Chapter 2 Crimson Lights

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After a very busy day, Mariah rushed back to the ranch where she lived with Sharon and Faith her little sister. She took a shower and changed and headed downstairs where she got caught by Sharon just as she was about to leave.

Wow, you look lovely said, Sharon. Thanks! Where are you off to looking like that? A date? She had a beautiful gold dress on.

No! No ! just meeting someone for a chat. Well, the chat must be important to you because you have defiantly dressed to impress. Are you sure it's not a date you're going on? Sharon smiled.

Mariah looked down at her dress and thought god what have I done? Am I OTT? She gave Sharon that look that said back off, please.

It's not a date! It's a coffee with a woman who was singing outside the coffee shop her name is Tessa. Oh wow! So your thinking of signing her? Don't know yet. But she has a wonderful voice and there's something about her. I have to go. Oh Ok.

As she headed for her car to drive back into town Mariah stopped. Why did I just say there is something about her?

At Crimson Lights Tessa was waiting. She had managed to have a quick wash in a garage restroom and changed her clothes. She was wearing a lovely red top and black skinny jeans. Not that she had much choice to be fair. Most of her clothes could do with a good wash at this point. She was also proud of the fact that she'd managed to wash her hair in the sink which had made her feel so much better, and she'd managed to find some makeup to put on. She had no idea why she was making so much effort for Mariah? But she had mentioned she signed artists so you never know your luck! She could use a break in her life.

When Mariah arrived she saw Tessa sitting on the patio with her back to her. She asked the waitress if she knew what Tessa was drinking? She said a Soy latte Mariah could not believe it and ordered two. She picked them up and walked through the patio doors.

Tessa looked up and saw this vision in a beautiful gold dress. Before she could stop herself this coming out of her mouth. Wow! Mariah smiled and said Hi yeah I'm a bit OTT for a coffee.  Not at all you look amazing. They both looked at one another with quizzical faces. What was going on? What is happening? They both thought.

Tessa started by telling Mariah a few things about herself. She had come from Chicago. She had a little sister called Crystal. Her parents are not the nicest people in the world. She'd had to learn how to survive at a very early on to protect her sister. So she thought if she came to a place where she could earn some money she could get her sister out.

Mariah just sat there in silence and contemplated everything Tessa was telling her. She was intrigued by this woman and wanted to get to know her more.

Tessa was saying Hello can you hear me ??  Mariah was flustered! Where did you go? Err nowhere special I was just thinking. Right well, it's your turn to tell me about you. Well, I was born here and I had a twin sister. Had? Yeah! I didn't know she existed until I came to GC. Woah, hang on you were born here? Yeah! It's a long story. But the short version is she died in a car crash at 14. I do have a little sister and brother. They have a different father to me. And as you know my mom owns this. Oh, and I was in a cult. Wait for what !! God, we both have a bit of a chequered past by the sound of it? 

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