Chapter 53 Biopsy's Taken

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Tessa managed to finish the album she didn't know how she did it? The coughing is getting worse. I should phone Devon she thought? But what would I tell him? I think I need to wait until the next appointment. She can now relax a bit knowing she had fore filled her obligations. She phoned the girls to cheer herself up, they told her that Mariah was away for the next couple of weeks. Tessa asked them where? The girls said they didn't know. Tessa thought that was a bit odd. They also told her that grandma was looking after them in their house, Oh I bet that's fun? It's great said the girls. Tessa said her goodbyes to them without letting slip about the doctor's appointment this afternoon. She didn't want to scare them, she was terrified enough.

Mariah kept on banging on the door, and then she realised she must be out somewhere? Oh dam, she thought I now have to store up the courage to do this again. But when? Do I come back later? She won't be going to the studios I know that much for certain. She walked back down the road disappointed. Tessa was in the cab on the way back from being prodded and pocked about at the doctors. She'd had her blood work done and some images taken. Tomorrow she had to go back for the endoscope and they were hoping if they saw anything to take some biopsies. It would involve local anaesthetic he told her. The cab had pulled onto her road and out of the comer of her eye, she saw a red blaze!

No, it can't be she thought. I'm definitely losing it  I thought it was Mariah's hair / Once she was in she showered and changed, got her wine and had a pizza for dinner listening to the waves crashing. Mariah was in the kitchen wondering where Tessa was when she had called? Pouring herself some wine and getting the pizza out of the oven, she took the binoculars and headed out onto the beach. Tessa was standing at the gate wondering if she should go for a walk along the beach? She couldn't be bothered in the end and turned around and went up a couple of steps and plonked herself down in a chair. Mariah gasped as she saw Tessa nearly come out of her gate, but luckily for her, she went back in. What would I of done if she'd started walking toward me? Mariah thought. I can't keep watching her through binoculars she decided. I have to do this it's killing me inside if she's ill or it's a more serious problem. Devon called her to see if she'd made any progress? No! was the answer. Mariah are you scared of talking to her? Do you need me to fly down? Err no! I promise I will sort this out and find out everything you need to know. I realise this is important. Yeah it is said Devon Ok I need to get my act together she told herself, she made a mini-plan in her head for tomorrow night.

The next morning Tessa had been told not to drive herself because of the anaesthetic, so she arranged for a cab to pick her up at 10am. The doctor had told her to get things ready for her to eat that were easy to swallow because she might not feel like cooking or anything when she got back. When she got there she had to put on a surgical gown, she was given the anaesthetic and while that was taking effect they got all the tubes to put any samples in ready. That's a lot of tubes? said Tessa. Yeah! Well, each one is for a different thing, we may not even find anything to put in them said the doctor. They got the tube ready to go down her throat, it also took picture's on the way down, to give them a better idea of what was happening down there. Tessa was a little bit frightened by what they might find. The nurse squeezed her hand and said it was ok. After about forty-five minutes it was all over, the doctor told her to drink plenty of fluids over the next few hours because her voice box will feel a bit rough. Tessa took a pen and paper and wrote in big letters WAS THERE ANYTHING? The doctor nodded his head yes! Oh god no ! she thought my singing career is over. Once she got back she had a nap, under the shade on the patio.

Mariah had managed to finish all her meetings etc by lunchtime, when she got back to the house she changed into her shorts and a thin top and made herself some lunch with a cup of coffee, on the patio she looked at Tessa's house and thought I have to get this over with. She locked everything up cleared all the plates and put them in the dishwasher and put it on. Right here we go she said to herself. Mariah walked up the road, got to Tessa's front door and knocked. She was praying that this time she was in. Tessa was waking up from her nap, her throat still felt a bit rough, so she put the kettle on for some coffee, just as she did that there was a knock at the door. Who could that be she thought? Oh god! I need a pen and paper, I'm not allowed to talk! She scrambled around and found a scrap of paper and a pen and went to the door.

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