Chapter 55 Day one !

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Mariah was sitting in the cool when Tessa came out to find her. Hi! Hi! How was your nap? Heaven! said Tessa I didn't sleep well last night as you can imagine. I'm sure you didn't said, Mariah. What are we thinking of having for dinner ? said Tessa Well I noticed you have some lovely salmon do you think you can manage that with a lovely salad? Perfect said Tessa Would you like some wine? Mariah looked at Tessa and smiled and said why not. You do the wine and I'll sort dinner. Tessa set the table on the patio with candles and put the ice in a bucket for the wine to chill in. Mariah brought out the food. Beautiful she said and put the plates down. How are you feeling about everything? Asked Mariah Well I guess better than I was before I went for the appointment, that's for sure. What about the surgery? Well, I guess they have to give me the worst scenario, just in case thing's don't turn out the way they hope. Mariah grabbed Tessa's hand I'm glad I came to support you said Mariah I was always jealous when mom and the girls came back and told me how good this house was and the view's of the ocean. 

Well how about we finish this off and go for a lovely walk along the sand tonight? said Tessa. That would be lovely. After their lovely walk, they decided to put some log's in the fire pit and sat outside with the remainder of the wine. Tessa was telling Mariah what the album felt like to sing. I was really struggling a couple of months ago when the girls and your mom came to visit. I didn't know what was happening, To my voice and the more I struggled the worse it got to sing. The Tech guys must have been getting so mad with me? I had to take longer gaps from recording just to get through it all. I'm so glad that it's done and I don't have to worry about it anymore, and that Devon likes it. I just! You just what ? said Mariah I just hope it won't be my last album. "Tessa" We will do everything in our power to make it not your last. 

You think so? I'm sure you're going to put every effort into your voice therapy after the surgery and you'll be singing before you know it. Tessa smiled at Mariah. The fire was lovely, so much so that Mariah fell asleep. Tessa put a blanket over her and headed to bed, it was passed midnight I'll leave all the light's on, so when she woke up she'll be able to find her way to her room. I'll leave her a note to tell her what to lock up and what light's to leave on. Mariah woke up at around 2am feeling a bit chilly and then realized she was still on the patio. She realized Tessa had put a blanket over her, which made her smile. She walked into the house and saw Tessa's note, after doing what she asked she headed to her room and got underneath the sheets to warm up, before she knew it she'd drifted off.

She woke up at 9 am with the sun blazing in through the window, she walked over and looked at the view. When she looked down she saw Tessa with her coffee staring out at the ocean. She had a quick shower and headed down, she poured herself a coffee and went to where Tessa was. Good morning? said Tessa Good morning! Did you sleep well asked Tessa Yeah I did Mariah smiled? Why didn't you wake me last night? Because I thought you looked cozy and I didn't want to wake you. What time did you wake up and finally go to bed? I think the clock said 2am Mariah laughed. Oh, no wonder you must have been getting cold by then? Smiled Tessa. You could say that. Anyway, what would you like to do while you are here? Asked Tessa. Well, I have never been to Disneyland said, Mariah. Tessa smiled. Well obviously you know I've taken the girls, I wish you would have been with us then. Mariah smiled and said to me too, that the girls were full of it when they got back. So I thought if I ever get the chance. 

Ok so do you fancy taking a mini picnic with us? Or eat whatever while we are there? Err let's just eat as we go, is that ok with you? Yep! Right one thing you need is comfy shoes, there's a lot of walking and it's a long day. You should bring a jumper with you too because we'll be there until late. They drank their coffee and then went in and got the stuff they needed. Let's book ac ab said Mariah I don't mind driving said Tessa I know but if we get a cab, we can have a nice lunch and maybe later go straight to The Abbey food and bar for some cocktails and dancing? Err well! Oh, it's ok we don't have to go said Mariah quickly. It's not that said Tessa It's just walking around Disney all day! The park doesn't shut until 11pm so you might be too tired? Ok said Mariah Disappointed. Anyway said Tessa  How do you know about that bar? I did my research before I came Mariah smiled.

Ok well, I'm driving were not getting a cab. You'll see why later. And then we'll see from there ok? Ok, Mariah smiled. Of they went Mariah could not believe her eyes, the girls had told her it was good but oh my god! All the rides and the different themes in each park were out of this world. Tessa saved the best bit for last though, they had walked miles and were getting exhausted at this point. They went and had some dinner in the New Orleans Square which was lovely, then they walked down Mainstreet and Tessa found a spot right in front of the fountain looking at the castle. She'd also managed to grab two coffee's on the way. They sat down on the floor to start with. Ok, why are we sitting here? Asked Mariah You'll see said Tessa smiling. By now it was dark, and the crowd started to build around them. We need to stand now said Tessa as she helped Mariah up. Watch the castle is all Tessa said. 

As the music started to play and everything started to light up and the fireworks went off, The look on Mariah's face was priceless she grabbed Tessa's hand and squeezed it. Now and then she looked at Tessa and just mouther Wow! When it was over the crowd started to leave for the main gates. Mariah turned to Tessa and said that's an amazing way to finish a brilliant day.  Well now, all we have to do is get out of here said, Tessa. You'll need to hold my hand so we don't lose one another. Ok said Mariah grabbing it You'll now see why I wanted to drive said, Tessa. They made their way slowly to the car, no point in rushing you'll only be in a queue trying to get out of the park, although they do have a good system in place. 

On the drive back Mariah fell asleep, so Tessa just drove straight home. She parked up and woke Mariah up, come on you let's get you indoors Tessa took her straight up to her room, put her on the bed, and took off her shoes and shorts, she looked at her thinking wow! What I would do to that body! But she was respectful and managed to get Mariah in her PJs and tucked her in. She turned off the light as she left and whispered sweet dreams, my love. Mariah heard her as she drifted off. Tessa went down and made herself a coffee and sat on the patio for a while. I need to tell Mariah I want her and the girls back in my life she thought. I don't want to be here on my own anymore. Mariah has always been my forever love, I don't want anyone else and I'm lonely here in LA without them. But if I do that and go back to GC, do I keep this place?

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