Chapter 108 Yay! At Last

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After a couple of hours of having some time out Mariah and Tessa headed back home to sort through the final two bags of stuff from Sharon's house. How do you feel? Tessa asked Mariah. Optimistic said Mariah smiling. Like you said if it's not there it's not the end of the world, my life will still, continue as it did before. I still have you and the girls and I know Sharon loved me from the time she realised I was her daughter. It's just that since I found that photo it's been eating away at me. One because Sharon always told me she never had a photo of me and Cassie and yet here it is. Mariah pulled it out of her bag. And two when she showed it to Nick, he said she never said the picture was of her and Cassie even. So did she not know? What do you mean? said Tessa. As she was driving. Well, why did she not say to Nick these are my twins? I have a feeling at that point I don't think she knew about me. But then again why if she didn't know did she keep the photo of the two babies if she had no idea who they were? I have no idea said, Tessa.

Hopefully, in these last two bags, I'm praying there is an answer for you. Me too said Mariah as they pulled up onto their driveway. Tessa went around and helped her wife out of the car and kissed her on the cheek. Come on let's get this done said, Tessa. They walked up the path hand in hand. The two bags were sitting on the table waiting for them. Tessa grabbed one of them and tipped the con tense onto the tabletop. They both sat down and started sorting through the stuff that was in there. Mariah's face started to drop the closer they got to the end of the pieces of paper. Tessa was starting to worry with only one bag left to go through. Even she was starting to think that there would be nothing to find. Tessa got up and went to the kitchen. What are you doing? Shouted Mariah from the table. You'll see said Tessa as she brought two glasses of chilled white wine to the table. Bit early for that isn't it? said Mariah. I just thought we could do with one smiled Tessa.

Ok, are you ready for the last bag? Tessa asked after gulping some of the wine. Yes, I think so said Mariah as she also took a huge gulp of wine! Tessa got hold of the bag and turned it upside down. She also did a little prayer under her breath. Please be in there she said. As the bag emptied she spotted a white envelope. Before Mariah noticed it she quickly grabbed it and put it out of sight. Mariah looked sad as she turned to Tessa and said It looks more of the same to me. Oh, you never know said Tessa as she took the envelope with her to the restroom. She took a deep breath once she had closed the door, and got the envelope out of her pocket and started to open it! She smiled to herself as she read the letter that had come out of the envelope. After reading it she thought it would be everything Mariah needed to know and would finally put her mind to rest finally.

She went back to the table where Mariah was still going through bits of paper. She looked up to Tessa with tears in her eyes. I don't think we're going to be lucky she said in a sad voice. I think we are, smiled Tessa as she placed the white envelope in front of her. Mariah burst out crying at the sight of it. Tessa let her cry. When she regained her composure she looked at Tessa and asked. Where was it? she struggled to say. In the bag you are on now smiled Tessa I spotted it when I emptied the bag onto the table. I'm sorry I opened it but I didn't want you to be disappointed, so I grabbed it and put it in my pocket while you were looking away. Then I went to the restroom and opened it. I don't think you'll be disappointed when you read it. Tessa smiled at her. I'm going to take my wine and head down to the lake house while you read it said, Tessa. Come and find me once you have read it. She kissed the top of Mariah's head as she left. Mariah took a deep breath as she took the letter out of the envelope Tessa had given her. Down at the lake house Tessa was sipping her wine and hoping that once Mariah had read the letter, she would understand that Sharon never lied to her and she had told her the truth. Tessa was also astounded that Sharon had no idea who those two babies were in that photo until that letter had turned up explaining everything. But she obviously felt something about it to hang on to it. Wow! She was, without doubt, a wonderful woman Tessa thought. Mariah gingerly opened the letter up and began to read.

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