Chapter 56 Day Two !

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Mariah woke up as the sun was rising! She looked at the clock it had just gone 6am. She looked down at her PJs and smiled, she undressed me Mariah thought. I think I also heard her say sweet dreams, my love? I've never stopped loving her, she is my one and only true love. Oh, what I wouldn't give to have her back in our bed and our lives! I need to work on this she thought, she padded downstairs to make some coffee, then pressed the button, and opened up the bifold doors to the smell of the ocean. Am I going to be able to get her away from this? I wonder if we can afford to keep this place as our retreat? When she turned around she came face to face with Tessa.

Good morning I'm sorry did I make too much noise? Good morning No! Not at all, I smelt the coffee. They both smiled Well do you want yours to take back to bed? Err What are you doing? Asked Tessa Well I know I won't sleep anymore, so I was going to enjoy the ocean. Great Idea, Let's go said Tessa As they both headed for the patio. They sat there for ages in silence, just listening to the waves. It's a  great place to meditate said Mariah breaking the silence. It is said Tessa I usually do my yoga out here every morning. Oh, could we do some now? Do you have more than one mat? Sure do said Tessa Do you want to put on some gym gear first? Could do but these are quite flexible, Mariah pointed to her PJs. Tessa smiled Ok well I have to change she said. I'll wait Mariah smiled.

When Tessa came back down she told "Alexa" to put on some yoga music. Are we doing what we used to do? asked Mariah Sure said Tessa Do you remember it all? Yeah! I've done it every morning since you left. Tessa looked at Mariah with a stunned look. They did an hour as the sun started warming everything up. Once they were done they headed for showers, Mariah was sitting on the sofa when Tessa came down the stairs. She walked around and stood in front of her. What's on your mind? said Mariah Well it's surgery day tomorrow! And I was wondering if you'd let me take you on a little road trip to a place I love going to, also it will take my mind off of the things to come. Sure that sounds lovely said Mariah smiling. Can I help with the driving? Sure why not, I'll drive out of the busy traffic and you can take over when we hit the pacific coast highway. Ok said Mariah Do I need anything else? Not really said, Tessa. Maybe wrap a hoody around you just in case you get chilly later. I'll go grab one said, Mariah.

They got in the car and set off. What about breakfast? said Mariah Don't worry I have that covered said Tessa. Tessa drove for about half an hour before entering Malibu and stopped at the Paradise Cove for a pancake breakfast. Fully stuffed she let Mariah take over for the next half an hour, arriving in Ventura with its lovely beach and pier. Oh wow! said Mariah as they swung into it. Tessa directed her to the public car parking. She got a ticket for the day. They started walking towards the marina where they stopped for a coffee at the Mile Buoy Café, where they watched people trying to learn kayaking and falling in which made them both laugh. They always did have the same sense of humor Mariah thought looking at Tessa. She was more in love with her than ever, please let this workout. 

Once they finished coffee it was time for a walk along the pier at the very end was a viewing point. Mariah was gobsmacked when Tessa pointed to the seals and then dolphins and finally, Tessa was astounded! They saw a whale. Oh my god ! said Tessa You must be my magic charm she looked at Mariah, I've not been lucky enough to have seen one the whole time I've been here until you come along. Tessa beamed at Mariah. Well, I'm glad I could help you out said Mariah beaming back. From there they went and sat on Emma State Beach for a while until they decided to go into Beach House Fish for tacos and margaritas. Tessa had one and then nonalcoholic after that. Because of the hour or so drive back traffic permitting. When they got in they did their usual routine of taking their stuff off and putting comfy stuff on. They put the wine to chill, Tessa said there were bits and bobs in the fridge and cupboard if they need any nibbles later.

At the moment I can't eat another thing said Mariah, the day has been wonderful, it has, hasn't it. I can't believe after sixteen months I finally saw my first whale. You just brought your magic, didn't you? Tessa smiled at Mariah "Tessa" I have loved every second we've spent together said, Mariah. So have I said Tessa I'm so glad you're here to hold my hand tomorrow and afterward too. When will you have to go back to GC? Err Well as long as I do my job Kyle has given me full reign, I can stay as long as you want I guess. Mariah was hoping she would say for a lifetime, but she just said Oh that's great. Tessa put some plat list on and asked Mariah if she wanted some wine while she poured herself some? I'm good said, Mariah. They sat on opposite sofas, just chilling. Mariah kept looking over at Tessa. Are you ok? Tessa finally asked Err yeah! But I was wondering why you are sitting all the way over there said Mariah smiling.

I just thought you'd like your own space. I don't mind you sitting next to me said Mariah, You don't want to sprawl out? Their great sofa's for that said Tessa I'm sure they are said, Mariah. Is it ok if I come over there? Mariah asked not wanting to invade her space if that's not what she wanted. Sure said Tessa smiling. When she sat down she was literally on top of Tessa. Tessa was nervous about what was going to happen, she'd wanted nothing more than to pounce on Mariah the moment she arrived but? What if we're just jumping back into this because I have surgery tomorrow and we don't know how this is going to turn out. Maybe she's doing this to give me sympathy? We need to talk about this Tessa said to herself.

Mariah meanwhile wanted to get Tessa in her arms and never let her go! She'd had enough of no sex and most of all no contact with the person she loves most in the world. They both turned to face one another, Tessa spoke first Can I ask you an important question? Sure shoot. Ok! First of all, did you come here because Sharon and the girls were worried about me? Yes! But? But what said Tessa I was worried about you too! When the girls came back in April, I listened to them and thought if there was something wrong you would go and get it checked out! Then Sharon came back in May and said you were taking time off from the studio and you had this cough, I then started to panic because it had obviously gotten worse since the girls had come. I talked to Devon and asked him how your recordings were going? And he said Ok, but he'd heard from the staff at the studio, you had this cough and it was stopping the sessions and they were taking longer for you to sing. 

So I asked Devon if I could come and see what was going on. Oh, I see and then you'd report back? Tessa got upset. No! No! "Tessa" The most important people I worry about are the girls, mom, and still you. Tessa looked at her. So you didn't just come here to give me a push in the direction of the doctor's? Mariah shook her head. I came here because I should have been here sixteen months ago, I shouldn't have been such a stubborn cow, thinking you didn't give a shit about your commitments at home and wanted to come back here instead. "Mariah" I had to come back here, I'd built a life hereafter we got divorced. Tessa looked so sad. I thought we had sorted everything out that night at our house? We told each other I love you and I think we both meant it? I did said Mariah and so did I said Tessa. 

"Tessa" I'm sorry I let you come back here on your own, I have regretted that decision since you left. I want us to lay our card's on the table and then go from there. Do you think we can do that? Because we need to clear everything up, so I'm going to make a great leap and I want you to make that leap with me. I'll try my best said Tessa smiling. First of all, we need wine said Mariah laughing and getting up to get it. She sat back down next to Tessa. Tessa smiled and turned so she was crossed-legged, she could still reach her wine for gulps if she needed it. Ok, I'm ready said Tessa Who wants to start? Mariah sat opposite her and did the same with her legs. Well, I guess it's me said Mariah Seeing as Lynsey was the start of all this in the first palace.

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