Chapter 34 I thought she was gone ?

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It was coming up to their first wedding anniversary. Tessa was now so popular that she was doing TV shows, Mariah's job at Jabot was going from strength to strength. They were sitting on their couch and yes they were still in the condo! They had been looking for a new place, but they saw nothing they both liked.  The mattress on the sofa bed did have to be changed for a new one though. Mariah turned to Tessa and said I'm sorry I have to go to Paris. Mariah, it's ok we both have busy jobs. It's just a shame I can't come with you.

You do get back in time for us to celebrate our anniversary though so that's good. Yeah! What do you want to do? Just dinner? Or something else? Well, I was thinking let's clear our diaries for a couple of days and then maybe, get on a plane and go to San Francisco and stay in our favourite room, for a little mini-break. Oh yes please that sound's wonderful. Ok, I'll sort it while you're in Paris.

At 7pm Tessa drove Mariah to GC airport, kissed her goodbye and went back to the condo via the usual coffee house, where she saw Sharon. Hi! Hi said, Tessa. Has she left? Yep! Tessa looked sad, Tessa she will be ok. Yeah I know, it's just we've not been apart since I went on that world tour, so it feels a bit weird. Well, you'll be keeping yourself busy while she's gone. I know! Oh on a good vibe I'm going to book up our favourite place for our anniversary. We're both going to take a few days off, so it will be a nice little break. Oh, that sounds perfect said Sharon Tessa left her to it and travelled home.

I might have a nap thought Tessa, I've had such a busy time lately. It will take Mariah about ten hours to get to Paris. Which means she'll be going straight to bed when she gets there. Because she's seven hours ahead there, so it will be about 7pm here when she lands which means it will be 2am Paris time. So Tessa was not expecting her to call, until about 2pm her time which would make it 7am here in GC.

She woke up at 6am with her phone ringing. She looked at the screen blurry-eyed, Kyle? Why was he phoning? Hello Tessa! Err Kyle, why are you? Then the panic set in! Kyle was crying! "Kyle" she screamed! What has happened? Is she? No! no! She's in the hospital. She was in the cab, going to the hotel from the airport when a car broadsided them. It hit the passenger side. That's all I know. I'm on the phone with Paris, she's now stable. NOW? This happened hours ago. Does Sharon know? Yes! I managed to get hold of her first, I was calling you at the same time, but you must sleep deeply? Tessa was in tears you said she's stable now? Yeah her heart stopped beating at one point! Oh my god, Tessa was in bits.  I need to! Tessa I've booked you and Sharon on a flight, it leaves in four hours, so hurry I told Sharon you'd meet her at the airport. Err ok, I'll be there and Kyle thank you. 

Tessa rushed around like a lunatic, she didn't know how long she would be gone, but everything else stopped, I won't be able to do anything else until I know she's going to be ok? Sharon was in tears when Tessa reached the gate, they both collapsed into one another's arms. The plane journey was the longest flight Tessa had ever been on. Kyle had organised for a car to pick them up, he'd also organised a two-bedroom suite so they could stay together. Once there they showered and changed and headed for the hospital, where the doctor's filled them in on all of her injuries.

She was in a coma. Tessa was beside herself, Sharon didn't know what to do either. Once they had calmed them down and given them tea, they were taken to Mariah's room. She was lying so still, all the wires and machines were everywhere, and the bleeping was all you could hear. Tessa went up to the side of the bed and saw a massive bruise on the side of Mariah's head. This is what we're keeping an eye on said the doctor's she's had an MRI scan and we found a swelling on her brain, they're hoping it stays stable. But they had no idea if it would. Also, she has broken her back, Tessa and Sharon both gasped. But luckily it's not severed the spinal cord, she would have to learn how to walk again, however. On top of that that she had a broken arm and a fractured foot. She was in a mess that's for sure. Tessa kissed the top of her head and thought she was still here thank god.

Tessa looked at Sharon and held her hand, she's going to be ok said, Tessa. She's a fighter, she won't let a thing like this stop her. One of the machines went nut's all the doctors rushed in. She'd stopped breathing! "Mariah" Tessa screamed Come back do you hear me. They got pushed out of the room. Half an hour later and they had managed to bring her back, but doctors told them she needed surgery to relieve the pressure on her brain fast. Tessa went back into the room and took hold of Mariah's hand and whispered in her ear. I know you're in a bad way right now, but you are coming back to me. Do you hear me? I love you so much, we have so much to still do together. Please don't leave. The doctors came in and told Tessa they have to go now. Sharon and she kissed Mariah before they pushed her down the corridor to theatre.

Tessa phoned Kyle to tell him what was going on and said the next few hours would be life or death. The doctors told them to go back to the hotel and try and get some sleep. Because it will be a few hours before she would be out of theatre. But Tessa couldn't leave, she said she'd sleep in the family room until she knew Mariah was ok. Sharon was going to do the same, but Tessa said look this will be a long haul, so go and have a decent sleep in a comfy bed. I will phone I promise if you need to get back here fast. Ok said, Sharon. Tessa managed an hour, but then just could not sleep anymore. She phoned her management and told them what had happened, she told them to pull her out of everything for the forcible future, because this was going to take all of her energy. Luckily she was not on a major tour, so it was mainly interviews and photo shoot's to cancel.

Now she could just focus on Mariah and nothing else she told Sharon what she had done when she came back to the hospital. As Sharon came back they got word that Mariah had made it through the surgery. That's my girl said, Tessa. Sharon smiled. Mariah was pushed back to her room, she had bandages wrapped around her head with a tube out of the side. They were told this allowed the brain to expand and the fluid to drain. Her arm had also been pinned while she was there and her foot was realigned and put in plaster. She looked such a mess thought Tessa.

This is going to be the biggest test of our lives. Tessa decided at this point there was no way she was leaving until at least she regained conciseness. Sharon tried arguing with her, but Tessa just said I can't leave! So the hospital was very good and set up a bed and when Sharon came they would go and eat food. It was the only time she left Mariah's side. After a couple of days, Sharon finally got her to go back to the hotel and have a shower and change her clothes. She argued at first, Sharon just said Tessa this is going to take time and I know you want to be here twenty-four-seven, but your wife would want you to at least shower now and then. They both smiled at the thought. Kyle kept in touch constantly and said when it was safe to move her back to the States, he had laid on a special Medic Aeroplane.

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