Chapter 83 Work At It !

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Tessa laid awake in the motel. She'd already been out to get herself some coffee. She was clock-watching. They would be getting up soon to go to the hospital she thought. She missed not waking up next to Mariah, but she knew the girls were quite capable of sorting her out. I just hope Mariah's not stressing out too much because I'm not there? She still knew she'd done the right thing for herself. At the house Mariah woke up to an empty bed, she looked over at the empty pillow and started to cry. Crystal had just reached her mom's bedroom door. She was about to knock when she heard crying from within. I understand why mommy left she thought but she hated the fact, that she wasn't here to hold her mom's hand for her next session. But she thought I can't think about that now, I'm sure mommy will come back when she's ready.

 In the meantime, I need to go in and help mom get ready. She was really tired last night, which worried her and Cassie but they put it down to her worrying about where their mommy was? She knocked and waited for Mariah to answer. Through a croaky voice, Mariah said, come in. Morning mom said Crystal, morning said Mariah. Are you ok? Crystal was concerned. I will be when hopefully your mommy comes back to me, she said looking over at the pillow. I'm sure she will be said Crystal trying to reassure her. Come on let's get you ready for your appointment, grandma will be here soon to collect you. That set Mariah off again, Crystal hugged her mom and told her everything will be ok I promise. Dame it mommy she thought at least tell us where you are? So I can reassure mom. Once up and ready, Sharon came to collect her and the girls helped her to the car. 

After she'd left Cassie turned to Crystal and said I'm worried that's the roughest I've seen mom since we've been here. I agree said, Crystal. I honestly think it's a combination of the treatment and mommy not being here, If I didn't know better it's as if she doesn't have any reason to fight this anymore! Not even for us? said, Cassie. Oh, I'm sure we count said Crystal trying to be upbeat, but mommy has always been her everything, her soul mate, the other half of her. Why do you think mommy stayed away? Do you think it might be for good? I mean we're only here for another three days and then we have to leave! I know said Crystal But until we know where mommy is, I don't know what we can do? Mom has really upset her by ignoring what mommy was trying to do for her, it must have hurt her really badly? I think mommy can see mom running herself into the ground and not coming back from that, and it frightened the life out of mommy that mom might not be around. Oh, I see said, Cassie. 

And the answer to your other question about, is it for good? I have no idea at this point. I honestly was not expecting mommy to disappear like she ha, which scares me a little, I have to admit especially when we went to the condo and she was not there. Which means she's gone further away. Come on let's stop thinking about it and get things ready for when mom gets home with grandma. Ok said, Cassie. With that, they went upstairs and changed their mom's bed and towels, etc. It was nice on Mariah's skin to get into a nice crisp newly made bed. Tessa got up and had another long walk around the lake, she hadn't turned her phone back on since she'd sent the girls a message yesterday. She was desperate to know if Mariah was ok? Turning her phone back on, all the messages came up, she didn't read any of them. She sent a message to one person she thought would not push her to come back! Sharon! Typing out the message. I'm sorry I had to leave. I hope Mariah's treatment went ok? I don't want you to tell any of them the next part. I'm at Lake Winnebago. Love Tessa X 

They had just got into the house when Sharon's phone pinged. Mariah asked the girls if there was any news? No! Mom, I'm sorry. I'll make you some coffee smiled Crystal. It's ok said Mariah I don't think I could. Just as she said that she rushed to the kitchen sink and was sick. Sharon was taking in the message from Tessa when she felt Mariah rush past her. When Mariah had finished Sharon looked up to see what was going on. She helped Mariah upstairs while the girls cleaned up. Well that was new said Cassie as she burst into tears and Jo grabbed her. Crystal was the same as Sophie hugged her. How can we leave in two days? said Cassie If mommy is not back? I don't know said Crystal But I don't have a choice, Sophie and I are on contract and I'm the lead, they only gave us a week. So we have to get back on that plane said, Crystal. But seeing mom just now! Yeah! I know what you mean said Cassie I know mommy's got her phone off but we need to sit down and write her a message because we're all going to pieces without her. 

The girls sat down and composed a message to send to their mommy. Sharon settled Mariah down, she gave her the usual treatment of bath and moisturizer. She also found herself a container and put it by the bed just in case she threw up again. She saw the girls at the table and sat at the breakfast bar to read Tessa's message. You ok over there grandma? Yeah! I just thought you girls were busy, I didn't want to interrupt. Oh, we're just compiling a message to mommy asking her to come home said the girls. I see Is her phone back on > Sharon asked No! At least we don't think so? Crystal checked No still off! Do you mind if I ask what you have written? Not at all said the girls. Cassie nodded at Crystal so she did the honors. Mommy, Please will you come home, Cassie and I are scared! Mom came home from her appointment today and was sick in the sink! She doesn't look well and need's you, we need you. We have to leave in two days! And it's not fair we leave all this in grandma's lap. We know mom is pigheaded, but you are the only person who can knock some sense into her. We love you xxx 

Well, that should do it said Sharon Do you really think so ? said the girls Well you weren't pushing her, you just told her what it's like. Hopefully, if she reads it she will get her heart string's pulled and she'll see sense and come home? I can't promise anything though. Right said Sharon kissing them all, are you going to be ok with your mom? Err yeah why?  Well, I have to go to work at Crimson said, Sharon. Can't you take the time off grandma? It is your business after all. I know but I like to keep an eye on things said, Sharon. Ok, will we see you later for dinner? I hope so! Cassie and Crystal looked at one another with a surprised look. When she'd gone Cassie said that was a weird thing grandma said when you asked if she was here for dinner! What do you mean? said, Crystal. Well, she said I hope so? As if she had something else to do? Well, I guess it will depend on how busy Crimson gets, and if she makes it she makes it, and if she doesn't so be it! I mean we have never set it in stone that grandma would be here every night for dinner! True said Cassie I just thought it was an odd thing to say. 

I'd better get on with work are you three still up for answering all the emails for me? Like I said anything that you don't get etc just let me know, most are pretty straightforward forward and it help's me out. Yeah, sure they all said, let's get it done before mom wakes up so then we might be able to keep her off the computer? Oh, I think we'll be able to do that said Crystal because now she was sick we can hold that against her. Well, let's hope so said Cassie because she didn't look at all well when grandma brought her home. No, she didn't said Crystal looking as worried as Cassie. Sharon sat in her car for a little while and pondered what to do. She read the message one more time. I'm at Lake Winnebago it said. Did she put that hoping I'd go to talk to her? Sharon thought. She went onto google maps on her phone and had a look at motels near Lake Winnebago! There were only two! That settles it thought Sharon. She set off for Crimson she had to cover a shift for one of her waitresses who called in sick.  I can still get away from here by two, that should give me enough time to find Tessa? The two motels were on the same stretch of road, so if she wasn't in one she'd be in the other. Or thought Sharon could have sent me that message and then left this morning so if she knew I'd come to find her, she wouldn't be there? I don't think Tessa would do that though? 

When her shift ended, she took a coffee and told the staff who were left to lock up for her after closing, because she wouldn't be back until the morning. Before she left she called the girls to see how Mariah was. Oh, she's had a coffee said, Crystal. we're just trying to persuade her to have a tiny bit of soup. Well, I've had to send someone home who was feeling sick, so I'm filling in Sharon lied. So I might be late for dinner because I have to help with clearing up after we shut. So go ahead and have dinner when you want and I'll collect a plate off of you when I've finished. Ok grandma we'll do that for you. Thanks said Sharon as she put the phone down. She hated lying to them. Ok Tessa I'm coming for you she said under her breath. Before she pointed the car in the direction of Lake Winnebago. 

In the house, Mariah sipped at the soup. She really was in no mood for it. Every mouthful felt like it was going to come up again! But it did stay down and she managed half of the bowl, which pleased the girls. Anything more from your mommy? asked Mariah looking sad. No, mom! We're sorry. Why are you sorry? I'm the one who drove her away sobbed Mariah. Both the girls cuddled her until she drifted off to sleep again. The girls tucked her up on the sofa wrapping her in a throw. I don't think mom's going to eat with us tonight said, Crystal. How about we order take-out pizza and then we can just warm up some soup for grandma and mom when they need it? Good Idea said Cassie We're in too said, Sophie and Jo. 

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