Chapter 101 Retirement ?

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Six months later and they were all still coming to terms with the fact that Sharon was no longer with them! Mariah had struggled quite badly with losing her mom. She still couldn't get over the fact that they were planning her ninetieth birthday party before she collapsed and ended up dying. Tessa thought this was the main reason why she was struggling! I guess it's because none of us was expecting it. Tessa was talking to Devon. Grief is a funny thing said, Devon. It affects different people in different ways, I'm sure it must have hit Mariah quite hard seeing as it was very sudden. Also, Mariah never knew Sharon existed in her younger years. So they have had this amazing bond, considering how they started. She, Faith and Noah are going to miss her greatly she was a strength to them all.  I think you just have to let her work her way through it. Yeah, I guess your right said, Tessa.  It's just that I've never had that sort of bond with anyone until I meet Mariah.

My parents were never that supportive in anything I or Crystal did and I was never close to them or Crystal for that matter, so I guess I didn't even grieve for any of them. I'm just struggling to watch, Mariah go through all of this and there is nothing I can do to really help her. Is there? No there isn't, I'm sorry to say. I guess you could try opening her up a bit? What do you mean? Well, sometimes it help's if you can get her to talk about Sharon, let her cry for instants or get angry about losing her. Let her get her feeling's out there instead of all locked up inside of her. I know counselling help's too. Wow, why did I not think of that? We have a councillor we go to. Maybe I can persuade her to go there? I'll have a try at least said Tessa smiling. Thanks for the chat. How are you doing ? said, Devon. Oh, you know! Said Tessa. No, I don't so why don't you tell me? Err well I'm just helping everyone else get through it, you know Mariah the girls and our granddaughters. Well, that's great your doing that said Devon But who's looking after you?

Tessa had tear's in her eyes! Hey Tessa, come on this is me. She started snivelling. Oh, it's just! Then she burst out crying. When she'd stopped Devon had his arm around her. I'm sorry ! Tessa said as she pulled away. Hey, it's ok, this is natural it's better out than in as I always say. Said Devon smiling at her. I just! You've been holding it in because your trying to be brave for everyone else, and the only way you can do that is to not cry in front of them said Devon. Yeah, something like that said Tessa. When Sharon died it was just so unexpected seeing Mariah collapse as she did, it was just devastating to watch. When that line went straight on the monitor, my heart felt like it was breaking in two. When I think about Sharon she did not judge me for falling in love with her daughter and in fact, she was the one who always talked me out of just walking away from Mariah when we had a falling out. She was the one who came after me when Mariah and I had a row about her working too hard during her radiotherapy, and look what happened then? I nearly lost Mariah! Sharon was like a second mom to me. I could talk to her about anything, and she'd give me good sound advice. I think that's the problem with Mariah. She's lost her sounding board! The person she told everything to, and now she has nowhere to go.

You mean, she won't talk to you about losing Sharon? Oh, I'm sure she will in time, I just think I'm too close to the situation at the moment and she could do with someone not so close. I'm also hoping she will consider handing full control of the business over to Cassie finally, so we could then fully retire. I think it's about time we started to enjoy our earning's a little. But the problem is now that this has happened I'm not sure how well Mariah might take to me suggesting it ?? I see your point said Devon You have both definitely earned the rest! I would proceed with caution as far as talking to Mariah about it. Perhaps you go talk to the councillor first? Then maybe she'll be able to tell you how to proceed with Mariah? That might be a good idea. She smiled Ok well I have to go said, Devon. Thanks for the advice said Tessa as she gave him a peck on the cheek. Bye! Bye, Devon and thanks again. My pleasure he smiled. Let me know how thing's went? ok, will do said Tessa as she waved him off.

She went back to the ranch (Sharon's old house) to see if Mariah needed any help with sorting some of Sharon's stuff out. When she walked through the door she found Mariah crying over a box. "Mariah" What is it? said Tessa holding her. Mariah showed her an old photo she found of her and Cassie (her sister who died) in black and white. Oh wow said Tessa I thought Sharon told you she didn't have any baby pictures of you and Cassie? I thought that too said Mariah still crying. Well, she could have been given it at a later date? said Tessa trying to reassure her. By who ? said Mariah I mean she's never shown me this photo before. Why didn't she show me it while she was still alive? I have no idea my love said Tessa concerned. Does it have anything written on the back? Mariah turned it over to have a look. There was a faint bit of writing on it which read GC General Hospital. She handed it to Tessa and then delved into the box again. What are you looking for? said Tessa Err A piece of mom's handwriting said Mariah I want to compare it to the writing on the back of the photo. She found a small journal and looked at the writing and compared it to what was on the back of the photo. It was one and the same! The look on Mariah's face said it all. If my mom wrote on this picture when she had me, that can only mean one thing? Mariah started to cry again. Hey! Hey! Come on I've got you said Tessa clinging on to her. After about twenty minutes she was all cried out. She tidied her face up and headed for the door. Where are you off to? said, Tessa.

I have to go find Nick and ask him a few questions. Why Nick? said, Tessa. Oh, I'm sorry I probably never mentioned it, but Nick and my mom were married at one point. And when they got together my mom had Cassie with her and Nick eventually adopted her. Oh my god! Ok said Tessa I understand why you would want to go and see him now. Come on I'm taking you. Tessa grabbed her and out the door, they went. They found Nick at Society. Hi Mariah, Hi Tessa, Hi Nick they both said together. Can I talk to you please? asked Mariah Sure shoot. Not at the bar can we go over there, Mariah pointed at the sofas. Sure. Do you want a drink? offered Nick. Err can we have just two coffees said, Tessa. He waved at the bartender. They went and sat down. Ok, what is the secrecy for? said, Nick. Are you ok Mariah? You look a bit out of sorts said, Nick. Mariah reached into her bag and brought out the picture. She was holding onto it. So Tessa started by saying that Mariah had started going through Sharon's belongings and she had come across this box which had been hidden, at the back of one of the wardrobes that had been moved. Mariah was going through the contents. When I found this, Mariah threw the picture at Nick. He took a deep breath and looked at Mariah. 

What do you want me to say? said Nick. Well, I guess I don't want you to lie said Mariah If you know the answer to this question. Did you know I existed? No! Was his stern answer. But! Mariah looked at him. I did know that photo existed said, Nick. Really? Yeah, your mom only had that one photo. So you knew I existed when you got together with my mom and you adopted my twin sister? Err Nick didn't know what to say. Tessa could feel Mariah tensing up, by holding her hand. Your mom did not show me that picture until after we were married said, Nick. So what your saying is Sharon knew she'd had twin daughter's all along? Because she told me there were no photos of me and my sister together because while she was in the hospital there was only one baby "Cassie" But obviously she had a photo taken of the two of us before she had me given up for adoption and she kept Cassie! 

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