Chapter 45 Rekindle Yes or No ?

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Tessa was about to get on a plane to fly back to GC for the first time in a year! She was hoping to do just the concert and fly back to LA, but the girls would not hear of it. So she promised them she would stay until New Year's day, it was the best she could do. The girls were ecstatic.

At home, Cassie and Crystal were telling grandma (Sharon) what they were thinking of doing. Are you both sure your moms will want this girls? Well, Cassie said mom has been missing mommy since she left and realized what an idiot she'd been letting her go! Cassie you shouldn't say your moms an idiot said Sharon. "grandma" That's what mom say's all the time. We also know that mommy never wanted to do the divorce back then either said, Crystal. I know she's kept herself busy in LA but she'd rather be back here.

So mommy is coming back to do the concert at the orphanage is that right ? said Sharon Yes! But we got her to stay on for over Christmas, she's say's she has to be back in LA on New Year's Day, but we're hoping that when we can get mom and mommy together, they will just fall in love again and mommy won't want to go back. Girl's I do hope you're right said Sharon But I also know you won't be able to force things even if you're desperate for it to work. Mom and mommy will have to work it out themselves, it will be the first time they have seen one another for a start. so they have a long way to go. 

I don't want you both to be disappointed if mommy get's on the plane to go back. It's a lot for them to get through in a couple of weeks. Is mommy staying back in the condo? Yes! Why grandma? Well, it was always the magical place, where your mommy could write songs and they both love that sofa bed for the same reason! I don't know exactly why? Sharon said laughing So just take one step at a time girls, let them try and sot thing's out and if it's meant to be, so be it. Sharon hugged them.

They walked back home. Mariah was waiting for them. Hi, mom they both said. Hi, girl's How was grandma? oh, she was good said, Carrie. I think she's looking forward to seeing mommy when she arrives said Crystal Really? said, Mariah. Well, grandma has been to see mommy a few times in LA said, Cassie. True said Mariah and they always did get on. Do you know when mommy get's on the plane? enquired Mariah. Yeah! Christmas Eve said, Crystal. But that's today? Yep ! said Cassie. In fact, we were going to the airport in about an hour to pick her up and take her to the condo. Oh ok! Do you want to come? 

Err no! I don't think I should girls, I think your mommy will just be expecting you two. "Mom" We've told you thousands of times when we get back from our visits, that mommy misses you too. Yes! I know what you've said But I have to hear it from your mommy, and I'm sure she has other thing's on her mind?  Like the concert, she has to prepare for on New Year's Eve. Mariah thought about Christmas day and what Tessa would be doing? I'm sure the girls have sorted something out with her. Cassie and Crystal went off to pick up Tessa from the airport. Crystal was surprising her with the fact that she'd passed her driving test and now had a car! 

They saw their mommy in the distance, she was surrounded by reporters and photographers, they were asking about her return to GC and doing the concert for the girl's orphanage. Tessa saw them coming and made her excuses and ran to the girls, they were all being photographed. Tessa asked them to stop after a while and said I think you have enough now. One of the reporters shouted out are you going to see Mariah your ex-wife while you're here?

She never answered and just shuffled the girls and herself out of the airport. Shall I hail a cab? No mommy we have a car, Oh you didn't have to organize that said  Tessa a cab would have been fine. "Mommy," said Crystal Yes! I have a car. What? Did you pass your test? Yeah! Tessa swept her up Oh well done, why didn't you tell me sooner? Well, I was hoping we could get you to say yes to the concert and then surprise you with me driving. Obviously, if you had said No then I would have told you over the phone or when we came for a visit. Ok well, let's go and get in your car. Tessa smiled.

At the condo, the girl's stayed for a while, but Tessa was tired from the seven-hour flight so they left her to settle in. They already stocked up the fridge and put in some wine and beers. She pulled out the bed, hello old thing she said. Before she knew it she must have drifted off. Mariah was making the dinner for the girls it was 6pm, and the girls walked in. Hi did you settle mommy in ok? Was she surprised when you could drive? Yeah! She was surrounded by reporters and photographers when we arrived said, Crystal. We even got in on a few.

Also, someone shouted out if mommy was going to see you while she was here. Did they now? And what did mommy say? She didn't say anything said, Cassie. Oh ok said, Mariah. How was the condo? Aired ok and you did fill the fridge with stuff I told you to get? Yes, mom said both girls. Great! Do you know what mommy was going to do? Yeah! Sleep probably laughed the girl's and Mariah joined in. We don't know what her plans are after that said Crystal. Probably coffee said Mariah with a smirk. Will she go to grandma's coffee house? asked Cassie I doubt it, she'll probably wake up too late for that.

It was 9pm when Tessa woke from her nap. Oh god! I've missed this bed and the one at home. Thought Tessa she nipped in the shower to freshen up, got a beer out of the fridge and put a playlist on. She was singing along when there was a knock at the door. Tessa opened it. Sharon was standing there, Hi! Hi, Sharon What are you doing here this time of night? Come on in. Thanks,  I thought you might not have anything to eat? So I made you some mac and cheese. The girls told me they were picking you up today.

Well thank you, but I think the girl's stocked me up pretty good I'm also starving so I will have that later, save me the bother of making something. Have you got time for a coffee? I have wine too. I'll have a coffee thanks, I have to drive to the ranch. Tessa made the coffee and they sat down, well Los Angele's weather seems to agree with you said, Sharon. Yes, I guess it does said, Tessa. I do miss her a lot though, especially your coffee. They both smiled, the girls really miss you, they've grown up so fast. I missed them loads too in the last year, not really being a part of their lives. Tessa had tears. Sharon held her hand. I know you're putting on a face for the girls, but you don't have to with me said, Sharon.

Argh! Sharon, I can't tell you how much I miss your daughter in my life. I've kept myself busy in the studio, but every time I go back to the house where she is. Well, your soul mates Tessa you were meant to be, it's as simple as that. You can't get away from one another. you're meant to be forever I know Mariah's been thinking about you since you got on the plane. Every time the girls and I get back we have questions bombarded at us. Because she wants to know everything. Tessa smiled And you do the same when we come to you. What are your plans for tomorrow? Probably stay here and see the girls later in the day maybe? Well I know they wouldn't like it if you were on your own. So will you please come to mine for dinner? Oh, Sharon! I don't know. Won't Mariah and Rey mind? I've not seen her since she came to the airport and I left. I think it's too soon to play happy families. I'll be ok don't worry. Ok, it was worth a try said, Sharon. When she left Tessa thought about what Sharon had said. I did make the right decision about dinner though.

She settled down with the lovely mac and cheese and a beer, with a playlist of course. Mariah and the girls woke up Christmas morning and opened their presents. Under the tree there were still a few to be opened, can we take mommy's present's around to her ? said the girls I don't see why not said Mariah The girls went and got dressed, make sure your back for grandma's dinner around one. Ok ! they both giggled and shouted. Mariah thought about going over there too but thought against it.

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