Chapter 61 Home At Last !

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Three weeks later they were packing up Tessa's house, not to sell it! Just empty fridges and freezer and all the other things they had to do, before going back to GC for a while. Viola "the witch" had found a vocal coach who would get Tessa singing again. Her voice was more or less back to normal and Viola would have worked with her longer, but Tessa needed to see her girls again. So it made more sense to go home to GC for a while at least. Unbeknown to Mariah Tessa had a mission, she wanted to be able to tour her latest album which had not been released yet! She had to set herself a goal it stopped her from going crazy. Once her voice had come back to normal, she had been doing a few scales in secret, so that she would be ready. She was very careful she did take on board what Viola had said about if she pushed herself too hard and too quickly she may not have a vocal voice to perform with. Every time Mariah put a playlist on though augh! She found it so hard not to join in with the song. 

Mariah came down with the last suitcase, ok were all ready for the off in the morning. She smiled at Tessa. Great said Tessa I've ordered the Chinese, let's have some wine on the patio and enjoy the last of the sunshine for a while and wait for the food to arrive. Ok said, Mariah. Snuggled up on one of the outdoor sofas Mariah turned to Tessa, I understand now what you felt when you saw me in that hospital bed, plugged into everything. It was the worst feeling in the world said, Tessa. Mariah took the chain around her neck off and slid Tessa's ring off of it. She picked up her hand and said Tessa Coupland Porter will you marry me? I will said Tessa kissing her passionately, the meal arrived, and Tessa put everything in the warmer oven. Why are you putting it in there? Asked Mariah. Well, you've been treating me with kid gloves since this happened, and I need to make love to my wife. 

But we've made love? said Mariah We have said Tessa but not like we used to. So I'm going to show you that I'm ok and I won't break or have a heart attack! That's not funny said Mariah I'm sorry for the wrong choice of words. Mariah comes here please. "Tessa" Before Mariah could stop her, she had picked her up and threw her on the sofa inside. She then stripped off and managed to get Mariah the same. She had wanted this since leaving the hospital, she knew how Mariah felt about making love after the Paris accident because she'd done the same to her thinking she would break. Picking Mariah up she threw her over her shoulder and she fireman lifted her to the bedroom. Mariah was squealing for her to put her down. Your wish is my command she said as she threw her on the bed. Tongues and lips were going everywhere! Tessa managed to make Mariah come, she screamed her name out at the end, which Tessa loved. Mariah then flipped her over and said right you are for it! Tessa laughed and said yes please I'm all yours! When she came it was like an explosion going off, grabbing Mariah's head she kissed her like it was the last thing she was ever going to do. Mariah pulled away Tessa was crying. Are you ok? Mariah was cuddling her. Yeah! it's just been one hell of a ride! They both fell about laughing.  Well, wife after all that I am ravenous and not just for you. They headed for the shower, then with their PJs on they demolished the food. They got up the next morning and had some breakfast. Mariah said come on let's clear up and head home to see the girls. 

Once back in GC there was only one place they were going to head to! Crimson Lights! Where they found a welcome home party set up by the girls, Sharon Kyle and Devon it was lovely to see them all. There was also one reporter there to capture the moment, he asked Tessa if she was singing yet? No! No! she said I have to obey all the rules when the voice coach says I can sing again I'll let you know. In the meantime, I just want to enjoy being home. Ok, thank you he said and left. Sharon came over and asked her what she needed? One of your soy lattés she said smiling. Coming right up. When she went through the door of their home again, she cried her eyes out, and the girls and Mariah held her. It's ok they kept saying. All Tessa said was it is now I'm home, I never thought I would get back here. Well, we knew you would be said the girls. Because mom said she was going to get you back again, the day we came home from the courthouse! Really? You really said that? Tessa asked Mariah. I did! But I did tell the girls it might take a while. Tessa smiled. I bet you didn't think it would take this long? No! I wasn't planning on nearly losing you. Well, you didn't I'm still here. You are. Mariah walked over and kissed her. Welcome home! Thanks It's lovely to be here. 

The next few weeks had up's and down's Tessa struggled at first with the new voice therapist until Mariah reminded her that she was the one who wanted to come home and get away from "the witch" So if you want to sing again you're going to have to put up with everything, but the girls and I aren't your punch bag ok? Ok! Tessa smiled. Then Mariah had a brain wave one day and bought a punching bag and some gloves! It was great when Tessa had a shitty day, she came in never said a word got her gym stuff on, and headed for the garage, after about thirty minutes she'd come back in feeling much better. It was the best present Mariah could have bought her. One day the voice coach took her to the studio. Mariah went too. Once there she got Tessa behind a mic and said ok start warming up, and then when you feel ready go for it. She warmed up for about an hour, and then just as Devon walked in with the girls. 

Tessa shut her eyes and the track started playing in her headphones and she started to sing their song If Your Not Busy. She was very low to start with and then she just got louder and louder. Ok, be careful said the voice coach in her headphones. By the time she'd finished, she had the biggest smile Mariah had ever seen. Everyone was clapping and whistling. She was chuffed to bits when she came out of the booth. The voice coach said her job was done. She shook Tessa's hand and was gone. She did say that Tessa should not belt out the notes just yet, take your time you'll know when you're ready she said. She turned to Mariah after she'd gone and said I'm back!!

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