Chapter 17 (part 2) Nearly Finished

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Tessa woke up abruptly. She'd had this dream that Mariah had come to her concert. Once her eyes had focused. she turned to see this beautiful red hair on the pillow next to her. It wasn't a dream.

Wow! She's here next to me, Tessa thought her heart would explode with the love she had for this woman. I hope she lets me show her this time? She crept out of bed and went on the balcony. It was a beautiful morning, made even more so by Mariah being here. God! I need coffee. How am I going to do that without waking her? I'm going to need coffee. She got dressed and managed to get out of the room. Heading for the lobby, she found out where breakfast was being served and sat there with music playing in her ears, with her coffee watching people moving about.

Upstairs Mariah stirred and stretched out a hand hoping to find Tessa, and was disappointed to find an empty space beside her. "Tessa" she called out. No answer. She got up and looked on the balcony not there either. Where the hell? She panicked thinking she'd left without saying anything. And then she realized Tessa's stuff was still here except what she'd worn last night. Where could she be? I'd better get dressed and see if I can find where she is. Mariah picked up her phone and dialed Tessa's number. She heard it ringing. It was still in the room.

Well, she thought she can't have gone far without her phone. I'll go down to the lobby to see if she's there. Nope, not here! But the receptionist pointed to the breakfast room. Ok, she thought it was worth a try, there sitting with her back towards her was a black mane of hair looking out of the window drinking coffee. Mariah smiled and walked over.

Hi! Hi! you're awake! Well obviously. I thought you'd left me. Why would you even have considered that? Oh, I don't know people leave. Not me! Anyway, I'd left all my stuff so surely I would have taken all that with me? They both burst out laughing. I just needed coffee and I didn't want to wake you because it was late when we went to bed. How long did you stay up? Oh about an hour I guess. Well, it's now ten said Tessa After coffee what do you want to do? I have a sort of plan said, Mariah. Do you know? Tessa smiled I had a walk around when I first got here and planned a day I thought you'd like.

Wow! you had this all worked out, didn't you? What if it hadn't gone the way you wanted it to? I guess I'd be heartbroken and I would have canceled everything and I'd be back in GC by now. I'm glad I'm not though. She grinned at Tessa. Come on let's go back to the room, get what we need, and then I can show you around. With that, they left collected their bags, and went out to explore San Francisco together.

They had a wonderful lunch at Fisherman's Wharf, then walked and walked until they could walk no more. They got trams when they needed to go up and down the hills. It was past five when they got back to the room. Mariah headed straight for the shower. Tessa headed for the balcony, where she found a playlist on her phone and plugged it into the room's sound system.

After Mariah came out of the bathroom, Tessa went in. She was singing along to the playlist. Mariah loved her to do that. While Tessa was in the shower Mariah got the hotel to re ice the champagne. She also ordered two coffees to be brought up. She then sat out on the balcony with her sweats on. Tessa came out of the bathroom and saw Mariah sitting outside. She dressed and joined her. 

You have been busy while I've been gone. She smiled as she sat down. Bottle of champagne? Yeah! It was here last night, but we didn't open it. So I got them to bring up some fresh ice and I thought we could have it later? That would be great but in the meantime? There was a knock on the door, who was that? said, Tessa. Go and find out said, Mariah. She opened the door and in came a waiter with two lovely coffees. Out here please shouted Mariah. Thanks very much and gave him a tip. Tessa sat back down and said you read my mind.

So what's next? Well, it's up to you Tessa. Me? We could get dressed up and out somewhere for dinner? So we could get the hotel to set up a table on the balcony and Have room service? Oh well, let's get dressed up. Where are we going? Well, I booked a table for 8.30pm at the Mersea Restaurant and bar it's on a place called Treasure Island. Mariah looked out over the balcony and pointed at an island in the bay. they got themselves ready, went down to the bar, and had a cocktail before the cab came to pick them up.

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