Chapter 32 The wedding

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It was the morning of the wedding, not many people got married on Halloween. But Mariah and Tessa were. Sharon was at Crimson lights putting the finishing touches to everything, she made sure all the food and the cake which Lola had made had all been delivered because Lola was helping Tessa get ready. The balloons etc were all black and gold, the pumpkins had all been carved and had tea light's in them, which the staff would light before everyone arrived. The place looked amazing, she left her staff to finish off., while she went back to the ranch to help Mariah. Faith and Abby were there too.

Because Tessa had no family here, Mariah had arranged for Nick to walk Tessa down the aisle, because Noah ( Mariah's brother ) was going to do the same for her. Lola was thrilled when Tessa asked her to be her maid of honour and Mariah had obviously asked Faith to be her bridesmaid and Abby her matron of honour, seeing as she was married to Chance at this point.

When they decided on the date, Mariah said they had to do everything by tradition. So that meant no sleeping together or seeing one another the night before the wedding, also having something new, old, and blue. The new was easy, they both had new dresses, the blue was a bit harder, but Tessa decided to have a bit of blue put into her black garter, and unbeknown to Tessa Mariah had done the same to her white garter. They just told one another they had something blue covered. The old was a bit trickery for Tessa! She didn't own anything old. 

So Mariah fixed that problem, by buying her some antique earrings in black Onyx. which went with her dress perfectly. Tessa did the same for Mariah and found a beautiful pair of antique diamond drop earrings. Keeping away from one another was the hardest bit. Tessa phoned Mariah in the morning with a message about loving her and she couldn't wait to see her at the top of the aisle. She also told her Sharon had a wedding gift for her. Funny that said Mariah Lola has one for you. They decided to open them while they were both on the phone.

Mariah went first. Oh wow! Tessa heard It's beautiful, I love it said, Mariah. I saw it when I bought your earrings and thought It goes so well with them. It was a necklace which was white gold, with a heart in the middle which was covered in diamonds, Tessa said it reminded me of your engagement ring, and because you have my heart forever said, Tessa. Tessa opened her gift it was a white gold chain with a huge black onyx solitaire in the middle which looked like a teardrop, it was perfect. Mariah, it is so me, I love it and it will go perfect with my dress. Glad you like it, I'll see you in a couple of hours. I love you, Love you too. Bye!  Tessa heard a knock at the door, she opened it to see Lola standing there in her black dress. Wow! That dress on you is dope! She said thanks, Let's get you ready, she ushered Tessa to the bathroom. 

Sharon arrived back at the ranch, Mariah was flapping. Sharon got her to calm down and start to get ready. Abby arrived in her black dress, Faith's dress was in gold so that it fitted the colour scheme. Everyone was waiting in the lounge when Mariah appeared in her dress. Sharon gasped. Oh my god! Mom do not cry please, you'll set me off. Ok! I'll try but it's very tough though. Noah came through the door and said she looked beautiful, I'm so lucky to be the one walking you down the aisle.

Eventually, Tessa came out of the bathroom, wowzah Tessa! You look stunning said, Lola. Are we meeting Nick there? No! No! He should be here ant minute. There was a knock  Lola answered it and Nick walked in. Wow! Tessa Do I scrub up ok? More than ok smiled Nick. I'm so looking forward to Mariah's face when I walk you to her. Are you ready? Yeah! I've been ready to marry her since the first day I saw her.

Mariah and the gang started to head to Crimson Lights. The plan was for Mariah to be walked to the aisle and then Tessa would walk towards her. The place was filled with the Newman's the Abbots and all their friends and family. They had music to walk down the aisle to which was Love Me, Mariah went first with Noah when she reached the altar, she turned around to see and was flabbergasted as Tessa walked through the door escorted by Nick. She had tear's in her eyes Once she'd got alongside her  Mariah said Wow! Good choice. Tessa beamed it is so me isn't it? But you! You look stunning she grabbed Mariah's hand. Ok said Devon It's taken them 2yrs with all the ups and downs to get to this point, so let's get them married. Everyone cheered, and Mariah and Tessa just looked lovingly into one another's eye's as if no one else was in the room. 

The wedding bands were black onyx. Tessa's vows were Mariah I don't know what I would have done without you in my life, you are amazing, I'm so lucky to be marrying you today. You are my lover, best friend and best of all my soul mate. Happy Anniversary and Happy Wedding day. Mariah's vows went Tessa when I first saw you my heart skipped a beat, it still does that today. You are my everything, I love you more than I can ever show you, you're my lover, best friend and most of all my soul mate. Happy Anniversary and Happy Wedding day.

Devon said Mariah do you take Tessa to be your wife in sickness and in health. I do said Mariah Tessa do you take Mariah to be your wife in sickness and in health. I do said Tessa with tears rolling down her face. In that case please give one another the rings. Tessa placed the ring on Mariah's finger and Mariah did the same.  And with that said Devon I now pronounce you wife and wife. Everyone cheered and clapped while Tessa locked lips with Mariah, afterword's Tessa whispered I love you wife, and Mariah did the same.

Everyone ate and drank all night! They had a wonderful time. Tessa had managed to secretly tell Sharon where she was taking Mariah on her honeymoon. Oh my god! She will love it said, Sharon. They said their goodbyes to everyone, they'd had a long day, but most of all they wanted a bit of us time. Tessa carried Mariah over the thresh hold of the condo, once she'd put her down she kissed her with so much passion. This has been the best day ever she said, ditto said, Mariah.

Mariah opened the champagne and said let's make a toast to us, for sticking together through everything and coming out the other side, loving one another more than ever. To us and the rest of our lives. Cheers! Cheers said, Tessa. Ok, I need to get out of this dress said Mariah, Oh I can help you with that said Tessa laughing. Ok! Well, let's put the bed down first said Mariah!

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