Chapter 77 Week Two Done !

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Mariah has finished week two of her treatment, by the time Tessa got them home she just wanted Tessa to bathe her and put her to bed. She was exhausted. Tessa kissed her forehead and left the room. Once downstairs, she had a quick call from Cassie saying she and Jo would be arriving around 9am. Mariah didn't know Tessa had got the girls to come and visit. She hoped the girls were going to give Mariah the boost she needed to get her over the final hurdle and also she was hoping they could persuade her to give up working for at least a couple of months to let her body fully recover. Crystal also texted saying they were just finishing the show and then would be heading to the hotel next to the airport for their very early morning flight. She also told her that Sophie had managed to get the week off too and was coming with her. 

Oh, wonderful Tessa thought reading the text. That means the London flight would be arriving around the same time as Cassie's. So she sent a message back asking the girls to meet up at arrivals and get a cab together.  Obviously, if anyone gets delayed then don't bother waiting just come straight home. Tessa was longing to see them all, and also for the next week she would have allies against Mariah arguing she can do everything, even though she can't. Setting her alarm she went to sleep in the spare room again. Tessa was up and about before Mariah started to stir out of her slumber. She made some coffee and took it up to her. You didn't sleep in our bed again did you ? said Mariah Tessa putting the coffee down. No! said Tessa I just don't want to disturb you when I get in. For one thing, I can't turn the lights on for fear of waking you up. 

"Tessa" If your that worried why don't we get a bigger bed? That way you won't worry so much, but at least then I'd see your face as I woke up! Mariah smiled Well I guess this bed has seen some insane action. They both fell about laughing. It was the first good laugh they had had in what felt like forever. I also have a lovely surprise for you today, seeing as we have finished week two ya! go us said, Tessa. I love surprises What is it? said Mariah Well I think I'll give you a nice bath, wash your hair for you and we'll go from there. smiled Tessa. That sound's amazing said, Mariah. Can you give me a gentle cuddle until then? Sure said Tessa Getting on the bed. Tessa was so gentle trying not to cause her pain while she was bathing her. She had already told the girls to be careful with her when they arrived.

Once she dried her and sorted some clothe's out, she took her downstairs for some more coffee and give her some breakfast, which usually was a high energy smoothie because sometimes she got ulcer's in her mouth from the radiation, which made it very painful for her to eat some foods. Tessa had already had a text from the girls, saying they had landed and were waiting for their luggage. She quickly sent one back saying pop in and see your grandma and then we'll see you at the house around eleven you can then bring grandma back with you and I'll lay on a lovely lunch. At Crimson Lights Sharon was delighted to see her granddaughters and their wives. They told her Tessa wanted them to pick her up and take her back for lunch. So Sharon got on the phone and organized the staff, she said they would take her car and save them from calling for a cab. 

She also filled them in on how hard it had been for Tessa and how pigheaded Mariah was being. Well grandma I'm hoping to persuade mom to hand the reins of the business over to me for at least the next six months, so then she and mommy can have some time off to recover from all of this. While Cassie is doing that Sophie and I hope she can travel so we can have her and mommy come to stay for a while and maybe they can visit some of Europe too? That will be amazing girls, but I have to warn you that your mom has changed a bit since you last saw her. She has struggled and she has another week to go yet! But your mommy will appreciate the help and it will give her some time to recharge her batteries.

Ok grandma we will try our best while we're here. I'm sure you will said, Sharon. Come on drink up and let's load the car up with all that luggage and go and see your moms. Sharon pulled up onto the drive. Tessa had made Mariah comfortable on the sofa. The girls had called saying they were on their way. There was a knock on the door. Tessa got up saying who could that be? Probably mom said Mariah She always visits at the weekends to see how I've done with the treatment during the week. When Tessa opened the door Sharon was standing there. She pointed to either side of the door and Tessa nodded. Sharon walked in while Tessa gave all the girls big hugs. She opened the door and saw Mariah in conversation with her mom. She had not even noticed that Tessa had not come back in with her mom.

While she was still talking, the girls sneaked up to the sofa and walked around to the front, so Mariah could see them. She busts out crying. Hey mom! Surprise. What? How? She turned to Tessa and then saw Sophie and Jo standing there with her. She hugged her daughters which must have made her wince thought Tessa. You're so naughty! She wagged a finger at Tessa. They were desperate to see you. Is all Tessa would say. The girls backed her up by saying there was no way mommy would have stopped us from coming. Were here to give you some moral support for your final week of radiotherapy. Your here for a week? Mariah questioned. Yes, we are! They both smiled. What about your show? and the office in New York?  "Mom" Stop worrying most of my office is on my computer, but besides that, I trust my staff I have a great team you know that. I do Mariah smiled. As for us, Crystal pointed at Sophie. When you came to tell us what was happening I asked the management if I could have this week off to be here with you, and they said yes. I thought I was coming on my own, but they said they would let Sophie come too. So here we are. 

Well thank you, girls, it's lovely to have you all here, for my final week of treatment hopefully after this that will be it? Fingers crossed. They all settled down and had a lovely lunch provided by Tessa. While the girls cleared up afterward Mariah and Tessa could be heard having a heated argument in the garden. I know what your trying to do Tessa! What am I trying to do? Your hoping the girls being here will persuade me to slow down and that I will hand over the business to Cassie? Mariah that's not why they're here. They want to see their mom, they want to know she's going to be ok. I can't believe you're still being so pigheaded about this! I love you dearly! But sometimes you drive me insane. I have tried everything I can think of to make it easy for you. Easy? Screamed Mariah I don't think you know what I'm putting up with? I'm in pain all the time, tired beyond belief. "Mariah" Tessa screamed back I told you from the beginning I didn't want you to hide behind those walls of yours and I'm not a mind reader. Are you telling me that you've been worse than I thought? Mariah stared at Tessa. Tessa turned on her haunches and walked away and straight out of the front door. Mariah was just standing there. 

Both girls looked at one another and then Sharon. Crystal asked to borrow her grandma's car to go after Tessa, she knew where she would be. Cassie went out into the garden to talk to Mariah. Sharon left them all to it and headed home. She asked the girls to let her know how thing's turned out. When she got home Sharon could not believe how nasty her daughter had been to Tessa, no wonder when I last spoke to Tessa she was having such a hard time getting through to Mariah. I know Mariah is going through something none of us would ever want to go through ourselves, but can't she see that there is only so much Tessa can put up with and if she's not careful she will push her away for good! I hope now the girls are here, they can take some of the burdens away from Tessa and make Mariah see that she's only doing it all because she loves her and she's scared of losing her.

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