Chapter 42 Ghost from the Past

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It had been five years since Tessa's dad had been sent to jail for life for her sister's murder. Tessa and Mariah were both at the end of their thirty's now. They had been together nine year's already, Crystal and Cassie were thriving, Cassie was now 15 and Crystal was 21 and at university. They were both growing up so fast. Tessa was a mega superstar now and was called upon to do major event's around the world, sometimes the girls and Mariah were able to go with her. Mariah was a powerhouse at Jabot, managing bands and in fluence's as well as the fashion ranges and perfume, she loved it. She had formed a great team around her so that she could work from home sometimes, which the girls and Tessa loved.

Mariah was in the office one day when her PA came In and said she had a visitor. Ok, she said I'll be right out. She stepped out of her office and came face to face with a face she thought she recognized for some reason? Hi! Hi! Said the woman. Mariah put her hand out for a handshake, the woman took her hand. Mariah looked at her and said why do I feel like I know you? Well, you have to go back a long way said the woman. I was the first kiss you ever had! Oh my god, Lynsey. Ha! You do remember the woman laughed. God, please tell me you're not in the cult anymore? said Mariah No! I managed to escape like you said, Lynsey. Well, what have you been up to? Asked Mariah This and that but I'm mainly an influence with my own health and yoga tip's on YouTube and I was wondering if you'd like to sign me up? Ok! How did you find out I did this sort of thing? Mariah asked. Well someone asked me to do a yoga session to Tessa's music! So I looked her up and one thing lead to another, and there was you being her wife and mom to two girls, who you adopted right? And I thought wow! You've achieved a lot since leaving your mom and dad in the cult.

Well, they weren't my parent's said Mariah No? Yeah It's a long story. Look I'm sorry I have to go home, are you sticking around town for a while? Yeah! A long while actually. I've just moved to GC. I needed a new adventure, after splitting from my partner. Ok said, Mariah. Do you want to come back here tomorrow, and we'll see what we can do to help you out? That sounds great, thanks a million said, Lynsey. Mariah went home and told Tessa all about her. Oh right, your first kiss! Do I have anything to worry about ? said Tessa tongue in cheek. Over the next few weeks, Mariah was spending more and more time with Lynsey. Tessa was getting jealous of all the time they had together. Tessa had been busy writing new songs for a new album it was early days, but she was spending a lot of time away from home. One day Crystal was home from Uni and went over to the studio to spend some time with her mommy plus she wanted to use the studio. She let slip about Lynsey being in the house when she arrived.

Mariah introduced her, but Crystal said she looked very comfortable there and are thing's ok between you and mom? Tessa was taken aback by that statement from her daughter. What do you mean? said Tessa Well she knew where everything was, she wouldn't let me do stuff in the kitchen, like make my sandwich, she wanted to make it for me. Mom didn't say anything to her, she just carried on doing what she was doing. How long has she been around? Oh, a few weeks now I think said Tessa. I've been here at the studio quite a lot doing long days, so I've been staying at the condo now and again because it's been the early hours when I've finished, and I don't want to make a noise when I get home, etc. That's one of the reasons I kept the condo on, also I've always liked writing song's there. Mommy, I just think you ought to spend more time at home instead of at the condo. Really? You think it's that bad ? said Tessa Put it this way, I don't think mom realizes what this Lynsey is up to. right under her nose and you're not there so? Oh ok! Sound's like I need to put mommy back in the house. They finished at the studio and went home together. Mariah was in the kitchen with Lynsey prepping for dinner. Tessa did not like what she saw. Crystal looked at her mommy's face, she didn't like what she saw either, So she called Cassie down from her room and said grandma wants us to go over there for dinner.

Mariah was just about to say why are you doing that? When she turned around and saw Tessa's face. She hadn't even realized Tessa had come home with Crystal. Hi, my love said Mariah I didn't even know you were back. Yeah, I noticed said, Tessa. Mariah did not like the tone Tessa said that in. Err Lynsey, have you got no home to go to? said Tessa. "Tessa" Mariah pulled her up! What said Tessa in a nasty tone This is our house! I asked if she had her own? What's wrong with that? Mariah marched Tessa away What the hell? said Mariah I could say the same said, Tessa. "Tessa" What do you think's going on here? I don't know Mariah why don't you explain that to me. Lynsey's here because I like her company and I find it easy to talk to her, we enjoy one another's company. Well, that's great said Tessa. But why does it have to be in our house every day? Crystal came to me today and wondered if her moms have a problem? Because she saw Lynsey getting her feet under the table. What/ said Mariah I don't know what she was seeing exactly?

Mariah, you need to go downstairs and ask Lynsey to leave, please. Why? Because I need us to have a talk Mariah and I don't want her in the house while I'm doing that. Our daughters have already left! Where have they gone? said Mariah. To your moms for now  I'll call them back when we're done. By the end of their conversation! Tessa said I'm packing a bag. Why? Where are you going? Mariah was in tears, Tessa I don't understand what is happening? Mariah I've asked you not to see her anymore, you don't want to do that, so I have no choice as I see it, but to leave. I'll stay at the condo for now and I will go up to your mom's and tell the girls too. Tessa, you do know that Lynsey's not a threat to you? Mariah the way I see you together she's a real threat to us, you just can't see what's in front of you. She is out to get you away from me and as soon as you open your eye's to it the better. Tessa, please don't do this. The girls are going to be devastated. Not half as much as I am by what you're doing. "Tessa" Lynsey is the first true friend I've ever had, we go back a very long way. We went through a lot in the cult. She was astounded when I told her about my parents, who turned out not to be who they claimed. I don't see her as a threat.

Well, I guess there's nothing else I can say then. Tessa turned her back on Mariah and started packing her bag, Mariah left her to it. As Tessa left, she looked over to the kitchen where Mariah was finishing off the dinner. She didn't say goodbye to her, she just thought so is this how it ends? Opening the front door, she shouted I'll send the girls back once I talk to them. With that she slammed the door behind her, Mariah burst out crying, watching everything from her car was Lynsey.  Tessa left her car and walked up to Sharon's, she sat the girl's down to tell them what was happening. They were both in floods of tears, Tessa reassured them that whatever happens their mom's still loved them. Sharon told the girls to walk home, while she talked to their mommy. As soon as the girl's left, Tessa collapsed into Sharon's arms and sobbed uncontrollably. Sharon just held her, when she'd finished and wiped all her tears away, Sharon asked Tessa What happens next? Sharon, I can honestly say I don't know. I know we've had our ups and downs and we've managed to sort them out. But this ? Mariah can't see what Lynsey's doing to not only me but to the girls too.

They've noticed that she's wormed her way in and that I don't like what she's done to our family. I'll talk to her said Sharon I hope you can get through to her for me because she's not listening to me. With that Tessa headed for the door, if you or the girls need me you know where I'll be. Ok bye, Sharon, and thanks for letting me sob. She walked back to her car. There in the doorway of hers and Mariah's house was Lynsey with her arms wrapped around a sobbing Mariah. Oh god no !! Thought Tessa That tells me all I need to know. When Sharon saw Tessa's car leave, she marched over to their house. to tell Mariah what did she think she was playing at? Sharon rounded the corner and saw the same picture Tessa had seen. She stormed back thinking did Tessa see the same thing? If she did who knows what will happen?

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