Chapter 9 A New Day

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Since signing a contract with Power Communications, Tessa has been doing gigs all over Wisconsin as well as Society. She had managed to do the condo up gradually. she'd given herself a wage. She always made sure she had enough to keep a roof over her head. She had even managed to send some back home to Chicago for Crystal. Even though she didn't know if she got it? If she could get a bigger place one day she would try and get her sister here.

She'd not seen Mariah for a couple of weeks now. Well in fact it's been since the dinner, and movie night. I hope I've not scared her off? I guess I should call her and see how she's doing. I just thought we would have bumped into one another by now.

On the other side of town. Mariah had just flown back from New York after signing a couple of influencers. She'd been to Los Angeles too. So she was a bit jet-lagged with all the traveling, So she phoned her PA and said she was taking Thursday off. In fact, she wouldn't be in until Monday morning. She'd work from home. Give herself some well-earned time off.

Sitting on her bed after showering and unpacking, she realized she'd not seen Tessa in a while. She realized she'd missed her. She knows that she's been all over the place too. She'd heard good reports back that Tessa's career was going from strength to strength. And because she knew her schedule she knew where she would be singing tonight.

If I get a nap in now. I'll be able to go and see her and maybe we could get a bit to eat afterward and catch up? She snuggled down in her lovely cozy bed. Oh, how she'd missed it while she was away. Nothing quite like your own bed. Do I text Tessa to tell her I'm coming?  Before she could do anything she had fallen fast asleep.

Back at the condo, Tessa had decided to shower and try and have a nap before she had to go out again and sing at Society. She sang there three times a week now and they were very popular evenings. Abby was always sold out. She needed the nap, she'd been traveling so much, and you never sleep that good in a hotel bed. She always stayed over in one if it was too far to travel in the middle of the night. Oh, how here bed felt! Even though it was only a sofa bed.

Tessa had woken up at 5pm after what she thought was the best sleep ever. She had a small snack because she had not eaten since breakfast. She did her hair and make-up and drank some coffee. Last but not least was tuning her guitar. Before she knew it, it was 6.30 and time to head to Society.

Her car was starting to sound a bit worse for wear these days, I think I may have to see if I can sell this heap of? , and get a newer one before this on the breaks down in the middle of nowhere.  She waved to Abby as she headed for the stage. She talked to a few of the regular customers before getting everything ready for her first set.

Mariah woke up in darkness! Oh my god! What's the time? She was relieved to see it was only 6.30. She quickly freshened up and did her hair up into a bun. put some makeup on, got dressed looked in the mirror, and thought I'm good to go.

Tessa was already doing her first set when Mariah arrived. Abby rushed over and said a long time no see. Have you and Tessa fallen out again?  No ! I've been flying here there and everywhere and Tessa's been all over the state. I knew she would be here tonight, so I thought I'd take the chance to listen and also catch up with her once she's finished. 

Oh! Well as you can see I can offer you a table. Every night Tessa sing's here were full said, Abby. Well, that's great. I'm really pleased she is drawing in the crowds for you said, Mariah. So she had to stand right at the back, with her glass of wine listening to Tessa's voice fill the room.

Tessa was on her final set when she spotted Mariah heading for the restroom. She didn't even know she was here. Oh did she come with she wondered? When Mariah emerged she looked at Tessa singing her heart out and smiled. Boy, I think her voice is getting better every time I hear her. Some people had left so she could grab a table and sit down at long last.

once Tessa had finished and packed up, some of the people started leaving and the staff started clearing the tables. She hoped Mariah was not one of the ones to leave? 

Abby came up to Tessa and said great again tonight. Tessa said thanks ever so much, Here's your fee. Thanks, Abby. Did I see Mariah earlier? Yes, you did. She's still sitting at the back. I didn't have a spare table to sit her at, so she stood at the back until a table was available. Ok, thanks she headed for the back of the room. Mariah was sitting quietly, she didn't even notice Tessa approaching. Hey said Tessa touching Mariah's shoulder. Hey, Mariah's face lit up with a wonderful smile.

Can I sit?  yes of course you can. Do you want to join me for a wine? Why not.  Mariah pointed to the barman and said one.  Tessa was so pleased to see her. She had so much to tell her about all the gigs she had been doing and all the things she had done in the condo. She couldn't wait to invite her around to show her.

Mariah wanted to tell Tessa about all the things she had done in NY and LA  and wished that Tessa had been with her, so they could have explored the places together. How have you been? Mariah started asking. Fine I guess, you know I've been really busy the last couple of weeks because you booked all the venues replied Tessa.

That's true Mariah said with a grin. I've been to New York and Los Angeles since I saw you last. I only got back this afternoon. That's why I've not seen you. Oh thought Tessa that explains everything, and it's a relief I didn't scare her off. 

Well, we have an hour before this place closes, so do you want to sit in a comfier spot over there? Said Tessa. I'd love to said, Mariah. They headed for a table in the corner, which had a couple of sofas to sit on. Mariah told Tessa about her trip, and Tessa told her about traveling around, and what she'd done to the condo since her last visit. Wow! Sound's like you've really settled in said Mariah. I can't wait to see it.

How are you fixed tomorrow ? said Tessa  Well it just so happens I'm working from home the next few days. I'm not going back into the office until Monday said, Mariah. Right well, I may need your help then. What for? I need to buy a new run around, if you need me to keep traveling around the state? So I need you to tell me where to go and get rid of my old car and get a good deal on a new one. Is that ok? said, Tessa.

Yeah! I know just the place to take you said, Mariah. Do you have plans for tomorrow? Mariah asked Tessa.  No ! I'm free. I only have to sing here again Friday night, other than that I have nothing planned.  Tessa looked at Mariah hoping she would say great we can spend the weekend together. But Instead Mariah said wonderful. How about I meet you around 11 in Crimson lights? We can have a coffee and then I'll take you to look at some cars. Sound ok to you? Wonderful thanks said, Tessa

Right well I guess we'd better drink up and head out, they will be closing soon said, Mariah. Tessa said thanks for coming tonight Mariah It was lovely to see you and catch up. Mariah gave her the biggest smile as they put their coats on and headed outside.

Once there Mariah said my car's over there. I'll see you tomorrow and with that, she gave Tessa a big hug, and then she was gone. Tessa thought on the way home, was she expecting me to continue the evening back at the condo, considering she had no work as such in the morning? No! She would have said let's go back to yours surely?

Mariah sat in her car outside the ranch, thinking the same thoughts. Why didn't I say let's go back to the condo and continue the evening? I mean I've taken off the next few days, so it wouldn't have hurt to ask her if I could have gone back for a nightcap.

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