Chapter 95 Being Grandparent's

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You'd think, when you have your own children, things could not get any better? But boy when grandchildren come along everything escalates tenfold! You do still love your grown-up kids obviously but when they give your grandchildren your love explodes. Tessa and Mariah loved it. Cee Cee and Tessa were now five years old and at kindergarten, they got to visit them in New York quite regularly. And now they were at school, Crystal and Cassie promised them they would fly them home, so Mariah and Tessa could have them during the holidays. They could not wait to have them both, they were planning all sorts of adventures for them. Crystal and Cassie's careers were going great guns, Crystal was now a major Broadway star and Cassie well she was just a mini Mariah fearless. She now had lots of stars on her book's now, through her sister passing them on, so she could represent them. After Cee Cee and Tessa arrived Mariah and Tessa thought their lives were now complete. She and Mariah had been together twenty year's already! Tessa was still a major star and she did a lot of show's she also did the odd tour here and there, but most of her work was now in TV shows and befits. They still enjoyed getaways to Lake Winnebago and their favorite hotel of course in San Francisco. But most of their time revolved around the granddaughters.

Ok, let's go said, Tessa. We're going to be late for our flight. Alright, I'm coming said Mariah as she grabbed her case and they rushed out of the door. When they got to the airport they bought a couple of little candies for the girls. You do realize Crystal and Cassie are going to kill us! Said Mariah smiling. Tessa started to laugh. Well, I've heard that grandparents are supposed to spoil their grandkids? Maybe but we don't want to piss the parents off in the meantime said, Mariah. It will be fine said Tessa we'll ration them, so they can only have them after their dinner each night. Great Idea smiled Mariah. When they landed at JFK and collected their baggage, Mariah swore she heard Cee Cee and Tessa calling them! Once out of the baggage hall, they were walking out to arrivals. when two little girls screamed Nana Nanny as they ran into Mariah and Tessa's arms.Wow ! What a lovely surprise said Mariah Are you here on your own? No silly said Cee Cee and pointing at Cassie. Ok well, are you here on your own? Tessa asked Tessa. No silly Nanny Mommy's over there with aunty Cassie. They all waved. That was a lovely surprise said, Mariah. Well when they knew you were coming, they just asked if we could meet you because we'd never done it before. It just so happened that it's my day off said Crystal so it fitted in really well. 

How's Jo doing? Tessa asked Cassie. Oh you know, can't wait for the baby to come out! They all laughed. Well, we're here to help said Mariah Crystal is Sophie off today as well? Err no! unfortunately but she is tomorrow. Oh, that's great, so we can spend some time with her too. Well, that will depend on baby number two arriving, Jo's already over by a week. We thought the second one comes early? Anyway, come on let's go and get these two home. smiled Cassie. Mariah and Tessa settled into Cassie's place because they were mainly there to look after Cee Cee if they needed to rush to the hospital in the middle of the night. Tessa came up behind her wife and whispered in her ear I love you! Mariah spun around with a beaming smile. Prove it said Mariah with a wicked grin! Not now said Tessa What if Cee Cee comes in? She won't said Mariah Cassie said they were letting us settle in and get over the flight, so they were taking her to the park for a while. Tessa smiled Well in that case. Come here, woman! They had sex in the shower, hoping that the sound of the water would drown out there moaning and groaning. They were so exhausted by the time they had finished that they slept for two hours! When they woke up they could hear a commotion downstairs.

They rushed grabbing their comfy gear on as they headed out of the room. When they got to Cassie she was running around like a headless chicken. Sophie was bent over the kitchen table panting. "Cassie" screamed Mariah It's ok breath! Have you phoned for Emergency Medical Service? No! I'm taking her in. Do you have a hospital bag? No! Well, it's by the front door said, Mariah. Oh geez, thanks, mom. Right! I'm ready. Sophie mouthed thank you to Tessa and Mariah. Best of luck they shouted as they headed out the door. Tessa rang Crystal to tell her it was game on for baby number two. You arrived just in time then said, Crystal. We'll come over and wait with you. That way Cee Cee and Tessa can wear one another out for you. Great idea said, Mariah. It's a shame Jo won't be here too? Ah well, my wife has managed to call in sick laughed Crystal, so the understudy went on tonight. Once they arrived the girls ran one another ragged around the house, Mariah and Tessa even took them both to the park and treated them to ice cream, while Crystal and Sophie stayed at Cassie's and waited for the call to say the baby had arrived.

No one had any idea what sex the baby would be, because Jo decided not to find out. At around 5pm everyone was deciding what to do for dinner etc when Tessa's phone started ringing. It's Cassie! Ok Ssh Cee Cee, Tessa, nanny can't hear what aunty Cassie is saying. Oh Cassie that's wonderful news. She started relaying the conversation. Born 5.05pm weighing in at 3kilos 23grams which is 7lb 2oz and, it's a her. Everyone cheered. Cee Cee and Tessa wondered what was going on. It's ok girls your mommy/aunty had a baby in her tummy remember? the girls nodded well it's not in there any more you have a baby sister Cee Cee and you have a new cousin Tessa said, Crystal. They started jumping up and down. Ok, let's get you two fed said Tessa Can we knock something up for their dinner? I'm on it said, Mariah. Any idea if they will be home tonight? asked Crystal. She didn't say said, Tessa. It won't be until later I'm sure said, Sophie. Let's get some take-out then, enough for all of us just in case they come home said, Tessa. I presume we have no name yet then? said, Crystal. Nope! said Tessa she didn't even mention one. They settled the little ones into bed. Are you sure you're ok with Tessa staying the night? said Crystal Yes of course said Mariah You don't want to wake her up just to take her home. Also, she'll keep Cee Cee occupied in the morning.

Tessa ordered enough Chinese to feed a small village! Just as it arrived around 8pm, up the path walked Cassie and Jo carrying granddaughter number three in their arms. You must have read my mind said Cassie smiling we're both starving. Jo held up the baby and said meet your nanny. Tessa carried her in as Cassie helped her wife through the door, she also got rid of the bags she was carrying. Mariah got handed the little bundle, as they all sat down for dinner. Crystal asked if they had a name? Err yeah we do said Jo smiling at Cassie. Her name is Jessie, Sam. Crystal started to cry, and so did Sophie. We thought she should carry her cousin's name said Cassie smiling at her sister. I don't know what to say? Thank you. While we're all together said Sophie Crystal and I have something to tell you all. You're pregnant !! Said Cassie beaming. Not exactly sis said, Crystal. Because you and I were lucky to find mom and mommy, we thought we'd like to give someone a home. Oh wow, you're going to adopt said, Mariah. Yeah! we have been in the loop for a while and we've just been notified that as of next week we will be the proud moms of a little girl called Martha, Sharon. Crystal and Sophie were so happy and couldn't wait to be parents again. Oh my god said Tessa that means we will have four granddaughter's in the space of a week! Why adopt? said, Mariah 

Well, we found out that after Sophie had Sam and then Tessa, she wasn't allowed to carry anymore and I know we haven't said anything about it to you all, but I found out I couldn't carry at all. So because we wanted at least another one, I suggested to Sophie we follow in your footsteps and look into adoption. So with that in mind are you going to stay, so you can meet her? Mariah looked at Tessa. Well, there is nothing we have to rush back for. So I think we can say yes that would be lovely. Have you phoned grandma to tell her about the baby's arrival? No! not yet said, Cassie. Well, why don't you both zoom call her and tell her both bits of good news? With baby, Jessie fast asleep they all devoured the Chinese and while the rest cleared up afterward, Cassie and Crystal called their grandma to show off Jessie and tell her about Martha. Getting into bed that night, Mariah and Tessa were chatting about the fact they would soon be grandparents to four granddaughters! Wow! said Tessa I did not see that coming, did you? No! No! It is amazing though. It's going to keep us on our toes and our hands full said, Mariah. It is said Tessa as she kissed her wife. Ooh! Be careful said, Mariah. Of what ? said Tessa This said Mariah moving her hand into a certain place !!

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