Chapter 91 Trip

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Two weeks after they found out they were going to be grandparents in about six months it inspired them, to book up the trip to go and see both sets of girls. Mariah did not have a doctor's appointment for another two months. So that meant they could spend at least three weeks with each daughter. They decided to go to New York first because they then would not have to worry about jet lag too much until the big flight home from London. The girls thought that was the best idea, at least then both girls got the full benefit of them, instead of them suffering jet lag for half of their visit. Tessa had been busy making TV appearances, she was starting to do more work again. Mariah had put off the rebuilding surgery until they got back. Which meant Tessa's next song lyrics etc had to wait too. Not that she minded she was looking forward to seeing the girls and she was trying to write songs everywhere. When they got to New York she did have a small gig to do at Radio City. Mariah could not wait to see her on stage again. Mariah knew that even though her wife never said anything, she knew she missed her music more than she was going to let on.  So when Tessa sheepishly told her about the gig, Mariah pounced straight away and told her she had to do it. Not only that it will be a lovely night out for us all to see you sing again. 6I'm a bit rusty she said. Well, you have to go and practice then said, Mariah. How about we go to the condo as planned? I know I've not had the surgery, but it's still the best place for you to sing, we could even have a romantic date and stay over for old time's sake? Ooh! Now your talking said Tessa smiling. Mariah still had work too, but she was trying to take off every other day! When she did that Cassie took over both offices. Which meant when Mariah was off they went to the condo so Tessa could practice. Mariah never got bored of that voice. 

They did have their date night, Mariah got someone to go into the condo and make it all romantic with candles, etc and she had food delivered too. When Tessa walked in she was amazed at what Mariah had done. She swept her up and kissed her. This is above and beyond said, Tessa.  Well I thought before we go on our trip I needed not only for us to have a romantic night, but for me to say thank you! Thank you for what? For being you for one, and also for putting up with all the shit, I've thrown at you and you still came back for more. Most people would have given up! Well, I'm not most people! Tessa laughed. No your sure not smiled Mariah. "Tessa" You've been amazing through all of this and we still have some more we have to go through. You've put your whole life on pause for me. I'm so glad you're getting back to work. Me too said Tessa smiling. I really didn't know how much I have missed it until I started singing again in the last couple of weeks since we planned our trip. I've also laid on food! Mariah smiled at her. Ooh! Well, we'd better make sure we're ravenous enough to eat it then said, Tessa. Wickedly. They pulled the bed out, and got down to it! Afterward, Tessa turned to Mariah and said can we get a cab home if we have too much to drink? Mariah laughed. Is the sofa bed not quite as comfy as you remember? No! Laughed Tessa. I must be getting old to sleep n a sofa bed. I don't think it's that said Mariah. I think we just love our huge bed at home, it gives us more room to maneuver. 

The first stop was New York where they had an amazing time with Cassie and Jo, they bought them load's of baby stuff for the new arrival when they went shopping with them. The girls didn't mind what color clothes were in, because they thought that babies could wear any color they wanted. Also, they told them they didn't want to find out what sex the baby was until he or she came out! Oh, that's great it will be a wonderful surprise for us all then. smiled Mariah and Tessa. They had a brilliant night at Radio City, the #Teriah fans were all there going nuts especially when Tessa dedicated her last song to Mariah for being so brave during the cancer treatment. Of course, she sang More Than A Vow. Mariah cried her eye's out when Tessa got them all on stage and announced to all the fans that they were to be grandparent's not once but twice. It was an amazing gig, Mariah could see how much it made Tessa light up. She needs to do another tour she thought. Obviously, while she was with Cassie they went over some business stuff, she also asked Cassie about how she was going to handle the baby and work? "Mom" I'll just do what every other parent does, juggle between the two as much as I can. I'm sure like any new parent it will take some adjustment? But I'm sure between Jo and myself we will be ok.

This isn't just about being a parent, is it? Well no not exactly said, Mariah. I want your mommy to get back into her music, maybe even do a new tour? And write some new songs? The trouble is I know that mommy won't do that while I'm still having surgery on the horizon. But after the rebuild is done, I want her to go at it full time, and when she does go on tour, will you be able to coup with two offices? "Mom" You know I can do anything you need me to do! My new son or daughter can even be in the same room while I work. They both laughed. Great! Well seeing your mommy doing what she loves the other night, just made me realize she gave up doing something she loves because I got sick. I just want her to get back to it because it's her. She lives and breathes music! She lives for you mom! Cassie hugged her mom. You two are mine and Crystal's idols did you know that? We are so proud to call you our moms,  you have taught us both so much and we're both very grateful you came and found us at the orphanage that day and that we have the same names as your two sisters. Mariah was crying. Hey mom! I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you cry. It's ok said, Mariah. We had no choice but to adopt you both, when we heard Crystal call for you Mariah smiled. It was mine and mommy's pleasure bringing you up, we could not have asked for better daughters.

When Cassie and Mariah emerged from their chat, Tessa could see Mariah had been crying. She had a worried look on her face as Mariah approached. What's up? said Mariah. Err what's up with you ? said Tessa, Oh I see, you saw that I'd been crying? Yes! Is there something I need to know? Mariah laughed. Do you honestly think I'd tell Cassie first? Tessa shrugged her shoulders. "Tessa" I'm fine I promise, we were talking about Cassie doing extra when I have the rebuilding surgery and she told me that Crystal and her see us as their idols and they're proud to call us their moms and it's just made me cry that's all. Mariah looked at Tessa who was now crying herself. See I couldn't keep the tears from falling either. Mariah kissed her on the lips. Three weeks flew past pretty quickly. It only seemed five minutes ago since they landed in the big apple. As they were leaving and saying their goodbye's Cassie and Jo promised to send them a scan picture when they went for their next appointment. At the airport Mariah was not looking forward to the long haul flight, it would be six hour's in the air. Tessa held her hand and walked her through a different part of the airport. Where are we going? You'll see said Tessa. Their luggage was taken off them, they went through different security than anyone else, and then Tessa walked them out of a side door onto the tarmac! "Tessa" What the hell are you doing? 

Mariah was frantic! She thought Tessa had done something wrong. Hey! Calm down! This is the surprise. What is? said Mariah. The jet over there, Tessa pointed to a white and blue jet! This is our flight! What? No! Tessa we can't afford this! "Mariah" Will you stop, you have no clue how much I earn, and this jet was a part of the payment for the gig at Radio City and we're taking it to London and back to Wisconsin in three weeks. Oh wow! That is amazing said Mariah. Tessa came up behind her and wrapped her arm's around her. Oh and one other thing?  Err What's that? Can we join the mile-high club again? Oh! We'll see laughed Mariah laughing. I don't think you'll be able to resist me said Tessa laughing. What makes you think that? Tessa smirked and said Because this jet has a proper bed on it! Mariah didn't know what to say. Once on the jet, the champagne was opened for them. They settled down for the take-off holding hands and clinking glasses. There was one steward on board looking after them. Tessa told him to just go and chill and get a good nap. She picked Mariah up and took her to the back of the plane! Ooh! I like this mile-high club said Mariah as they sank onto the bed after stripping off one another's clothes.  It had been three weeks! They didn't like to have sex in their daughter's house! We better make this a good one, it has to last us until we get back to Wisconsin said, Tessa. Mariah just fell about laughing. Come here said, Tessa. Yes, the boss said, Mariah. They had the most wonderful sex at altitude! When they landed in London they were refreshed and ready to go!

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