Chapter Part 90 Exciting News

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Once Abby had closed up, she and Lola came and sat down. While Mariah told them all about her breast cancer Journey and the pneumonia. Oh my god ! said Abby Why did you not say anything?  Yeah! Why ? said Lola We could have been there for you both. Look it took me a long time for me to process it all. I even pushed Tessa away which I'm not proud of.  The girls flew over for what should have been my final week of treatment. But I got to my last session and I'd made Tessa so mad she left and I just went downhill in a matter of hours and got pneumonia on top of everything else. I just didn't want people to keep asking me if I was fine all the time. So I decided to keep it in the house as much as possible, I'm sorry if you think that was wrong? But at the time for me, it was the right decision for all of us. Mariah smiled at Tessa. So what's the prognosis ? said Lola Well at the moment I guess I'm in what they call remission? All I know is the pneumonia has gone. I was given Iron to get rid of the anemia I had, and the surgery to remove the tumor went well, the doctor said that she got it all and took a bit more out around the tumor just in case it had spread. I now want to have rebuild surgery when I get back from our trip. 

Trip ? said Abby and Lola together. Yeah! We hope to plan a trip to go and see the girls in New York and London said, Tessa. Oh wow! That sounds amazing said Abby. Then when we get back I hope to get the surgery. Sounds like the surgery will be pretty invasive? It is they take a part of my stomach to become my new breast. It's called a Pedicle Flap. That sounds impressive said, Lola. I guess it sort of is. Mariah went into a bit more detail and in the end, said the recovery will be about six weeks. Well maybe then we can help? said Lola What do you mean? said Tessa. Well, how about I do you some meals? Oh, now that would be amazing thankyou said, Mariah. I can't cook Abby laughed. But I can keep you company now and again if Tessa needs a break? I might just hold you to that. Laughed Tessa. Oi! That's not fair said, Mariah. True said Tessa You've been very good lately and letting us do what we should have been doing since the beginning. Have you been naughty? asked Lola. I've been my usual pigheaded self said Mariah smiling. Ha! said Lola You found it hard letting people do stuff for the independent Mariah? You could say that said, Mariah. I fought Tessa every step of the way! 

Even just before I collapsed! What said Abby Yeah she was just being so stubborn, even though I was trying to help! I wanted her to let Cassie run the business for a while, just until she got on her feet. Oh wow! I can imagine what the answer was to that said Abby. Well, I upset Tessa so much, that she left! Left? Err I'm not proud of doing that said Tessa. But I just had to have space, I couldn't think anymore. Trouble was while I was gone she got pneumonia and the girls had to cope on their own. It frightened the life out of them! How did you know she had collapsed? said Abby. Sharon came to talk some sense into me and when she was driving home, she got a call from the girls, and then she called me. That was lucky said, Lola. Yes, it was said, Tessa. I don't know what I would have done it? Anyway said Mariah grabbing Tessa's hand before she started crying. We've not planned how long to go and visit the girls yet, or what our itinerary will be. Tessa doesn't have to do any studio work or any concerts, because she put everything on hold for me until she knew how things were going to go. Well, I for one would take as much time as you can afford said, Abby. Yes, I agree said, Lola. It will give your body more time to recover ready for the next step. True! Said Mariah. We will see and let you know what the plan is, once we know what it is ourselves. They all laughed. Right well, now we've sorted all that out. What are your plans tonight? said, Mariah and Tessa. 

Why? Well we're going dancing, Do you girls want to join us? I'm in said Lola It's my day off tomorrow, I'll go and get out of my chef stuff. Abby? oh go on then she smiled We've not had a girl's night in quite a while. Obviously, they went to the best gay bar in GC The Matchbox ! it was a terrific night, they had so much fun. By the time Mariah and Tessa got a cab home, it was four o'clock in the morning! They flopped down on their sofa. God, I enjoyed that said Mariah. Me too said, Tessa. Come on let's go and get some sleep. Tessa helped Mariah off the sofa and up the stairs. They both slept well! The front door was banging as Tessa dragged her body down the stairs into the kitchen to make some much-needed coffee. She opened it to find Sharon standing there. Everything Ok ? said Tessa trying to smile. Well, I think so said Sharon as she walked in. What does that mean? said Tessa. Sharon, can we start again? We didn't get to bed until late this morning. We had a girl's night with Abby and Lola. Oh I see said Sharon That's why they can't get a hold of you! Who can't? said Tessa. The girls said, Sharon. What do they want? I have no idea, but they called me in a panic because they couldn't get hold of you or Mariah. So maybe they thought something had happened to Mariah again? 

They just told me they needed to speak to you urgently, so they told me to come over here and find out what was going on. Mariah shouted from the top of the stairs. What's all the racket? Err well it's your mom. It seems our daughters think something has happened to us and got Sharon to come over here. But they also need to talk to us urgently apparently! Mariah came down in her PJs. Well, how are we going to do this then? Well, I'll send them a message and then I guess they'll want to zoom call us? "Mom" Are you staying? Mariah asked. Yep! They want me here too. Oh ok! I'll make us all some coffee, while Tessa's trying to get a hold of them both. I'll come and help you said, Sharon. By the time Mariah had made them coffee, the girls had answered by text saying they would be on zoom in about twenty minutes. Tessa was trying to work out all the time zones. Cassie and Jo are five hours in front and Crystal and Sophie are about eight hours. Which, means it's about 3pm in New York and 6pm in London, Hang on that means Crystal and Sophie must be at the theatre by now said Tessa. We'll it must be really important their doing this before they go on stage said, Mariah. Yeah, that's what I was thinking said Sharon with a worried face. I'm sure it will be fine mom said Mariah, holding her mom's hand.

They'd nearly finished their coffee's when the girls came online. Thank god ! said Crystal Are you ok? Yes, I'm fit and well girls said, Mariah. In fact, I and your mommy were tripping the light fantastic last night with Lola and Abby into the wee small hour's. Hence why you couldn't reach us! So you said it's important? Which one of you has the news? Both of us they both said laughing. Well, who's going to go first? We both are said the girls. How are you going to do that on a zoom call? said Tessa. Well, when we say, we want all three of you to shut your eyes, and then we'll tell you to open them. Is that ok ? said, Cassie. Sure said, Mariah. Ok mom, mommy, grandma, shut your eyes. Once the girls could see them do that, they all held up signs which read. YOU ARE GOING TO BE GRANDPARENTS AND A GREAT-GRANDMA. The girl's all in unison all shouted open your eyes. NO WAY screamed Tessa and Mariah. Sharon was speechless. Really? Yep said the girls. We had no idea we were all trying at the same time and got it on the first try! How crazy is that? said Cassie. So who is pregnant ? said Sharon finally finding her voice. Well with us said Crystal it's Sophie, she cuddled her wife. We're hoping to take it in turns? Awe that's wonderful Tessa had a tear. And with us said Cassie It's Jo and no we won't be taking it in turns. Jo is very happy carrying and I'll just help afterward. They all laughed.

Well, we wish you all our love and congratulations. That's given me a real boost said, Mariah. Are you still planning to come and see us all? said, Cassie and Crystal. We sure are beamed, Tessa and Mariah. Ok well, we have to love and leave you all we have a show to do. Bye! Crystal and Sophie were gone. Any idea when you are planning to visit? said Cassie. Should be in the next month or so said Tessa. Is that ok? Oh before you go How many weeks are you? asked Mariah It's really early we're both twelve weeks said, Jo. Oh my god! Your all due at the same time? Yeah! said Cassie sheepishly. We didn't plan it that well did we? They all laughed. Also, we need to know what you want to be called? said Jo What do you mean? Well, nan, nana, etc! Ok, we'll have a talk about it, and tell you when we see you. Brilliant ok we'd better go. Love, you Love you too bye! When they had gone Tessa went into the kitchen and got the champagne and popped the cork. Just a little for me said Sharon I have to drive to Crimson. Ok said Tessa But it's not every day this happens. I remember said, Sharon, smiling. I can't wait to see them all now said, Mariah. Me neither. they toasted to the girls and the new additions to the family.

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