Chapter 66 Help !

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After Tessa's confrontation with Mariah a month ago, thing's have changed a bit. Tessa and Cassie still go to their therapy sessions once a week, they had also managed to get Crystal to go finally too. Tessa could see her eldest daughter come back to life. Mariah was a different story! She was drinking more and more, she now spent most nights on the sofa, not managing to get up to bed. Tessa didn't want her in their room anymore, stinking of booze. Sharon had tried her best to talk to Mariah but with not much success. Sharon told Tessa she thought Mariah was out of control and she was extremely worried she would do something stupid.

Sharon was right about that! Without Tessa's knowledge, Mariah decided to take Tessa's car one day and drove it to Crimson lights. Sharon had no idea she was coming. Hi said Mariah a bit under the influence. Hi sweetheart. Sharon could smell the alcohol on Mariah's breath. How did you get here? I err borrowed Tessa's car! What !! It's ok It's parked outside, I just wanted some of your coffee to take back home. "Mariah" You do realise you're drunk right? No! No! I'm not drunk she said with slurred speech. Yes, you are! Shouted Sharon. I'm getting you a cab to take you home. Give me the keys? No! said Mariah I'm driving home! Are you going to give me my coffee? Sharon made it and gave it to her. Go and sit down she said. No! mom, I'm going back home. With that, she staggered out. Sharon had no option but to call the cop's on her own daughter. Sharon then phoned Tessa to tell her what she had done. Was she that bad? Tessa asked. Oh god! I feel terrible said, Sharon. Don't be Sharon, It had to come to this one day said, Tessa. She could not carry on like this. We have tried our best for her. She just seems on a mission to destroy herself and anyone in her path, including all of us.

How's Crystal been since you persuaded her to go? Amazing said Tessa It's like she's coming back to life. Do you know you've had every right to leave Tessa? You've not been married to my daughter for a while. True said Tessa But she's my everything and so are the girls. I'd do anything for them and I know Mariah's hurting right now and she just needs that someone to get her back on track. Unfortunately, it won't be one of us. She's beyond our help now. Tessa got a call later in the day, informing her Mariah had been arrested for drunk driving. She went to collect her from the cop station after she'd left her in the cells for the night, so at least she'd be sober when she picked her up. Tessa was not happy with her. For one she'd taken her car and two she was lucky not to of caused an accident or killed herself. Time for some hard love thought Tessa.

When Mariah got in the car she was not very happy with Tessa. Why are you mad at me? she asked You left me there said Mariah I did said, Tessa. Why? Mariah, you can't keep on trying to self destruct yourself, I won't let Lynsey do that to you. With my help, you are going to come back to me and the girls. Because at the moment none of us likes you very much. Do you understand? said, Tessa. The girls and I maybe even your mom can't do this anymore, watching you trying to find answers at the bottom of a bottle. If you continue doing this, you're going to lose all of us and you may even end up dead! Mariah did not say a word all the way home, the girls were pleased to see her, she gave them a quick hug and then went to bed. Tessa went up once or twice just to check on her. In the morning Mariah woke up to the smell of coffee. Tessa was sitting on her side of the bed. Mariah looked over and smiled. 

Hi! Hi! said Tessa I'm so sorry said Mariah It's ok said Tessa, you're dealing with some stuff, but I need to get you some help. Are you ok with that? I am because I don't want to lose you or the girls. Great! I'll get on it ."Tessa" Yes! I'm sorry that every time things get tough for me I always put up my walls instead of talking! "Mariah" We all deal with the thing's differently, but when you start shutting me out, that's when it hurts because I feel like I'm losing you to the dark side and when it gets bad I think one day I may not be able to rescue you. I understand you may not be able to tell me stuff, maybe you think I will get too upset and angry about it all? Talking to your mom though has given me some insight, into what you went through in the cult and how that has affected your life. That's why I think the councillor will be able to help. Because she will take you back to the beginning and not just at the spot you at now involving Lynsey. "Mariah," Tessa said Hey come here, Tessa opened her arms and let Mariah in while she cried. They sat like that on the bed for a while, before the girls came in and joined them. After a family cuddle, Tessa told Mariah to have a lie-in. She took the girls down and cooked them breakfast, even though they can make their own. It also gave her the opportunity to fill the girls in about Mariah letting her call the councillor at last.

Mariah started doing her session's a week later. Tessa and the girls were so pleased she was finally seeking help. She seemed to brighten up immediately! Tessa wasn't sure if that was down to her not drinking anymore? But Tessa decided to not buy any wine for a while just in case. She also checked everywhere once in a while just in case Mariah had hidden any bottles out of sight. Everything was going along quite well and more or less felt back to normal. Cassie was now back at University and Crystal had gone back to Power and was singing again. Which cheered Tessa up knowing her daughters were back on track. She and the girls only went to the councillor once a month now. One day Tessa came back from a meeting with Devon about doing, the last two dates of her tour in San Francisco. Tessa said she wanted Mariah to be better than she is now before she'd even consider it. Devon was happy with that decision, he knew Tessa would not be able to perform if Mariah was still not right, Those two have always been joined at the hip he thought. Mariah was doing so well at the counselling that she was moved to once a month appointments. Tessa was now back in the studio. 

When she came home from the studio a couple of months later, she could see a patrol car outside the house! Panicking she parked and rushed inside. Mariah and the girls were chatting to an officer. Is everything ok ? she said in a shaky voice. Mariah came over and held her hand. Are you charging my wife? The officer looked confused. Err no! I'm here to tell your daughter and wife they're being called as witnesses in a trial. Trial? Tessa looked confused. Mariah turned to look at Tessa's face. We're being called for Lynsey's trial said, Mariah! Tessa's face fell. It's ok my love Mariah held her. I can do this now and so can Crystal.

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