Chapter 64 Nightmare !

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Mariah was clearing her diary and workload for the next three days, she could not wait to get on the plane and see Tessa and finally bring her home. She had rung her mom to make sure the plan to meet at the gate was still ok? Of course, sweetheart please do not worry, Cassie will be on her normal flight,  she's done it loads of times before. Ok mom I'll see you tomorrow, I'm just about to head home. Ok, see you in the morning. Bye. Crystal had finished in the studio, she headed for the pizza place. She told her mom she would grab it so that neither of them had to cook tonight. Their suitcases were already packed for the morning, they did them last night so they could just chill and relax tonight. She put the key in the lock and stepped in. Before she managed to put the light on everything went black. Lynsey was pacing up and down waiting. All of a sudden she heard a car she looked out to see Crystal pulling up. Here we go she thought! Crystal woke up in the dark, with her legs and arms tied to a chair and her mouth tapped! There was silence until she heard another scuffle. Because it was dark she couldn't work out what was going on until the lights went on. 

Mariah pulled up outside the house, locked the car, and thought that's funny I thought Crystal would be home by now? she said she was picking up a pizza. But there's no light on, she got her keys out for the front door. She pushed the door open stepped in and wack. Once the lights were back on Crystal was trying to scream. Because on the floor, there was her mom and Lynsey was putting the tie wraps around her mom's ankles and hands and placed a piece of tape on her mouth. Lynsey ripped the tape off of Crystal's mouth which made her lips bleed. Hi! Don't scream other, wise I'll hurt your mom and then you. Ok? Crystal nodded. Good, you don't remember me, do you? She shook her head No! You told me to fuck off once! And your mom shut the door in my face and told me to leave. And because I would not go she got security onto me. My name is Lynsey! And I love your mom. But she doesn't love you! Said, Crystal. Which made Lynsey angry. So she stuck another piece of tape over Crystal's mouth. She marched over to where Mariah was still knocked out on the floor and picked her up. Crystal could see her mom had a big gash on her head. Lynsey then strapped Mariah to the seat and her head slumped forward.

In San Francisco, Tessa was due to go on stage in a couple of hours and her usual routine was for her to phone Mariah to see how her's and the girl's day had gone. She phoned the first time and thought that's odd, she usually picks up straight away! Then she thought oh I bet she's rushing around trying to get everything done. I'll leave it a while and call on my way to the gig. It's going to be so great to see them all tomorrow and surprise Mariah. Lynsey ripped off the tape again! Why was your mom's phone ringing? Crystal didn't know whether to lie or tell the truth? She decided to go with the truth. Mommy always phones before she goes on stage each night and we tell her about our day! Oh how cute !! said Lynsey sarcastically. You are all just perfect, aren't you? Tessa called again, when she was in the car, this time Mariah picked up! Hi! Where were you before? Oh! I was flat out on the floor!! Wait what did you say? Hang on your not Mariah? No! No! I'm not Tessa.

My name is Lynsey! Tessa's blood ran cold. What are you doing with Mariah's phone? Well, I've been planning this fr a while now, where I take your wife and show her what she's been missing all this time. Where are you? Well, I'm at your house of course. I have Mariah and Crystal tied up to some chairs and your wife's bleeding where I hit her with a baseball bat. Tessa was trying to stay calm, but she was panicking inside. How much money do you want? said Tessa Nothing! said, Lynsey. I'm doing this so Mariah realizes she shouldn't be married to you, but to me. I want to make her see she made a terrible mistake. Tessa arrived at the venue and got a piece of paper and a pen, and while she calmly talked to Lynsey she got her chief of security and wrote everything she knew down and told him to get the police, etc in GC. She was also canceling tonight's show and get me onto that jet as soon as possible! Ok Lynsey, well you do know that because of you were not married anymore don't you? Err you didn't remarry? No! No! We didn't. Wow! That makes thing's simpler then. With that, she cut Tessa off! Tessa went into a complete meltdown. She felt so sorry for all the fans she was letting down, but she had to get back to GC now! On the way to the airport, she heard on the radio, that due to unforeseen Secom stances tonight's Tessa Copeland Porter concert has been canceled. While waiting for the flight to be ready she phoned Devon and told him what had happened and that San Francisco would have to be rescheduled to a later date. 

Inside the house, Lynsey was trying to wake Mariah up. In the end, she threw a bucket of ice-cold water over her. She also went in search of a bandage for her head and found one in the medicine cabinet. Mariah was in shock! She looked around the room and saw Crystal, she started to cry. Crystal shook her head to make her stop. Lynsey wrapped her head and then ripped the tape off. What the fuck? said Mariah Who are you? Lynsey put on her normal voice. Oh my god! It can't be you? Mariah said Well it is my love said, Lynsey. Don't call me that, I'm only one person's love and it's not you said Mariah angrily. Well according to Tessa I was the reason you got divorced and you've not remarried so? Maybe not but we are together again said, Mariah. Well not now your not because she's in San Francisco, and you won't be going out to see her now because. Well! You're a bit tied up. Lynsey laughed. How did you know we were? Mariah asked Oh you know I've been planning this for a very long time.  what's your plan? To marry you said Lynsey, and I can do that because you're not married. But you need someone to marry us said, Mariah. Your right I did think of that. So a judge is coming tomorrow to do the honors. Lynsey smiled. Err well you won't be able to have me like this then, will you? Mariah looked at her tied-up hands. No! But I'm not untying them until he gets here.

On the plane Tessa was mulling over every scenario going, her staff had got hold of the police and told Sharon. It was the longest seven hour's ever. She landed at 4am and went straight past their house which still had all the light's on. The police talked to Tessa and said they know about the judge and they had a sort of a plane. One of their officers would be the judge and they would wire him up so they could hear everything that was going on. Marksmen would be deployed, but they did not think Lynsey was armed, at least not with a firearm. Crystal out of the corner of her eye thought she'd see a police officer in the garden. which meant people knew what was happening. She guessed that was down to her mommy informing everyone after the phone call last night. Mariah asked Lynsey to remove Crystal's tape so she could drink some water. She also untied their hand's from the chair. But she retied them in front of them, so they could at least use them to eat and have a drink. When Crystal saw Lynsey go into the kitchen to make food, she mouthed to her mom Police and nodded out the back. that made Mariah calmer. Tessa was pacing up and down in Sharon's. The morning could not come quick enough. The police told her they could do nothing until the judge was due to go in. Which will be midday. Ok, she said. Sharon will have to pick up our other daughter Cassie. She has no idea what's happening. Don't worry I will go and get her, she land's in about an hour. Cassie ran into her mommy's arms when she saw her. I'm sorry said Tessa This was not the way thing's should have been today. It's ok mommy as long as they're both ok. The time seemed to drag on in Sharon's. At Mariah and Tessa's house Lynsey was getting herself ready, she really thought this was going to happen.

 Right Mrs. Copeland Porter, It's nearly time. We have all the men in position and the judge is ready. He called on his radio and told the officer to proceed up the driveway. They could see Lynsey keeping an eye out for him. He got to the door and when she opened the door. The officers to the side of him rushed through the door and pinned Lynsey to the floor. She was trying to kick and scream and kept calling Mariah's name. As she was being hauled away, she saw Tessa and Mariah's mom running from Sharon's house followed by their younger daughter. Tessa stopped in front of her and was about to swing a punch when the officer grabbed her and said go to your wife. Which set Lynsey off screaming, she's not her wife! Tessa walked up to Lynsey's face and said she may not be now, but she soon will be. The paramedics were around Mariah checking her head. Tessa pushed past them all and held Mariah and pulled Crystal in so tight. Mariah mumbled I can't breathe! Tessa had tears streaming down her face. It's ok my love, we're ok! Mariah wiped her tears away and kissed her.

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