Chapter 40 Kids ?

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It had been a year since they moved into the lovely house Tessa had built and designed for them. They were happy there, Mariah loved the view from their bedroom window, it never failed to take her breath away every time she opened the curtains every morning. She came down the stairs and there was her wonderful wife making their breakfast. Mariah kissed her on the cheek and got on with making the coffee and toast.

They sat down at their kitchen table, Mariah was looking at their surroundings. What's up? said Tessa Oh nothing! I was just admiring our lovely house. I'm still amazed you did all this for us, it's still not lost any of its charms. Tessa, I love our house. Tessa kissed her! Thank you I'm glad I did a good job and you love it as much as I loved building it for you. There is something else though. Oh yeah? What's on your mind? Tessa was holding her hand, look I have to go to Jabot to take some meetings, I should be finished early afternoon can we meet back here and then talk about what's on my mind?

Sure said Tessa I have to go to the studio for a while in the meantime. Ok well, I have to go, I love you said, Mariah. I love you too. When Tessa turned around she realized she'd been left with all the washing up. Later that day Tessa got back to the house before Mariah and started prepping for dinner later. Mariah got home around 4.30, she went up showered, and got her chill gear on. Once she came down Tessa had already made her some coffee. They sat in the lounge looking out into the panoramic garden with the lake in the distance. Tessa grabbed Mariah's hand. Ok, you! What's up?

Well I was thinking were settled more than we've ever been, yes said Tessa with a smile. Well, I was wondering if it's time for us to have kids? Tessa's face lit up. Really? Do you think we're ready for babies? Err maybe not babies as such said Mariah. What do you mean? Well instead of babies I was wondering if we could adopt instead? Wow! I've never thought about doing that said Tessa. Well, do you need to think about it for a while? I'd like to discuss it more with you and see what the process is etc. Is that ok? Of course, it is. Were in this together.

It took a couple of weeks for them to find out all about adopting! Mariah did not want to adopt babies, because of what happened to her. So she thought they would be better with older kids. Tessa was in full agreement and was quite happy not to have to deal with nappies and sleepless nights. It also meant she wasn't leaving Mariah to cope with babies when she had to go on tour. They had to go through all the paperwork to see if they were ok to adopt, and their backgrounds were looked into too. There were a lot of questions about Tessa's parents being addicts etc. But Tessa explained their not in her life and wouldn't be coming to visit at any time.

They went to visit a few orphanages, it was very thought-provoking. Mariah wanted to take everyone home with them, Tessa thought she might be able to do something to help, by maybe doing a concert to raise money for all the home's in the system? One day though they were in a huge playground when they heard a name being shouted. In the middle of the playground stood a very tall girl with jet black hair, she was shouting at the top of her voice "Cassie" Mariah took a breath. Tessa grabbed her hand because out of the corner of her eye, she saw this little girl running with red hair just like Mariah's.

The tall girl picked her up and they hugged. It melted Mariah's and Tessa's hearts. The person who was showing them around saw their d]faces and said would you like to know about them? Tessa looked at Mariah and just knew. That would be great said Tessa but maybe we should go back to your office first? Ok, no problem. She wrapped her arm around Mariah and said you're smitten already. Once in the office, the lady told them the little girl was 10 and as you heard her name is Cassie. The young lady you saw picking her up is her sister she's 16 and her name is Crystal. Tessa gasped!

She and Mariah grabbed each other's hands. Can I ask why they were orphaned? said Mariah. Sure said the lady. Their parents and the girls were in a massive car accident, the girls were very lucky to survive. They spent quite a few months in the hospital recovering, but their both fit and healthy now. Oh wow! Mariah had tears and so did Tessa. Do they not have any family/ said Tessa Not as far as we can tell, both their parents were only children, and the grandparents are all gone, so we couldn't find anyone left who could take them, hence why they're here.

The lady left to get them a coffee. Tessa turned to Mariah. this was meant to be, wasn't it? Mt god Tessa two though? Are you sure we're ready for this? Well, it's going to take a while to sort everything out and we have the room. They can decorate their bedroom's how they want if we adopt them? But with their name's etc we can't pass this up, can we? No! I'm with you. I mean they look just like us, and they have our sister's names, it's very uncanny. Do you think we can manage having a 16 and 10-year-old? Well, we've both been through a few things that will come up. They talked some more to the people at the orphanage before they left to drive back to the ranch to tell Sharon that if everything works out, she'd be getting two granddaughters in the very near future.

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