Chapter 58 Surgery Day !

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They were a bit groggy waking up in Tessa's bed together! After sixteen month's apart they had tried to do more catching up through the night !! Mariah watched Tessa sleep and slipped out of bed and brought up two cups of coffee and wafted the coffee under her nose. Oh, that smells good, Mariah bent down and kissed her lips. That's nice to wake up to, she smiled at Mariah and walked to the other side of the bed and then cradled Tessa in her arms. How do you feel about today? Good, I guess?  I feel load's better now you going to be here and we're back together. We've always had one heart and neither of us is good without the other. True, said, Mariah. When are you going to phone your mom and the girls? Probably while you're in surgery to take my mind off of it all.

I don't blame you said Tessa I don't think it's going to hit me until I get there and put the gown on ready to go. Are you scared? Yeah! I'm terrified if I'm honest, it's the one thing I've always been good at, and today once the surgery's over I might not be able to do that again, and if I can't what else am I going to do? Mariah looked down at her and said We'll figure it out and no matter what happens you have me, the girls and my mom right behind you. Ok well, that does make me feel loads better. I love you, I love you too so much, come on we better start getting a move on. You have to be there by eleven. Ok, miss bossy! They headed for the shower, got ready and left. 

It was only going to be day surgery, so Mariah could drive them home in the evening. Then Tessa can't talk for a couple of days, just drink plenty of fluids, soups etc. They had got the note pad etc ready at home before they left. Arriving at the doctor's they were shown to a private suite, where Tessa got herself ready.  The doctors came into the room to run through everything before they did pre-med, and then they wheeled her to theatre. Before she went down Tessa had a surprise for her, you didn't have to do that, you have enough to worry about. In the bag, she pulled out a box, open it, said, Tessa. Mariah did what she asked inside was their wedding bands. How did you even? Err the girls told me you had taken it off the day we came out of court, So when they came for their first visit I told Crystal to sneak it in her luggage and bring it with them. 

So I could keep it safe until I could put it back on your finger. Mariah Copeland Porter, I love you body and soul, will you marry me again, please? Mariah kissed her and said, of course, I will. But this time it's for keeps, she smiled at Tessa and squeezed her hand as she pushed the ring on her finger and she did the same to her. When the nurse came in she said you'll have to take that off pointing at the ring. Tessa said sorry I can't it's stuck on there for the rest of my life. Oh ok, we'll get a bit of tape said the nurse smiling at them both. Mariah kissed her goodbye and said she'll be here when she wakes up. Ok said Tessa bye, she blew her a kiss as they wheeled her out. Mariah took a breath and said right find coffee and phone the girls and mom! Off she went while Tessa was under the knife.

First, she phoned her mom. Hi, sweetheart Are you ok? Well first of all I need to tell you that Tessa is having surgery to remove some polyps on her vocal cords. Oh my god! Will she be ok? I don't know at this point because until the voice therapist gets hold of her, she won't know if she can sing again! Oh wow! That's huge for her. It is said Mariah but I will be there every step of the way. Really? Yeah! We finally sorted everything out and we're back together. "Mariah" You must be over the moon? I am! She's always been my one true love mom, we just had to sort thing's out once and for all. So I'm going to be here a while Kyle's ok with me staying on here until we get things sorted. Are you ok with having the girls for a bit? Of course. Crystal's not here a lot of the time anyway, so there's only Cassie to worry about. Have you told the girls yet? No! I thought I'd tell you first. They are going to be so happy. I'm sure they will be getting their moms back together after all this time. Once Tessa's on the mend will she be coming back to GC? I have no idea at this point mom, we didn't discuss that. I mean she has a life here and this amazing house. I told you you'd love it there. Yeah! You were right laughed, Mariah. Right, I have to go and phone the girls before Tessa comes out of surgery. Ok bye, love you. Love you too, I'll be in touch when I get an update. Bye. Bye! 

Crystal and Cassie couldn't wait to see Mommy and her together again. They were also scared their mommy was going under the knife! Mariah explained the procedure to them and said it's quite easy surgery and lots of singers get them. It just means that she's not allowed to talk for a while straight afterwards and she will need a voice therapist to retrain her vocal cords to be able to sing again. Crystal goes the more adult version of events being an adult now. She was really worried if her mommy couldn't sing again! "mom" What will she do if she can't sing? I have no idea, but we're not going to think about that, we need to have all the positive vibes we can get right now. Ok, I'm sending them! Bye, mom! Bye sweetheart! She also managed to give Kyle and Devon a quick update, just to keep her mind focused. After buying her coffee she walked back to the hospital, she looked at the time on her phone and thought she'll be back in her room by the time I get there. She had the broadest smile on her face.

That soon got wiped off her face when she got back! Tessa was not back yet? Going to the nurse's station they had panic written all over them. Someone caught Mariah as she fainted. When she came around the doctor was leaning over her taking her blood pressure etc. Hello Mrs Copeland Porter, you're back with us. Yes, she said Where's my wife? He didn't know what to say at first. Tell me she demanded. Please!! Err your wife was taken to Global Cardio Centre!!  Because we suddenly lost her on the table! Lost her ? said Mariah. Yes her blood pressure plummeted and she flat-lined! Mariah gasped What? She came in for a simple thing, said, Mariah. And now you're telling me what? That I might lose my wife? I hope not said the doctor looking worried. We managed to get her back, but it needed a bigger hospital to find out what was going on. Was she awake? No! said the doctor. Oh god! thought Mariah I just told our daughters it was a simple op. Had you got all the polyps out before she flat-lined? Yes! We were just finishing up. Ok well I drove here and I don't know LA, so how do I get to this other hospital? I will get one of our nurses to go with you and show you the way. Thank you said Mariah and left. She needed to get to Tessa as quickly as she could.

Arriving at the emergency department, Mariah gave her name and told them that Tessa had been brought here, and could she see someone about her? They took her to a family room. this was not a good sign she thought. Almost half an hour went by of her pacing the floor before a doctor and nurse appeared. Mariah rattled off a load of questions before the doctor said anything. Mrs Copeland Porter, please breathe said the doctor. I'm sorry said Mariah, but it was supposed to be a simple thing to remove the polyps and now this. It's ok I'm sure it's been a huge shock said the doctor, the nurse was sitting next to her and holding her hand. So in simple terms, he started saying that nobody knew Tessa had a hole in her heart and she must have had it since she was a baby, and up to this point it's never bothered her obviously, and we don't know if the anaesthetic put a strain on it? And that's what caused her to flatline? But at this moment she's in a coma, and she was rushed down to have open heart surgery to fix the hole. Mariah burst into tears. Oh god! Are you saying I might lose her? We hope not! It can be fixed the hole that is. Why is she in a coma? Well, we just think she cut off the oxygen to her brain and that's what we think triggered the coma. We're hoping once she comes back to ICU, she will gradually wake up!

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