Chapter 22 Grand Phoenix Hotel

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As an engagement present, Sharon had paid out for a suit at the Phoenix which included a spa day and dinner in the evening. Mariah booked it for a Saturday, but as a surprise for Tessa, she had paid for an extra night. Tessa thought she was just meeting Mariah there for dinner.

Mariah left work early so she could take their stuff over and take it up to their room, unbeknown to Tessa she'd packed her stuff too. She went up to the room, the champagne was on ice in the room was full of flowers there were petals in the bath and over the bed. It looked lovely, Tessa will love it, it felt very romantic.

Tessa had been doing interviews most of the day. She was ready to release new material, which always meant a busy time. She was so glad that the weekend was coming and she and Mariah had decided to take it off just for them to spend some quality time together. She rushed home so she could freshen up before meeting up with Mariah around 7pm.

When she got home, she realized there were some clothes of hers missing. Ah, I see sneaky Mariah! Getting to the hotel earlier than planned at 6.30pm  Tessa looked around and couldn't see Mariah anywhere. She went to the desk and said Do you have a room booked in the name of Copeland-Porter by any chance? Yes, we do mam, said the receptionist it's 215. Thank you said Tessa heading for the elevator, this will teach her to be so sneaky. Tessa smiled.

Outside the room, Tessa knocked gently on the door, Inside Mariah was putting the finishing touches on everything. Who could that be she thought?  Looking around the room she said everything's here as far as I know? There was another knock, Ok I'm coming she shouted. She rushed over and opened the door. Tessa stood there laughing. Oh no ! said Mariah I wanted to surprise you she said sounding disappointed. Mariah it's ok! But you should maybe hide things better at home. Why ?  Well, I went home to shower and change, and obviously, I noticed stuff was missing and I just put two and two together, Ah I see She burst out laughing too.

Well, surprise! Is all I can say. Come on in. She pulled her through the door. Wow you did a fab job on the room I love it, and I love you. She pulled her in for a lip lock. Ok, How do you like the idea of taking all my clothes off and trying the bed out? Oh! I thought you'd never ask, with that they started kissing and removing one another's clothes. Down to their underwear, Tessa maneuvered them to the bed. She laid Mariah down and then laid beside her.

You are the love of my life, Mariah. Ditto said Mariah Before launching herself on top of Tessa. She started nibbling her ears and slowly working her way down her body. All the while Tessa was moaning with pleasure. Before she got to the important bit Tessa had flipped her and started doing the same ."Tessa" Mariah moaned. I know you always like being top, but not this time whispered Tessa. She went down on Mariah. Oh my god, Tessa! Mariah squealed. The flood gates opened, it was the best orgasm Mariah had ever had. What the hell! Mariah said as Tessa came up to kiss her on the lips. It was nice to give you some payback. That's how you make me feel every time we make love Mariah.

Well, I guess I'd better get on with making you feel the same way said Mariah wickedly. Once they had showered afterward, they put their pretty frock's on and went down for dinner. They had a wonderful evening enjoying one another's company. When they got back to the room they popped the champagne and cuddled up on the sofa.

They were halfway through the bottle when Tessa said,  I know we're in no hurry to get married, but do you have any idea what season you would like it to be in? Well yeah, I guess so said, Mariah. It was around Halloween when we had our first date. Err I think you'll find that's when you found me the condo said, Tessa. Yes, your right . But it sort of had a first date feel about it. Ok, the first date it was. They both smiled at one another.

So I'm guessing it will be the end of October then? Yep ! I love all those autumnal color's said Mariah Any Idea where you want to hold it? Well, I'm thinking it will only be a small affair? said Mariah so How about Crimson Lights? Fab idea said Tessa we could have the ceremony on the patio and then come inside for the food and the dancing. Brilliant said Mariah I like the sound of that already. Well at least we'll know what our first dance will be said Tessa Now we just have to figure out the rest. Oh we will, Mariah pulled her in for a kiss and they made love all over again.

In the morning breakfast was in bed, thank goodness because neither of them wanted to get up! Well, that was a good night said Tessa Shall we do an encore tonight? She looked at Mariah. We'll see she said. In the meantime, we have a lovely day of pampering to look forward to first. I must admit I'm looking forward to this said Tessa. Because once this album gets released I'm going to be snowed under for a while. 

She looked over at Mariah. Hey, what's up? Whoa! Why the tears? She got Mariah in her arms as quickly as she could. Mariah wiped away her tears. Oh, it's ok I'm just a bit hormonal. No, it's not! Tell me what's up? Argh! It's just the thought of you having to leave to go on tour again, and the more popular you're becoming the longer the tours will be in the future because they will just get bigger and better. We've only had three months apart at the moment, but I think when the album get's launched it will be more like six months, so we can fit every venue that wants you in.

I don't have to do a big tour if you don't want me to Mariah. Why wouldn't you want to do a big tour asked Mariah. Well, I'd miss you for a start. Wee I guess we'll see what's going to happen soon enough. Come on let's stop being down and go and get our nails done and have a massage. It's going to make us feel load's better. They went down to the spa in their slippers and dressing gowns.

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