Chapter 87 Home Time !

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When Tessa got home the girls were chomping at the bit to ask their mommy how Mariah was doing? Sharon was there too and by the time Tessa had finished telling them they were all in tears. She also noticed the girls had brought all their cases down, ready for the airport tomorrow lunchtime. Crystal sighed with relief. Right well, I can now go and pack the final bits up she said. What do you mean? Well as much as you and mom would want me to get on that plane. Do you seriously think I would have done that  There was no way I would have been able to go back to London and concentrate on a show if mom had not shown signs of recovery before we were due to leave? That goes for me too, chimed in Cassie. They all smiled at one another. Ok! Well now we have a bit of good news, you can go and pack before the takeout gets here. Tessa and Sharon hugged that's wonderful news said Sharon through tears! It is, but I'm still airing on the side of caution, for now, said Tessa. She still has a lot of recovering to do! Are you staying for food? Seeing as it's the girl's last night here. Yes please if that's alright? I'd love to! They both wiped away one another's tears before the girls came back down. 

Thanks for coming to find me said Tessa, I don't know what I would have done if something !! Let me stop you there before you say anything else said, Sharon. "Tessa" I know how much you love my daughter, you've shown me that tenfold over the years. You two have always had these tiffs of yours, mainly over Mariah being pigheaded. She's not going to change so I just know the stuff she does to you she doesn't even know what she's doing to the people around her, especially to you. Until it's too late. To be honest I don't know why you've put up with it for so long? Tessa laughed. Oh, that's easy to answer! I fell in love with her the moment we meet. It was as if my heart was whole again the moment we spoke. They say you only get one soul mate and I have been so lucky to have found mine in Mariah. For all her faults and all the stuff she's done to me, I would still pick her to love and I feel very lucky that we're still together hopefully we get to do some more adventures together, fingers crossed. Sharon hugged her again and said Mariah's lucky to have you too. The girls came back downstairs and the Chinese and Shushi arrived. It was a lovely evening the only thing missing was Mariah. 

The next morning Tessa was eager to get to the hospital, she'd showered and was downstairs making coffee and some scrambled eggs. Crystal and Cassie came down, oh I'm sorry girls did I wake you? No mommy! We just thought we'd get up and have breakfast with you on our last morning here. Oh, that's lovely thank you. I'm sorry thing's haven't quite gone according to plan while you've been here. It's ok mommy none of us could predict mom would end up in hospital. Just then Tessa's phone rang. She looked down and saw that it was Dr. Grey's number. The girls both started at one another. "mommy" What's up? Tessa answered the call. Hi Dr.Grey! Is everything ok? Good morning Tessa can you get here now, please? Err Is there anything wrong? Tessa's face was starting to scare Crystal and Cassie. I just need you here as soon as possible is all she would say. Ok, I'll jump in the car and be on my way! "Mommy" What's going on? Sorry girls I have no idea except I have to go. I'll phone as soon as I can she was out the door before the girls could say anything else. The girls got their wive's up and they all headed for their grandma's coffee house to tell her what was happening and to wait for their mommy to call. 

At the hospital, Tessa rushed in and headed for Mariah's room. When she got there she was shocked to find it empty! Oh god no! She screamed out. The nurse who was taking care of Mariah came over and held Tessa. It's ok she said she's just gone for a scan! She's still with us! Tessa pulled herself together. Really? She's ok? Yes, she's more than ok, let me take you to Dr. Grey. She walked her to the office and knocked on the door. The nurse walked in with Tessa, she needs a coffee she had a bit of a shock because Mariah was not in her room. so when she looked in! Oh god, Tessa! I'm so sorry that's not why I phoned you this morning. When I saw the empty room I just thought the worst, seeing as you had phoned me earlier and wanted me here straight away. I just put two and two together and thought things had got really bad and when I saw her room empty !! Well, it just sent me over the top. I really am sorry said Dr. Grey, I wanted you here because, thing's have improved some more during the night, she still has pneumonia obviously, but I've sent her for a scan so I can have a look at her lungs to see if they've improved as much as I think they have. Does that mean she'll come out of the induced coma altogether? 

Because if that's what you're saying it's just the news the girls need before they fly off this afternoon. Are they going somewhere? asked Dr. Grey. Yeah! Their all going home! They only came for Mariah's last week of treatment, and look how that turned out! She's back from the scan, drink your coffee, and let's go and put your mind at rest. When they rounded the corner, the nurse who helped Tessa was just coming out of Mariah's room. Is everything ok? Yes smiled the nurse she's comfortable, you can go in. Dr. Grey walked in front of Tessa into the room. As Tessa came from behind her there in bed sat Mariah with a smile on her face. Tessa thought she was seeing things. How in the world? She looked at Dr. Grey for answers. Mariah tried to talk, but Dr. Grey stopped her. "Mariah" remembered what I said about the tube just coming out. I'll let you talk later ok? Mariah did the ok signal. Tessa smiled and kissed her on the lips and held her hand while Dr. Grey explained that Mariah had improved so much during the night, that she got called in to remove her tube, so she could breathe on her own. Once they did that they had to sit her up a little bit because she still has fluid on her lungs from the pneumonia. We will continue with the antibiotics to help her fight everything. But the good news is she is definitely on the mend. Tessa was beaming Oh god that is such good news! 

The girls and your mom are going to be thrilled. You said they're leaving? When do they have to go? I'll text them now and find out the exact time. Tessa got on her phone and had a barrage of questions back! I think they're a bit concerned I had to rush off so quickly this morning. Argh! I see said, Dr. Grey. Well, why don't you tell them to come in say an hour's time? It will give me time to look at the scan and then I can give you all a more up-to-date prognosis. That sound's wonderful said Tessa as she sent the girls and Sharon the information. Dr. Grey still told Mariah no talking as she left. Tessa turned to Mariah with tears in her eyes. You have no idea how glad I am to see you awake, especially today because the girls are leaving to go back home. It's as if you knew? "Mariah" don't Dr. Grey has banned you! Let me get some paper and a pen. She went outside the door and asked for some paper and a pen. Once she'd given it to Mariah she started franticly writing a manuscript! Mariah, we have loads of time! She tried slowing her down to no avail. Once she'd finished she gave it to Tessa to read, Oh wow you've written a novel Tessa joked! Mariah did not see the funny side. Ok, I'm sorry said, Tessa. I'll just go over there and read it. Mariah nodded. She'd written it like a letter. It read as follows. 

My Love, I can't imagine what you have had to deal with over the years with me? I have been such a pigheaded cow and I'm extremely lucky that you have always stuck by me. Even this time you came back after I didn't listen to you telling me to slow down and now look where I am. Tessa Copeland Porter, I am so lucky to have you as my wife, lover, best friend, and most of all my soul mate. I love you above everything. I heard you singing to me while I was asleep. I promise after this to do better and to listen to you more. Come over here. Tessa did just that while Mariah gave her the biggest of hugs and kissed her. After that Tessa got Mariah to rest because the girls and Sharon were coming and they had no idea Mariah was even awake, let alone sitting up and she was going to try and talk too.

Tessa went and got another coffee while she took it easy, she also helped Mariah sip one too. Before the girls and Sharon arrived, she helped Mariah to freshen up, she gave her a bed bath because Dr. Grey said she needed to gain her strength before she'd allow her to have a shower. Also instead of a hospital gown, Tessa managed to get Mariah into a lovely pair of PJs she was all set for her visitors. Cassie and Crystal were dreading the visit, they thought because their mommy had gone in so early there would be something wrong. Sophie and Jo tried to lift them saying why would your mommy get you to come to the hospital if it was more bad news? They packed up Sharon's car with their luggage as she was taking them to the airport afterward. They told Sharon they were looking forward to what their mommy was going to tell them. Let's look on the bright side said Sharon until we know any different. 

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