Chapter 33 Honeymoon

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A couple of days after their wedding Mariah and Tessa were packing! Ok, what do I pack said Mariah? Well, it's definitely warm and it has a beach like you requested said Tessa teasing. Well, that sounds good already said Mariah smiling. You'll love it I promise said, Tessa. Do you want to swing by Crimson to say goodbye to your mom before we go? At least then we can thank her for a wonderful wedding day. Especially as she did most of the work. That would be lovely said Mariah

The cab came to pick them up, they swung by Crimson and even managed a sneaky coffee before heading for the airport. And then flying to Tulum in Mexico. When they arrived Mariah did not know what to look at first. You did all of this for us? She turned to Tessa. Look at that beach. It had white sand and a beautiful blue ocean, she was so excited. She kissed Tessa and gave her the biggest hug. I love this place she squealed. I mean we have five bedroom's all to ourselves and a pool!  Plus our own private beach. Wow! Wow! Wow! Mariah was like an excited big kid. There was champagne already on ice and rose petals everywhere. It was so romantic.

Tessa was watching Mariah taking it all in, I picked the right place she smiled to herself. Right, Mrs. Copeland Porter, let's unpack freshen up, and explore. We're having dinner here tonight, cooked for us, and they're setting it up on the patio. I think we could do with a lovely stroll on the beach and watching the sunset. They were curled up on the beach, Tessa had her arms wrapped around Mariah. "Mariah" Yeah! When we get back I think we finally have to look for a bigger place. Why? Well I know we don't want them just yet, but we do want kids eventually, also I think it's about time we got a decent bed! yeah Ha! Ha! Mariah laughed Yeah I know what you mean that sofa bed has seen a lot of action. Tessa went bright red. It will be a shame to let it go though. Well about that said Tessa. I was thinking.

We could buy it? Why would you want to do that? Well, I love that fire escape for my music, It inspires me. So I'm frightened to lose it. What if I can't find the magic anywhere else? "Tessa" I honestly don't think you'll ever have that problem, but I don't mind if you think we can afford it? I'll have a word with our accountant and see what he say's. Ok well, I'm in with that decision. I guess we can start looking for somewhere. It's going to feel weird leaving the condo after all this time. It will but life move's on said, Tessa

We have our whole life together to look forward to said, Tessa. Come on let's go and have our dinner. She pulled Mariah up from the beach and gave her a long lingering kiss. After dinner they chilled for a while on the huge hammock, softly rocking backward and forwards. Mariah! Yes, Have you ever been skinny dipping? Tessa turned to see Mariah's reaction. No! Why? Well, this is our beach no one is allowed on it, so I thought I'd ask because I'm stripping off and going in! Your not? Said Mariah I am said Tessa she went and got changed, and she then came out with just a slip dress on. Tessa, I can see right through that said Mariah smiling. Well, I'm off.  Are you coming? Err yes wait there! They ran into the water and were full of love for one another. They made love in the beautiful clear waters.

It was the most amazing honeymoon, visiting Gran Cenote and scuba diving, walking around the Archaeological sites, they swam with dolphins, they also managed to have a spa day. They went to wonderful places to eat like, Hartwood, Cetli, and Taqueria Honorio to name but a few. They had the most wonderful time together over the three weeks they had taken off, Tessa thought they deserved to start married life off right.

The days had crept up on them so fast, getting back on the plane to GC Mariah was very quiet. Are you ok? Tessa asked holding her hand at the boarding gate. Yeah, I think so. I just didn't realize I could be this happy. Growing up was a different life altogether and then finding you was, I guess fate at work. And to find a woman as my soul mate! Well, that was never on my radar growing up. It's funny how life has twists and turn's, and if you're very lucky you get to feel like I am right now. Your right said, Tessa. I could never have imagined when I came to GC two years ago, that I'd be leading this Rockstar lifestyle, and I'd be married to my soul mate. Mariah, you have given me all this, I don't know how I would have done it otherwise? Life from here on out can only get better for us. I'm lucky to have found you. I'm the lucky one said, Mariah.

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