Chapter 84 Is This Final ?

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Sharon was in her car on the way to find Tessa and talk to her. I know she's upset with Mariah but I'm more worried that she's going downhill without Tessa being there to will her on. She looked so sick today on our way back from the hospital, she has one more treatment to go and I want Tessa to be there to hold her hand through it all. Lake Winnebago laid out before her. Right let's do this she said to herself. She had texted the girls to say something had come up and she might be a little late for dinner, after she sent it, she switched her phone off so she could concentrate and they would not be disturbed.

Mariah woke up on the sofa feeling a bit under the weather, why am I feeling so rough? She thought She managed to pull herself up and look around. Then she heard laughing and looked out through the bifold doors to see the girls sharing some wine. It made her smile thinking she was glad they had found partners that were their soul mates too. She wished her's was here to give her a cuddle she could do with one right now. After all this time you would think I'd learned my lesson, every bloody time my walls go up and every time Tessa has been able to knock them down again. I don't understand why I just can't explain to people what I want to do and carry on. Instead, I stick my head in the sand as if nothing is affecting me, even though like mom said Tessa is the only one other than myself who sees everything. 

So when I was tired instead of me saying to myself stop and take five. Oh no! I plowed on instead and then Tessa would come in and say do you realize you've been at it all day and please take some time to rest. I understand why she was getting mad at me! But still! She could have had a bit more understanding, I mean she's not the one living with life or death hanging over her head. I can't believe she just walked out on me and the girls and didn't even come back in time for my session today. Where the hell is she? Could she have gone to San Francisco? Mariah got up and looked in the safe, nope she's not gone there she said to herself after finding Tessa's passport.

In Winnebago, Sharon got out after parking her car at the first motel. She went to the reception while walking she did think what if Tessa's not used her real name? The receptionist had a look down her list and said no one by that name was written down. So Sharon got back in her car and drove to the next hotel hoping she would be lucky this time. Another receptionist this time a man, said Oh yes she's in room 101. Thank you said Sharon, she has asked not to be disturbed said the man. Oh ok! Well in that case would you mind phoning the room? asked Sharon and tell her that I'm here and I need to see her because it was important said, Sharon. All right I'll call but if she says no, there will be nothing I can do said the man. Fair enough said, Sharon. He rang the room and then said I'm sorry but I have no answer. Err ok said Sharon as she started to leave she said What the hell shall I do now? She had a quick look at the cars in the parking lot and realized Tessa's car was not there. Right, I need to make a plan she thought.

The girls noticed their mom wandering out towards them, and they both rushed up to help her. She looked too frail. Are you ok? They both said. I have felt better said Mariah trying to smile. For the first time in all of this, I really don't feel well. Do you want us to get a doctor or phone the hospital? No! No! Let's just see how things go. But the girls were worried! They sent a message to their grandma. Sharon was sitting in the parking lot when Tessa's car went past hers and parked in a space. Tessa got out of the car and went into one of the rooms. Sharon got out and walked over and knocked on the door. First no answer. That's funny I thought it was this door? She walked away and then back after seeing the signs 100 to 107. Yep it's defiantly this one 101 She knocked again, but this time said she was room service.

She heard foot step's the door opened. Hi Tessa! Err Sharon! Is everything ok? Mariah? Tessa went pale. It's ok said Sharon Nothing has happened, although she was sick today? Sick? Yeah when we got home after the treatment this morning, she threw up as soon as we got in the door. But that doesn't sound good? said Tessa. Let's go and grab a coffee by the lake said Tessa I'll drive. Ok said, Sharon. Do the girls and Mariah know you are here? No said Sharon They took their coffees and sat by the lake. I can see why you like it here said Sharon smiling. Did you honestly think I wouldn't come if you told me where you were? Not at all said Tessa. I just needed some time. Have you read the girl's message they sent you? Err they sent me a message? Yes! They sent it even knowing your phone was off. Tessa quickly turned her phone on, and read the girl's text and by the end, she had tears streaming down her face. She switched it back off. 

You're not leaving it on? No! "Tessa" What are you going to do? I have no idea? Do you still love Mariah? How can you ask me that question, Sharon? You know I'd lay my life down for her! So why are you here and not by her side then? Your daughter is one pigheaded woman! I know this more than anyone, she's been like it since I fell in love with her. So it should be no surprise to me that she won't stop even though she's sick. I have tried so hard to just get her to slow down a bit and recuperate between sessions. But she'd rather go like a runaway train and sod everyone else including her own family. I'm so scared she's making herself worse and then she can't come back from it! Have you told her how this is affecting you, Tessa? I have tried Sharon, but you know what she's like. Maybe you have to go at it a different way? How do I do that? Do you realize how hard it was for me to stay away this morning? Tessa, you could have still been there. I think having you not there has taken its toll on her, she looked so sick when I brought her home this morning. Really ? said Tessa very concerned. Yeah! I think she's finally realizing how bad this all is. Do you really think so? Yes! And I'm so worried that I'm here to take you home.

Back at the house, the girls were getting more and more worried about their mom. Have you heard back from mommy or grandma yet? No said, Cassie. Right, I'm going to Crimson. I'll be back as soon as I can said Crystal She drove as fast as she could, and once there she was told that Sharon had left after her shift at 2pm! Oh Ok! So she didn't have to stay to help clear up? No! There are plenty of us to do that and Sharon asked us to lock up for her said the staff. As Crystal left, she wondered where the hell her grandma was? Getting her phone out she tried her mommy's and grandma's number's again. Both switched off! Argh !! I need you she screamed at her phone. When she got back Cassie, Sophie and Jo were frantic. Calm down what's up? We need to get mom to the hospital said, Cassie. Why what's happened? Sophie took her hand and took her over to the sofa. Her mom was shivering and sweating at the same time, she did not look good.  Did you get hold of grandma? asked Cassie. No! She wasn't there! Not there? But I thought she said she'd be there until closing? She did say that to us Cassie, but when I got there the staff said she'd left at 2pm. Where the hell is she? No Idea! Look lets get mom to the hospital ok? Yeah, let's go. They went over to their mom and helped her off the sofa, come on mom we need to get you some help. They loaded Mariah into the car and then set off for the hospital.

Back in Winnebago Will you come back with me please ? Mariah needs you and so do the girls, they're worried when they have to leave in a couple of days regardless if Mariah's ok or not they don't want to leave it all to me. Also, I think they'd rather spend their last couple of days with their two moms, especially one of them reassuring them everything will be ok once they leave. I wouldn't usually grovel Tessa but please come home? Sharon put her phone back on, as soon as she did so it buzzed. She read the message. Grandma was worried about mom, please come home soon x  Everything ok? Tessa asked. It's a message from the girls. I think they're starting to panic said, Sharon. Panic ? said, Tessa. Yes. Tessa their worried sick that Mariah's going downhill. I have to go and be with them. Can you take me back to my car please ? Sure said Tessa realizing Sharon was worried too. Once back Sharon just went straight to her car and drove off. Dame thought Tessa. What do I do? Sharon's phone started to ring about half an hour after she'd left Tessa, she did a quick glance and saw Crystal's name. She pulled over. 

Hi sweetheart! Don't you sweetheart I said Crystal very upset. We've rushed mom to the hospital. What! What happened? Grandma, I don't know where you are, but get here as soon as you can please. Ok, I'm on my way! Sharon dialed Tessa's number. Hi, Sharon are you ok? Yes, I'm about halfway back to GC, But I've just had a call from Crystal very upset. Is she ok? asked Tessa concerned. She's fine but Mariah isn't! They rushed her to the hospital. Oh god no! Sharon didn't have to say anything else.  I'm on my way! She ended the call and rushed around the room grabbing all her stuff and throwing it in the back of the car, she then checked out and headed for GC. Praying Mariah would be ok. The girls were pacing up and down the corridor when Sharon arrived. Where the hell have you been? cried Crystal I'll tell you in a minute said Sharon She touched Crystal's shoulder, turned around, and fell into her grandma's arms sobbing.

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