Chapter 93 What Next ?

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As Mariah stirred, she opened one eye and saw Tessa sitting up next to her in the bed looking gorgeous. Morning said Mariah, Morning sleepy head your coffee should be ready to drink. Did you make it ages ago? Not really, but you dozed off again after I brought it up, so about twenty minutes have gone by. Tessa smiled as Mariah sat up and took a sip. Just right she smiled. Did I take it out of you last night? Asked Tessa. Just a bit said Mariah I'm not complaining though. Well, you are irresistible smiled Tessa. Mariah laughed I don't think it was just that. Have you made a final decision about the rebuilding surgery? Yes, I think so said Mariah. As much as I know it doesn't bother you if I have it done or not but for me, it's a visual thing and I'm hoping the surgery will help me with the confidence issue I have. I understand said, Tessa. I said you should make the decision, on your own because you are the person that has to live with it all the time, and I know you were having trouble seeing it all the time. So now you've made a decision let's go and get it done. Tessa kissed her on the lips and they got out of bed, showered and headed for the hospital. 

Once there Dr. Grey was ready and waiting, she was glad Mariah had decided to go ahead with the surgery, she was really sure it would help Mariah, in the long run, to come to terms with what had happened to her. Tessa kissed her goodbye as they came to get her for theatre. I'll go to Crimson and then be here when you come back from the recovery room. Mariah was having a Transverse Rectus Abdominis Muscle flap done, what a mouthful thought Tessa I'm glad I don't have to tell anyone what you're having done. The surgery will take from six to eight hours because of all the microsurgery that needs to be done, to reattach all the little blood vessels. It also meant that by having this type of surgery, she wouldn't have to use all the muscles on only one side of her stomach. Tessa got out of the car and had a little cry, It's ok she told herself everything will go fine, and she will be fine afterwards. She texted the girls to tell them she went ahead with the surgery, and she was in the operating theatre now! After doing that she headed for Crimson and coffee! Sharon was waiting for her to arrive, they sat in a booth while Tessa explained the type of surgery they had decided to opt for. 

It's a long wait for you said Sharon Once Tessa had finished telling her what was going to happen after Mariah had decided which surgery to have. I'll go back after six hours and then just wait in the room if she's not back by the time I get there. What are you going to do in the meantime? said Sharon Oh I have a bit of recording to do! So that should keep me busy. Is it for a new album? I hope so said, Tessa. It has the title of LA Is Somewhere To Die! Sound's nice Sharon smiled. I was thinking in a few weeks' time I could take Mariah to the LA house for a bit of warmth and relaxation. What do you think? Sounds fab said Sharon You both love the ocean. True said, Tessa. Would you like to come too? Tessa asked Well normally I would bite your hand off said, Sharon. But I think maybe you and Mariah should just take the time together! Ik I just thought I'd ask said Tessa smiling. Will Mariah have recovered by the time Crystal and Sophie arrive back in New York? Yes, I hope so. They are coming over in two months, then Crystal goes into one month of rehearsals before she starts the lead and Sophie will be working backstage until she practically drops!

How far is she when they come over? Just over five months I think, which was ok with the airline said, Tessa. Obviously, Mariah is hoping to be well enough for us all to be able to go to the opening night? She should have had three months of recovery by then and obviously, Cassie is putting her foot down with her this time. Both Sharon and Tessa laughed. Well, I think she's finally learnt her lesson there said, Sharon. I mean you walked out the last time she started doing too much, so I don't think she'll want you to do that to her again? I hope not said Tessa I nearly lost her that time to the pneumonia. I think that alone scared the life out of her! Yeah, I think so too smiled Sharon. Right, I'd better head to the studio otherwise nothing will get put down for the new track. Bye Sharon I'll let you know how everything goes. Ok bye, Tessa. They both hugged and gave one another a peck on the cheek. When she got to the studios Tessa checked her watch, it said noon which meant she had four hour's to work on the track. Four O'clock and Tessa was heading back to the hospital, she couldn't wait to make sure Mariah was ok and out of surgery.

When she got there Dr Grey just happened to be at the reception desk. Hi Tessa, Hi Is she ok? Yes, she's fine, she's in the recovery room, she should be back in her room in about another half an hour. Oh, great said Tessa. 'll go and get me a coffee and wait in her room. Off she went. She was so pleased it had all gone well. When Mariah came back into the room, she looked done in! Tessa leaned over and kissed her lips gently. Hey, you ! I'm so glad this is all over for you. I feel like I've been in a boxing ring said Mariah trying to smile. I'm sure it's going to be pretty rough for you for a while. Dr Grey said there will be lots of bruising and a lot of swelling to start off with, which is going to make it very uncomfortable for you. Mariah started to drift off again. Look why don't I let you sleep off the anaesthetic and I will be back in the morning? That sound's like and before Mariah could finish the sentence she had fallen asleep. Tessa gave her another kiss and quietly left. She told the nurse to tell her wife she'd be back in the morning. Dr Grey had told them if things went well she would probably be allowed to leave the hospital in about five days.

In the morning Tessa could not get to the hospital fast enough, to see a wide-awake Mariah, on the way she grabbed her wife a coffee and a brownie, she thought she deserved one after the op she'd just been through. Walking into the room, she was met with a smiling Mariah. Hi, my love Tessa beamed, Hi yourself said, Tessa bent over and kissed her wife. Ooh ! I can see a treat said Mariah Well your wife thought you deserved one after everything you've been through, and I managed to get a coffee. Lovely said Mariah wincing as she picked the cup up! Are you ok? asked Tessa concerned. Yeah! Just pulls a bit when you lean and stretch, it's something I'll have to get used to until these bandages come off. Ok well just take it easy, we don't want to undo all the good work. After five day's in the hospital Mariah was more than ready to leave the hospital and head for home. Tessa was packing a bag of all Mariah's stuff that had accumulated in her five day stay. Dr Grey came in to give her the final checks to make sure she was good to go. Ok Mariah now remembers what I said to take things slowly after week two come in for a check-up and hopefully I can take the bandages off and take the sutures out.

I promise I'll behave said, Mariah. That will be a first said Tessa smiling. Two weeks went by very quickly. Mariah had been in a bit of discomfort during that time, but the pain meds helped with that. and she did behave herself as far as work went. She'd enjoyed going to the studio with Tessa and pottering around her garden. While they were at the hospital Tessa asked Dr Grey if she could take Mariah to the LA house, where she knew Mariah would just chill and so would she for that matter. Dr Grey agreed but she wanted her to stay in GC until at least week five after the op, which they had no trouble agreeing to. Everything went to plan and five weeks later they flew to LA and had a wonderful time relaxing, going on walks and building Mariah's strength back up. When they got back three weeks later it was as if Mariah was a different person. While they were away they had tentative sex for the first time since the operation. Tessa was still treating Mariah with kid gloves as if she was a fragile flower. In the end, Mariah had to show her that everything was ok and that she was in no pain when Tessa touched her breasts especially. When she looked at the scar she was so pleased she'd had the surgery done, and that she'd not gone for the implants instead.

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