Chapter 65 Much Needed Therapy !

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After the trauma of Lynsey, Mariah started having really bad nightmares, and so did Crystal. Tessa used to rush into Crystal's room to hold her and then sometimes, she'd have to run down the corridor to their room and do the same for Mariah. Both girls had decided to put everything on hold for a while. Devon was very good with Crystal and told her to take as much time as she needed to recover. Cassie had not gone back to university, her course was put on hold and she could pick it up at a later date. So they were all back under the same roof again. Tessa had decided she wouldn't finish the last couple of gig's on her tour until the whole family felt ok again including herself. Her nightmare was flying home not knowing what she would find or have to deal with. When she'd got back and realized what had happened seeing Mariah hurt and Lynsey being taken away! If Tessa had the chance, she would have killed her there and then. But she knew that if she had done that, she'd be in prison right now and not be here to help Mariah and the girls cope.

Tessa had a word with Sharon, about Mariah and Crystal's nightmares. Well they are bound to be going through something said Sharon, I know said Tessa but I'm struggling to get them to open up about it, especially Mariah. Crystal has told me bit's about how Lynsey must have been in the house when she arrived home because as she went through the door, everything went dark. She also had her mouth tapped and Lynsey would rip it off to let her talk, She heard a thud which she now knows must have been Mariah hitting the floor. Oh god! said Sharon No wonder they have nightmares. Has Mariah not talked to you at all about what happened? No! said Tessa tearfully. She's put those dame walls of her's up, so on the outside, she's all happy and I'm ok face on, but inside? I hate to think about what's happening. Ok! Well, I have a friend who may be able to help. I'll take anything right now Sharon. Also, I know I'm worrying mainly about Mariah and Crystal but hows Cassie been? Has she talked to you at all? I know she wasn't there thankfully, but she did see some of what was going on from your house. Well, the other day she did mention about she wished she would have been in there with them. Really? Why do you think she said that? asked Tessa.No idea said Sharon Although it could be a guilt thing that she wasn't there for her sister, I mean I know it was a long time ago, but surviving the car accident that their parent's died in! They are inseparable, and now Crystal' has gone through something she hasn't. Wow! I never would have thought of it like that. said Tessa. 

Out of all of them, I still feel Mariah is the one I have to worry about most. She's never been one to show her true feeling's very often. She puts these walls up and then hides behind them, hoping everything will go away and nobody sees her. I agree said Sharon, but don't just help her, I think you all need to talk to someone about what you've all been through. I just hope Mariah lets me help her Sharon. And the girls too. Tessa left with her coffee and went for a walk around Chancellor park, to help her think of what to do. When she got back Mariah was in the kitchen drinking! Hi said Tessa Looking at the glass of wine. Mariah was like a cat who had gotten caught in the headlights. Err Hi! Bit early for that isn't it? Tessa pointed to the wine. Yeah! I guess I just needed something to take the edge off said Mariah taking a sip. Err ok said Tessa Well I think you should start telling me what happened that night and get it off your chest so to speak. Mariah went off on a rant and told Tessa she was fine and that she was dealing with it in her way. Tessa tearfully said to Mariah. No! You're not dealing with it, your hiding behind your wall's hoping it will all go away. Tessa shouted back. She pointed to the glass and said and now you're drinking at 11am !!

All of us need a therapist that can help us navigate through all this stuff and come out the other side. If we don't go I hate to think what the consequences might be. With that, she took her coffee and walked down to the summer shed by the lake. Cassie came down the stairs after hearing her mom's heated argument. Walked past Mariah who now had the bottle and was filling up again and headed for the lake where Tessa had gone. She sat down and turned to Tessa. What's up to said Tessa I heard you and mom shouting. Are you going to break up again? Argh! Cassie no. What made you think that? Well, you were both shouting at one another and moms started drinking. What do you mean drinking? asked Tessa. I've seen her have a  sneaky glass here and there. Oh, I see said Tessa it's worse than I thought. Can I ask How are you about everything that happened? I feel left out she said. What do you mean? Well, I wasn't there to go through it like mom and Cassie, so I have no idea what it was like and therefore how do I help not only my sister but mom get through it all? 

Well first of all I think I and I need to go to therapy first to be able to help them. What do you think? That sound's like a plan said, Cassie. smiling for the first time in a couple of months since the incident. Ok well, let's put this plan into action. Grandma recommended someone, so I just have to phone and make us an appointment. A week later Tessa and Cassie went off for their first therapy session. Mariah was still drinking as far as Tessa could tell and Crystal just shut herself away in her room. Even Cassie could not get through to her. anymore. Tessa opened up about feeling guilty that she was not there to protect her family from Lynsey. She told the therapist about how Lynsey had managed to take Mariah away from her before and there was no way she was letting it happen again. I can't imagine what she and Crystal had to go through. Cassie said she can't get through to her sister because she has no idea what it was like to have her mouth taped and also see her mom unconscious,  once Lynsey took the blindfolds off. We went through everything after our parent's died together! And now she won't even talk to me about it. For the first time in my life, our roles have been reversed and I'm the one who wants to protect her.

"Tessa," You say you think your wife is drinking? Yes! I don't know how much though? I keep avoiding the question because I don't want her to push her into a corner and it makes everything worse. All I know is that as a family we need help! Do you think you can do that for us? Well after what you and your daughter have told me I hope I can yes. Great when do we start? Well, it will also depend on if Mariah and Crystal want me to help them? I think maybe you lay the groundwork and if they agree. Maybe I see them in a natural place first? Ok! Well, I guess Cassie and I still keep coming until we can get the other two to join in? That will be fine. When they left Tessa turned to Cassie and said let's get a coffee at Grandma's? Great Idea mommy said, Cassie. When they arrived Sharon wanted Tessa to fill her in. Tessa told her about Mariah's drinking and thought it was getting worse and that Crystal spent most of her day in her room. Sharon did not know what to say. Are you not saying anything because you think it's worse than I think? I'm sorry said Sharon Well I'm not going to lie to you. But yes I think it's pretty bad, you'll have your work cut out that's for sure. Ok well, that sounds very encouraging said Tessa.

I'm just being honest said Sharon, Oh I know you are. It's just you saying that puts the fear of God into me that I'm losing them both. Don't say that said Sharon I think we have a shoot, we just have to take our time and help them out of it. Well, Cassie and I are booked in once a week for the foreseeable. I just have to persuade two other people to come along for the ride. We'd better get home Cassie bye Sharon. When they arrived back at the house, Tessa found Mariah asleep on the sofa with a glass of wine on the coffee table. Cassie went up to her room, Tessa said she'd call once dinner was ready. She looked around and thought well I guess it's down to me? She started to knock up a pasta dish, something filling but quick to make. Mariah must have smelt the food because she started to stir on the sofa. She wandered into the kitchen. What are you making? Pasta is quick and easy. Oh, I thought I was making something else? Well, you were flat out on the sofa Mariah, and you'd probably still be there if I had not disturbed you by cooking. I see you have hit the wine again! "Tessa" You don't get it she screamed! 

Whoa! I have been nothing but supportive and I want you to talk about what happened so you can let it out. But those bloody walls of yours are up again. But Mariah they don't protect you, they just shut everyone else out. I want you to think about therapy? Cassie and I are going once a week. What for? she said You weren't in the house, you have no idea what Crystal and I went through. True I wasn't but it's affecting all of us, and you and Crystal need professional help. "Mariah" If you don't go, I'm frightened of what might be next! Do you want Lynsey to break us up for the second time?

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