Chapter 52 Should I be scared ?

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Ok, mom! I've told Devon to leave it up to me about Tessa. He wasn't happy if there is a problem and she's not said anything to anyone. He did say Tessa has been in the studio since you left to try and finish off the final tracks of her new album. So I guess she's not worried about anything? Kyle has given me two weeks if I need longer he said there is no reason why I can't work from LA for a  bit if I need to. Great said Sharon sitting opposite her in Crimson. When do you think you'll go? Probably in the next few days. Kyle found me a condo rather than a hotel to stay in, so I can take care of myself until I talk to Tessa at least, and then we'll go from there.

It's not far from the house she bought on Venice Beach. Amazing! You're going to love it there said, Sharon. It's an amazing place. It's lovely there in the evenings, you more or less get the beach to yourself. and the patio at the house has beautiful views. I'm so glad you're finally going to see it after all this time. said Sharon. "Mom" Don't get too excited! She might shut the door in my face. No, she won't said Sharon I am confident about that she smiled. Ok well, I have to go and sort more stuff out. Oh and I told the girl's I'm off on a trip, I've not told them where I'm going, so I would appreciate it if you try not to let it out of the bag so to speak. Ha! Ha! Very funny said, Sharon. Mariah gave her mom a big hug and kiss goodbye. Three day's later and Mariah had said goodbye to the girls and was in the air on her way to see Tessa. In one way she was scared if there was something wrong with Tessa, and in another, she couldn't wait to see her and hopefully hold her in her arms again. She was on a mission to finally get her wife back after eighteen months apart. 

The cab took her to the condo, there was an agent waiting to show her around and give her the keys. Mariah was gobsmacked, especially when he folded back the doors and there was the ocean in front of her. Oh my god! It's beautiful she said to herself. She asked the agent if he knew which one was Tessa's address. Oh! It's the one up there he pointed to a house that had a glass front, It glinted in the sun. He said It was sold to the singer Tessa Copeland Porter. It looks lovely she said, oh you should see inside mam it's beautiful, it's got five bedrooms has access to the beach as well. I think It's worth around Nine Million! Mariah took a big gulp. Wow is all she said. The agent said his goodbyes and hoped she will enjoy her stay. She didn't unpack she made herself a coffee, and went and sat outside looking at the ocean. She also looked up at Tessa's house, she swore she saw Tessa come outside that night.

She was desperate to see her but decided to unpack shower and get some sleep, and then do her meetings tomorrow to get them out of the way and then Devon had given her access to the studio, so she could go and talk to the engineers and see how the songs were going and if there's a problem with Tessa? The ocean noise was a wonderful sound to wake up to Tessa thought, I just wish my family was here to enjoy it too. She started coughing! Not again she thought, she got up and made herself some lemon and honey tea which seemed to calm it down, she knew she would have to get it seen too soon. It was starting to cause hold up's at the studio! She just had two more track's to lay and then she was done.

It needed more stamina now she and Mariah were going into their forty's. My god how time was flying by. They would of celebrated ten years together by now if Lynsey had not come along! Also, the girls were growing up to be wonderful young ladies, Crystal had now turned 22 and Cassie was now seventeen and she was thinking of going to university already. She took her tea out onto the patio to look at the ocean, her favorite place to be other than with the girls and Mariah of course, what she wouldn't give to have her arm's around her right now. Because I need to make a doctor's appointment sooner rather than later she thought, I'll do it while I'm at the studio today. I need to get ready, She thought and head out.

Mariah was looking at the ocean as she made her morning brew. She sat outside in the glorious sunshine. I can see what Tessa loves it she thought. I need to get these meetings out of the way and then see if I can get to the studios and see if I can talk to someone about Tessa. She packed up and headed out. Mariah got to the studios around 3pm after her work was done for the day, she had phoned Devon to find out if Tessa was there, so she didn't bump into her just yet. He told her that she was finishing around 1pm, so by the time Mariah was planning to get there she should have left already.

Tessa got to the studios early, she was hoping to get that doctor's appointment in the afternoon sometime. She started on song number one and she sailed through it no problem, she made herself some more lemon and honey, oh it seems to be ok today she thought maybe I'm worrying about nothing > By the time she was halfway through the second number the coughing came back with a vengeance, So much so she had to stop for a while. That's when she made the appointment with the ENT doctor, that specialized in singing voices, it was for 3pm so she hoped she could hold it together until then? After she recovered she went back in and finished the track, she was done in time to go home and change, She thought about phoning the girls to cheer herself up, but it will only make me sadder they're not here she thought.

Mariah got out of the car, the people had been informed at the studio to talk to her by Devon. By the time she was done she knew it was a recurring problem, they said she only had one more track to finish and she was coming back to do that tomorrow. Great thought Mariah, I have another meeting with a major company in the morning and I'll be free in the afternoon to maybe go up to the house and see what's going on with Tessa? Tessa got ready to go to the doctor's she wasn't looking forward to it much, She was frightened they might say she can't sing anymore !! Arriving for the appointment she got the cab to drop her off, she had not driven just in case she was unable to get herself back home. The doctor introduced himself, he knew who Tessa was through his daughter's being followers and fans of her music. She told him all about the cough she'd had for the last few months and she was near the end of recording her next album and she only had the final track to do tomorrow and then she could rest until they put the new tour together once she'd finished all the recordings. 

Well, I'm a Laryngologist which is still to do with the ear, nose, and throat but mainly the larynx (voice box). He had a quick look at her throat and said he wanted to do imaging studies, and took blood and some biopsies through an endoscope before he could make a full diagnosis. OK said Tessa, I will finish the recording tomorrow and I'll be all yours she said, Is that ok? Well, I'd rather you not sing! What? But I have to she said. I know that he said but if there is something wrong you could make things worse. Do you think it's that bad ? said Tessa We'll see he said trying to be encouraging. Tessa was full of fear when she came out of the appointment. She brought herself some wine on her way home, while cooking dinner everything the doctor said was going over in her head. I have to go in and finish the album tomorrow even if it costs me in the long run she thought because once it's done it won't matter if the tour goes on hold for a while. She cooked her sauce for the pasta and headed out to eat and listen to the ocean.

Mariah mulled over what the technicians had said about Tessa's cough, it did not sound like good news at all. She took her wine outside and looked up at the house Tessa owned, I swear to god I can see her thought Mariah, she found some binoculars and honed in. She nearly dropped them when she saw Tessa, looking all forlorn on the patio looking out to sea. God, she is a beautiful thought, Mariah, Why oh why did I throw everything away? She could not look at her anymore, she picked up her phone and called Sharon. Hi, sweetheart How's it going? Err well I've not spoken to Tessa yet, but I have talked to the technicians and engineers at the studio and she defiantly has a problem. Oh no! said Sharon in a concerned voice. What are you going to do? Mariah then told her the plan for tomorrow afternoon. That sounds great, I wish you luck said, Sharon.

At about three o'clock the next afternoon, Mariah took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

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