Chapter 28 Heart to Heart

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Tessa was staying in The Peninsula Chicago in the deluxe suite. Mariah was in the Conrad up the street. They decided to meet on neutral ground so headed for The offshore Rooftop and Bar on the Navy pier. Tessa was so nervous to see Mariah again after all this time. She also could not believe Mariah had boarded a plane to see her in Chicago.  Especially when she hoped Mariah would stick around for tomorrow night, because she had sold out the United Centre to about 25,000 people, and if things went well she was hoping Mariah would be there? But at the moment she just wanted to see her and hoped there was something to save.

Mariah was walking along the sidewalk, she was trying to think about all the things she wanted to tell Tessa and ask her. She was so scared but also she knew this would be the most important conversation of her life. If it went well she was hoping Tessa would ask her to the concert tomorrow night. She also wanted to see If she was still wearing her ring. Because if she was Mariah thought it would mean something. Ok, deep breath in we go.

Once Tessa got there she went up to the roof deck, so they could sit in the open and have a view over the water. Tessa had been given the best table possible. People around her were pointing at her. So before things got too crazy she asked the staff to let them take photos and she signed autographs then she'd like to be left alone because she had an important person coming. The staff organized the people who waited patiently then so she could have the privacy they shut the rooftop off to the general public, so she could talk to Mariah without prying eye's watching them.

Mariah arrived and was ushered upstairs she heard one of Tessa's fans say that's the fiancé as she walked past. She wondered what was happening, she reached the top of the stairs and walked onto the deck, there looking out over the water was Tessa. Oh my god! She looked good. It took all of Mariah's strength not to go running into her arms. Hi, I'm so glad you agreed to meet me said Tessa, I've wanted this since the day I saw you get in that cab to leave New Zealand. You saw me leave ? said Mariah Yes! I came after you, but by the time I worked out what hotel you were in. I saw you climbing into the cab and they were loading your cases into the back, by the time I managed to get across the road you were gone.

Well, I had no choice said Mariah This time I had to run! You cheated on me, Tessa. I can't believe you did that to us. Mariah all I know is I utterly and absolutely love you with every atom of my being. I'm bereft with what I did. I have no idea why it happened, nothing has happened since I promise you. I knew it would break your heart, but I had to tell you the truth, I couldn't lie to you. All I know is I will never betray you again. You can hold me accountable for the rest of our lives. I will do anything to fix this and win you back, please tell me what you want me to do?

Tessa, I came here because I needed you to give me the answer's to why you did what you did. I  thought we were good? Heck, I even asked you to marry me! And you asked me. Then the slightest hiccup and you go and cheat. I just don't know if I can trust you again? I mean there will be a lot more concert tour's in the future. How do I know you're not going to do this again?

Mariah, I love it! "Tessa" you've said that already. Tell me how to fix this? Do you still love me? Tessa asked  I noticed you're still wearing my ring. Mariah, can you turn around and say you don't love me anymore? She turned around Tessa took a deep breath, this is it she thought. I don't know what to say to that question. " Tessa" You hurt me so much, I let my wall's down because of you, and then it was like you stabbed me in the heart. I wear your ring because It meant something to me when you put it on my finger, I don't know if you can say the same?

Mariah the ring you gave me means a lot to me too, and if your wondering no I wasn't wearing it that night. I took it off because I was upset after our zoom call. I hadn't seen you in six weeks and when you said it was going to be longer before you would come, I just lost it. I'm horrified by what I did to us. Can you find it in that big heart of yours to ever forgive me? Or am I fighting a lost course? Tessa crossed her fingers and hoped.

Tessa, I believe you when you said it's a one-off, and I wouldn't of come here if I didn't want to save something. It hurt so much what you did to me. How am I supposed to let you back in when I know what you did? I don't know Mariah but I'm hoping you being here is a sign that maybe just maybe you want this as much as me? I can't live my life without you, you're my Ying to my yang. Mariah smiled at that. Tessa, I do love you. Tessa smiled  But we have got a lot of work to do, we've been through a lot in our lives. Please don't break me again. I don't think I would survive.

"Mariah" come here please. Tessa gave her the best hug ever. Are you going to be here tomorrow night by any chance? She wanted her so bad !! But she knew that may take a bit more time. Yes, I'm staying at the Conrad. You're in the Peninsular, aren't you? Yeah! I'm in the deluxe suite it's huge. Can you stay for a bit so we can have some lunch with me? Tessa asked. yes I can smiled Mariah

They spent the rest of the day together talking and setting out what and how they were going to move on from Tessa's cheating. Tessa wanted more than anything to invite Mariah back to her suite to chill out on the luxurious sofas, but she knew this might be pushing her luck. So instead she walked Mariah back to her hotel, gave her a peck on the cheek, and then said hopefully. Can you see your way to see me tomorrow and come to the concert in the evening? Mariah looked at Tessa's eyes she could see how genuine she was. There was no doubt in Mariah's mind she loved this woman more than anything, and she wanted them to spend the rest of their lives together. Yes is all she said Tessa was left on the sidewalk with a huge smile on her face.

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