Chapter 70 Strong Women

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Mariah and Tessa could not believe they had been with one another for fourteen years altogether. They were in their house reminiscing about how they had met, and how lucky they were that thing's worked out and they were each other's rock. I can't believe our girls are both getting married already ? said Tessa. It only seems five minutes ago that they were ten and sixteen. where did that time go? And how did they grow up so fast? Mariah laughed and said Yeah it doesn't seem possible. I'm so glad they seem to have been as lucky as us and found an amazing partner's in their lives. Do you think we had something to do with their picks? What do you mean said, Mariah? Well, who would have thought they would both be about to marry women !! So I was just wondering when they saw us not as their moms but as a couple if that made them choose women and not men ??

Because I mean me and you never knew until we meet one another. True said Mariah We were both late in realizing why our relationships with men never worked out for the both of us. But I honestly think that it doesn't matter who or what gender? The person is all that should matter in all of this, When you have a connection and you falling love, that's it you can't go back because of what other people may say or think. We've been very lucky to have people who have excepted us and love us. A lot of people in the LGBTQIA community aren't quite so lucky. We love our girls and have accepted the people they love and long may it continue for them. The women they are both marryings are awesome too, I can remember when the girls first sat us down to tell us they were both identifying as lesbian. We both told them that they don't have to label themselves, we never have.  They are both independent women.

Crystal is now 27 and wow she's having an amazing time singing on Broadway. I mean we knew she had a great voice, but when she had her first night as a lead and we were on the red carpet. How proud were we? It was such a haul for her to go to New York and not wanting your help to get her where she wanted to go. She even changed her last name so they wouldn't put two and two together and find out she was your daughter. Yeah! I know said Tessa I am glad that once she'd made it she changed it back again though. They both smiled. Do you remember our 2nd wedding a couple of years ago? And Crystal was always on her phone? Yeah, I do. You kept on asking her who it was and said it must be someone important and she turned bright red. Always a giveaway. Then she sat us down once we got back from our honeymoon. I mean we knew it was important because she flew back from New York on her only day off. She talked about Sophie with so much love in her voice. She was smitten and thank god look at them now. About to embark on their next adventure together going to London to perform on the West end stage together for the next year.

Cassie was now 21 and you sent her to New York to set up your second office there. Who knew both girls would end up in the same place? Mind you they were always joined at the hip said Tessa True said to Mariah Didn't she meet Jo at Crystal's red carpet event? Yes! Jo was part of the management team who put the show together. Mariah laughed. Why the laugh? said Tessa Because she is so my daughter. Err Oh and yours obviously. But do you remember her running from her feelings? Oh, go yeah! Laughed Tessa I remember you sitting her down and telling her how you felt when you fell for me. Tessa grabbed Mariah's hand and looked into her eyes and said It's the best thing that's ever happened to me. Me too said, Mariah. I remember telling Cassie it would be the best decision she would ever make and look at her now. I can't believe since we got them from the orphanage, how much they changed our lives. I know they will miss one another once Crystal leave's for London, but at least they will both have partners for life going with them on the next part of their journeys.

I must admit I thought we would be having the wedding's in New York! But I'm so glad they both decided to get married here in the garden by the lake that you built for me. Said Mariah. Me too said, Tessa. It's going to be rather magical, especially as Jo and Sophie can get ready at your mom's. Is it a bit weird that the girls wanted to wear our old dresses? said Tessa No I don't think so. I mean Crystal is a rock chick just like her mommy and it's the Ideal dress for her. Remember she did look for ages first, and then asked if you still had yours. True said Tessa As for Cassie she was determined to wear mine. She could not be bothered to look for one. They both laughed. I had to laugh said Mariah When they all wanted black and gold as the theme colors too. Right well, I guess me and you ought to start checking all the fairy lights, etc in the garden so it will all light up ok for the ceremony. When are the girls arriving again ? said Tessa Oh tomorrow night after Cassie finishes work I think ? said Mariah. Great said Tessa Let's hope we can give them all the sort of wedding we both had. Not with 20.000 people surely? They would never fit in the garden! Mariah laughed. Ha! Ha! very funny said, Tessa.

Come on you, Mariah dragged Tessa outside to check on the lights and lanterns. Oh by the way said Tessa Crystal and Cassie have asked me to sing More Than A Vow after we walk them down the aisle and they wait for their brides to walk with their fathers. Is that ok with you ?? Why wouldn't it be? said, Mariah. Well, I just thought I wrote it, especially for us and I thought you might want to keep it that way said, Tessa. I can't think of a better way to share it, than for our daughter's wedding smiled Mariah. So no I don't mind if that's what they both want you to sing it go ahead. I know you'll be singing it straight at me anyway. Mariah smiled and Tessa said Your right I will be. The wedding day fast approached, and everything was set. All the decorations in the garden and the house were finally done, the food was organized, and the girls had decided on a dusk wedding so by the time they said I do all the lights would come on. Jo and Sophie moved up to Sharon's house to be with their families. Sharon had given the house over to them, she was going to come down to Mariah and Tessa's for the night and then get ready there with the girls and their moms.

Everyone was so looking forward to it. When Mariah and Tessa saw the girls come down the stairs in their dresses, it was like seeing mirror images of themselves. They were all in tears by the time they reached the bottom. We have to stop said Mariah Otherwise the brilliant job the makeup people have done will be wasted. They all laughed. Sharon opened the bi-fold doors to the people that had been invited. Tessa grabbed Crystal's hand and Mariah did the same with Cassie. Are you both ready? They asked. Yes! Then let's go, they slowly walked them down to the lake. They decided on I'm Not Busy to play while they walked. Once there Tessa picked up the microphone ready to sing More Than A Vow. When she'd finished singing she went and joined Mariah, who was in tears, Devon then officiated the marriages. It was one hell of a party afterward! When everyone had left, Tessa and Mariah were sitting down by the lake exhausted. Well, that was one hell of a day said, Tessa. Yeah, it was said Mariah looking sad! Tessa reached out for Mariah's hand. Hey, Tessa pulled her in for a hug. What's going on? I've never seen you this upset. We'll see the girls often, don't worry. It's not that! said Mariah Tessa looked into her eyes. Ok! Now I'm starting to worry. What's got you so upset?

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