Chapter 60 Voice Therapist

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Tessa was trying to talk once the tube came out, but Mariah was telling her not to. She squeezed her hand and said Tessa don't be frightened but you had polyps removed on your vocal cords, while that was happening you collapsed and flatlined. Tessa's eyes welled up. It's ok Mariah said, what nobody knew was that you had a hole in your heart, probably since you were born. You were very lucky this didn't happen before now. So they had to do open heart surgery and you've been in a coma for a week since they fixed you. She smiled down at her.

The nurse came forward, "Tessa" Don't talk but we're going to prop you up if you start feeling not right squeeze Mariah's hand ok? She squeezed Mariah's hand. She's ready Mariah said. Here we go! She managed to sit halfway up before she felt faint, so they left her there for now. Tessa could see her girls and Sharon were there, they were ready to hug her, but Mariah wanted to tell Tessa more. So we don't want you to try and speak yet because you need a voice therapist who will be here tomorrow ok? Tessa did the ok signal. The girls then came and gave her a huge sandwich hug it made Tessa smile. It was lovely for Mariah to see. Ok, everyone give her some air Mariah laughed. Once they let go Mariah kissed them and Sharon ushered them out and took them back to the house. After saying her goodbyes Mariah came back into the room.

Hi said Mariah smiling. I'm so glad, you're back with me. Tessa picked up a pen and paper and wrote I heard you say come back to me we have so much living to do. Wow! Really? Yeah, I love you and I'm sorry this scared you, It's not nice, is it? I remember what it was like when I saw you in Paris. Ok, you! You need your rest, ready for the voice therapist tomorrow. Ok bossy Tessa wrote, she fell asleep holding Mariah's hand. That night Mariah had the best sleep she'd had in a week. She got up and had breakfast with her mom and the girls before heading to the hospital to be with Tessa and help her regain her voice and hopefully her singing voice later. 

Getting to Tessa's room, she could hear the voice therapist practicing with Tessa, she opened the door and Tessa was sitting fully upright. Hi, she said to the lady whose name was Viola. Hi said the coach She kissed Tessa. Hi beautiful. The voice coach nodded at Tessa and as Mariah moved back, Tessa said Hi I love you. Mariah smiled and kissed her lips. It's early days said Viola but she needed to tell you that. So we practiced really hard. Ok! Well, that was amazing so I'm going to sit over there and let you continue. Thank you said, Viola. Ok, Tessa let's go she said. Oh and Mariah after I leave she needs to rest her voice until I come back tomorrow. Tessa was shaking her head No! "Tessa" Viola said sternly. If you don't rest, you may never be able to sing again!

So please listen to what I'm saying, it will take time but I hope to get you back to full vocal range if you're patient enough with me. Mariah nodded it's ok, I won't let her, and I'll let everyone else know too. She quickly went out of the room to tell all the nursing staff and to have a note stuck in her room. She also realized she had not told Devon or Kyle that she was awake. Devon obviously asked about her singing voice. Mariah just told him what the therapist had said. He laughed and said best of luck with that. He knows how stubborn Tessa can be, so she told him what Viola had said that if she's not quiet, to begin with, she may never sing again. 

Look there is still a load of press outside, I need to make a statement and stop them second-guessing. Can you come here for a couple of days and help me out with that? Sure no problem, I'll stay at "Devon" There is plenty of room at the house, be lovely to catch up and you can have some of mom's cooking. Oh well, I can't say no to that, I'll be with you the day after tomorrow if that's ok? Yeah, sure! I'll organize a mini-press conference at the hospital. Ok, great thankyou. When Devon arrived they sat down and wrote down a statement for Mariah to readout. The next day they arrived at the hospital, they had asked Viola to make an appearance so she could answer all the question's about Tessa's voice. The room was packed, Mariah took a quick look and wished she hadn't, wow there's a lot out there she said to Devon. You and the girls don't get to see this part often, Tessa keeps you away from it all. Are you ready? He grabbed her hand, she was shaking like a leaf. Devon walked her out. 

All the cameras started flashing lights everywhere. When they got to the mics, Devon asked them to calm down with the flashbulbs. Mariah wasn't used to it. They calmed down and waited for Mariah to speak. She cleared her throat. Ladies and gentlemen of the press as you know my wife Tessa Copeland Porter has had, a major trauma. Two weeks ago she was found to have polyps on her vocal cords, she had just finished recording her next album. It was supposed to be a straightforward procedure. Last week we went to get the surgery done at a well-known clinic for voice box problems. While she was on the table, Mariah started to tear up. She breathed heavily before saying she flatlined with no warning to the staff that was there. They managed to get her back and she was rushed here, where they found a hole in her heart. She has had open-heart surgery to close the hole, but as a result of the trauma, Tessa went into a coma. And lucky for me and our girls she has just woken up from that.

She will now undergo intensive vocal therapy from Viola over here. It's too early to say if she will ever sing again. Thank you. I know you must have a ton of questions for Devon me and Viola so I open the floor, and fire away. Are you and Tessa back together? Yes, we are Next How long will you stay in LA? No idea but my mom and the girls will go back to GC soon, The girls want to go back to Uni and school. Is the record company going to cut ties? No! Her new album is ready to launch when she's ready. Has she spoken at all since she came out of the coma? Yes! She was allowed to say I love you to me. How long will the voice therapy take? Viola stepped up and said how long is a piece of string? At the moment it's day-to-day progress. Just to learn how to talk again. Each muscle group needs to work together and if you do things wat to fast you will damage the singing part of her voice and if we do that we will never be able to reverse it. 

Ok said Devon that's it for now guys. "Mariah" someone shouted out she turned around and a very nicely suited and booted journalist said are you two going to get married again? Because your #Teriah fans would love that. We hope to yes Mariah beamed. Devon ushered them all inside. Mariah took a deep breath, wow that was mad! And I hope I never have to do that again. She thanked Viola for her time and said she'd see her later when she came back for Tessa's second session of the day. Walking into the room Tessa's eyes lit up when she saw Mariah and then Devon behind her. Ah! Don't you dare, she pointed a finger at her wife! Note pad! Tessa turned her face sad. Devon gave her a hug, you have no idea how good it is to see you he said. I'm glad I'm here too Tessa wrote. She told Devon that Viola "The witch" had not let her do anything singing-wise yet! Tessa, I know this sound's horrible, but please don't run before you can walk. She poked her tongue out at him, he laughed there you are he said. 

Later on, Mariah saw Devon out thanks ever so much for this! You don't have to thank me, You always drop everything for your megastars! But most importantly your best friend's when they need you. He kissed her goodbye and said see you in GC before heading to the house to pick up his gear and then head for the airport. When she got back later that night the girls and her mom were packing up too, It's going to feel empty here without you all, she said. We're going to miss you and mommy too said the girls. How much longer do you think you'll be staying? At this point mom, I have no idea.

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