Chapter 88 Leaving

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Tessa meets them at the entrance of the hospital. Oh god! Thought Sharon. The girls rushed to their mommy. It's ok girls, your mom's not got any worse. Really? They screamed! That's great said Sharon smiling we've all been so worried. Come on. Tessa took them to the family room first. Why are we here? asked the girls and Sharon. To get you up to date said, Tessa. Mom has had a scan this morning to see if the pneumonia is getting better and it is. This is brilliant news, the iron drip is out and she's coming out of the coma. The girl's faces were a picture. Wait until you see mom for yourselves thought Tessa! She walked them all down to the room. Sharon and the girls walked in first followed by Sophie and Jo, with Tessa bringing up the rear. The look on their faces when they saw their mom sitting up in bed without a tube attached and smiling at them all was priceless.

Ok said Tessa first of all mom has to be careful talking for a while because of the tube that had to go down her throat, so let her have a chance to write thing's down ok? Ok, they all said. The girls chatted away to Mariah for about an hour, Sharon then got her chance to hug her daughter and just tell her, she's so happy that she's finally on the mend. Before they knew it Sharon had to butt in and say it was time for them to head to the airport. Ok, grandma! They both gave their mom a hug and she managed to tell them she loved them, which you could see meant the world to them. Come on Mariah I'll see them out then I'll be back. Mariah wrote ok on the piece of paper. Once outside the girls hugged Tessa, bye mommy if you need us for anything? Yes I know I'm to call. I love you all very much said Tessa and I shall miss going home to a full house. It's going to be very quiet without you all in it. I will give you a ring in a couple of day's let you know how mom's doing and to let you know when her final treatment might be? I'm not even sure if they might have to start again? Why ? said the girls Well I'm not sure how it works if you've had a break. So I'll talk to Dr. Grey maybe next week and we'll go from there. When do you think mo might be home? No Idea at this point. I'm sure they want to get, the pneumonia under control first. 

Right, you lot snapped Sharon come on otherwise you'll be late. As they drove away they had the windows down and were waving out of them as Sharon drove them away. Tessa was beaming when she came back into the room. What's up? Wrote Mariah. Nothing really, I'm just really happy your ok and the girls are going back to their lives. It's going to be very quiet in the house tonight though. smiled Tessa. You'll be ok said Mariah You'll be able to play your own music and not what they want to play. True said Tessa but they are great fun to be around. We've raised some amazing women/children, we have written Mariah with a big heart drawn beside it. Let's hope I can get out of here soon, so I can cuddle you on the sofa. Ooh, now that would be lovely. Do you want me to smuggle you out tonight? They both laughed. Later on, in the evening Tessa left Mariah, she was exhausted it had been a hell of a day for her. Tessa drove home to an empty house which made her a bit sad, but she knew Cassie and Jo had already arrived back in New York and Crystal and Sophie should have landed in London by about midnight Wisconsin time.

As she was smiling to herself her phone buzzed. She looked at the message which said Thought you might like some dinner and company, come on over when you're ready. Love Sharon x. Well, that's dinner sorted she thought. She headed for the shower and to put some comfy clothes on to go over to Sharon's. Who'd opened a bottle of wine in celebration Mariah was on the road to recovery. It was gone midnight when she arrived back home, she'd had a lovely evening and if she was honest she was a bit tipsy after the wine. Getting into the bed her phone rang, she knew it would be Crystal saying they were home safe. It didn't take long after that to drift off to sleep. She slept like a log, it was the best night she'd had in nearly a month. In the morning she got woken by the sun spilling into their room, stretching she reached over and looked at the space where Mariah would be and thought I hope she gets to be here soon.

She got up and headed for the shower, once dressed she went straight for Crimson to pick up a surprise for Mariah to take to the hospital. Sharon waved as she arrived. I'm not stopping sorry said Tessa also thanks for a lovely night last night, that wine gave me the best night's sleep. They both laughed. Can I get the usual coffees and two brownies to take out? Ooh, she's going to love you smiled Sharon. I do hope so said Tessa smiling. Did the girls send texts? Yeah, their all back home safe and sound. Oh, that's good smiled Sharon. Are you enjoying the peace? They both laughed. You could say that said Tessa It's been lovely having them home too, it's just a shame they didn't get to spend as much time with Mariah as I thought they might get. But I'm glad she came around before they had to leave because I was dreading it if she was still in a coma. There would have been no way the girls would have got on those planes, they would have fought me tooth and nail. They would smiled Sharon giving her the coffees and brownie's to go. There you go said Sharon giving Mariah a big kiss from me. I will said Tessa waving as she left.

Arriving outside Mariah's room, she meets Dr. Grey just leaving. Oh, that smells good said, Dr. Grey. Yeah! A treat from her mom's coffee house said, Tessa. How's the patient? She's doing fab, so much so that by the end of the week I think you can take her home. Wow! That's great what about the radiotherapy she missed? Well, it's not great we had to miss a session because sometimes that makes it come back with a vengeance. But if she has the strength this week maybe we will give her the last dose before you can take her home. Sounds like a good plan said, Tessa. Ok well, I have to get on said, Dr. Grey. Yeah! I'd better get this coffee in there before it goes cold too smiled Tessa. As she entered the room it was lovely seeing Mariah sitting up and smiling at her. She kissed her lips and said this is for you. She handed her the bag with the brownie in and her cup of coffee. Ooh! Is that what I think it is? Open it and find out said, Tessa. Oh my god! It is said, Mariah. I knew there was a reason I married you. She kissed her wife more deeply. I can't wait to get out of this bed! She whispered in Tessa's ear. 

Well, I just talked to Dr. Grey outside and she thinks she might give you your final session before I can take you home. Oh! Mariah looked disappointed. It's ok said Tessa I'd rather you had it sooner rather than later. Why? said, Mariah. Well, what I've read says, it's no good having a gap in the treatment if you can help it because it can add to the risk of it coming back. Not that it will! Tessa tried reassuring her. But it could? said Mariah a little down. I'm sorry I got sick and didn't listen! "Mariah" You got sick because you caught a chill and because of your low immune system it then turned into pneumonia, not really your fault. Yeah! But if I'd have handed thing's over to Cassie like you wanted me to, maybe my body wouldn't have been so tired so I could have fended it off better. Look it is what it is said Tessa We can't change anything now.

Cassie is now running everything for you from New York. She said once you're on your feet again she'll phone twice a week for your input. Other than that she wants you to trust her and let her get on with it, and I'm hoping you've seen the light and will agree to it all, once we get you home. I'm sure I can do that smiled Mariah I think I've learned my lesson, nearly not coming home does that to you. She held Tessa's hand. I promise I will behave once we get home, I don't want to end up back here. She kissed her wife. Ok said Tessa That sounds good to me. Towards the end of the week, Mariah was fit enough for her final radiotherapy session. Dr. Grey kept her in for a couple of extra days just to make sure the radiotherapy did not knock Mariah for six. But by Monday morning, Mariah was ready to pack up and get out of there. Tessa checked everything out with Dr. Grey, just to make sure she was happy for Mariah to finally go home. Which she was. She told her to get Mariah to rest as much as she could. Well, she has promised me she will listen and do better in that department. Tessa and Dr. Grey both laughed. Because they knew what Mariah's like. Tessa went into the room, Mariah was already dressed and ready to go. Tessa kissed her and said right you let's get you home, via the coffee house of course.

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