Chapter 10 New car !

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Tessa was all excited when she woke up around 8. She was hoping to spend most of the day with Mariah, And maybe just maybe get her to come back here.  She put the coffee on the stove and jumped in the shower, and also cleaned her teeth. She then did some toast in the toaster, before sitting down to watch the news and drink her coffee, before getting ready to meet Mariah at Crimson Lights.

Mariah means while was in a deep sleep. She was having an amazing dream, where she was on tour with Tessa. They were having so much fun until? She woke up with her alarm blaring away. Until what? She thought. The dream ended abruptly when her brain heard the noise.

Anyway, she tossed off the sheet and blanket, and pulled herself out of bed it was 9 O'clock. She normally got up way before that, but her body obviously needed the sleep.  She ran downstairs to the kitchen and put the coffee on. What cereal do we have? Oh, muesli that will do. Back up the stairs she showered real quick, then put on a pair of Jeans, a t-shirt and a hoody. Don't have to put a dress on for the office today she thought.

Coffee was lovely and her breakfast, she did emails and had a zoom meeting. She was all done by 10.30, which gave her just enough time to get to Crimson to meet Tessa by 11. She was so excited to hopefully spend the day with her.

Tessa parked the car, she searched for Mariah's but couldn't see it anywhere. Then she looked at her watch and she was fifteen minutes early. She knew from talking to Sharon that Mariah wasn't a very good morning person. so she guessed she would probably arrive dead on time. She smiled to herself and walked into Crimson Lights and ordered her coffee, she thought she'd wait for cake until Mariah arrived.

Sharon popped her head around the kitchen door when she heard Tessa's voice. Hi! Oh Hi, Sharon I didn't realise you were around. Are you going to sit out on the patio? she asked Yes for now said, Tessa. For now? Yeah, Mariah should be here any minute and I don't know if she wants inside or out. Ok well,  I'll make your coffee and bring it out. Thanks said Tessa already heading for the patio.

Sharon put the coffee in front of Tessa. Oh, thanks I need this. So what are you two up to? Sharon asked. Well, I've asked for Mariah's help. I need to buy a new car if Mariah's going to keep sending me on these gigs all around the state because the one I have is getting to the point of falling apart, and I mentioned it to Mariah and she said she knows where to get me a good deal. Oh, that's great said Sharon Is she not working today? No! Apparently, she said due to the trips she'd done, she's going to work from home and she's not going back in until Monday I think said, Tessa. Wow! Well, she never hardly takes time off work.

Hi Mom! In the doorway to the patio stood Mariah. Usual coffee? asked Sharon. Of course, said Mariah smiling at Tessa. Which Sharon noticed had but didn't say anything.  Ok, I will bring it out for you. Anything else? said Sharon Well I don't know about Tessa but a brownie would be good. Tessa? Same, please. With that Sharon left and through the door, she saw the girls hug and give one another a peck on the cheek. They would be so good together, she thought. 

Mariah and Tessa were oblivious to Sharon watching them. They were just so happy being in each other's company. It felt so easy and natural to be together. Both of them felt it, but also wondered how to approach the subject with one another.

They sat there chatting for nearly an hour. Then Mariah asked Tessa what her plans were for the rest of the day might be?  I hadn't thought about it other than getting the car sorted. Why? Have you any idea? Not really said Mariah but I think we should get going and check out some cars for you and get rid of the other one.

With that, they set off for Tessa's car. Do you want to follow in yours? said Tessa I can't said Mariah I left it at the ranch. I thought it might be a bit silly taking two cars everywhere. Right well, my car it is then said, Tessa. Which way are we going?

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