or even during the treatment. She turned Tessa around and started kissing her. "Mariah" I. You what? I'm scared! Scared of what? Hurting you! "Tessa" I promise we will take thing's really slow and it may not be as physical as usual. She smiled. But I want you, and I want us to have a lot of sex in the next three weeks! Tessa laughed. Oh really? 

Yeah! Look it may be months before I'm going to feel like myself again, and you're going to have a lot to put up with, so come on, please. Well seeing as you asked so nicely smiled Tessa. I guess dinner will have to wait. She picked Mariah up and took her back upstairs. At least the one good thing was they didn't have to worry about the girls walking in on them. But they did double lock the front door so Sharon could not come in, and they turned their phones off! So they wouldn't be disturbed. Tessa put Mariah down once they had reached the bed. They started kissing and removing one another's clothes. They moved to the bed and started devouring one another. Tessa was being very careful where she put her hands on Mariah so that she wouldn't hurt her. It's ok Mariah whispered  You won't hurt me. Tessa looked at her lying there, she had tears in her eyes. Hey! Mariah stopped what she was doing to her. She pulled her in for a cuddle. I'm sorry said, Tessa. Hey, it's ok said, Mariah. Why the tears? Well, I just looked down at you just now and thought, I love those breasts of yours, and things are going to change. "Tessa" Depending on what happens I can have it rebuilt if I'm not happy with the shape etc. And I know it's a lot to deal with and I know you're trying so hard not to upset me because I've asked you all to do that for me. But if you need to let it all out, then for goodness sake do it. you don't have to be brave all the time.

If you don't want to let me see you, then go to my mom's or your favorite place in the garden. "Mariah" I'm just scared of what's coming! When you're dealing with stuff you start putting these walls up to protect yourself, and you don't like letting people in not even me! And I don't want you to do that because I think you need all the help you can get and that means you will have to open up about stuff that's bothering you, especially to me. Do you think you can try to do that? She cupped Tessa's face. I will try my best is all I can say. Good, I hope you do said Tessa smiling and then kissing her passionately. They then got back to making love to one another. As usual, they were both starving afterward. With PJs on Tessa headed back down to the kitchen and finished off the dinner, and turned their phones back on which promptly came to life with messages from the girls asking how the appointment had gone? Plus another from Sharon asking where they were seeing as she'd popped down and found the door locked! That brought a smile to Tessa's face. Why the smile asked Mariah coming up behind her and wrapping her arm's around her. Your mom came over. Also, the girls want an update. Ok ! I'll go do that at the table while you finish off cooking, it looks delicious. Tessa turned around and kissed her on the lips.

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