Chapter 98 Gifted

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Nearly a year later, they were in their favorite hotel room in all the world. Tessa was holding her wife, kissing her on the balcony that they loved looking out over San Francisco Bay. You know I never get tired of this view said Tessa looking at her wife. It is beautiful, said Mariah. You are said Tessa and then Mariah realized she was talking about her. I never get tired of looking at you either said, Mariah. Cupping her face and pulling it towards her to kiss her lips. Mmm! I've had the best time on tour with you said Mariah. We've had a ball haven't we smiled Tessa? I can't believe it's nearly over, me neither said Tessa. I'm so glad that we realized there was no way you could do a concert in the theatre Crystal and Sophie are renovating and decided to do the benefit in Chancellor Park so thousand's more can come, so we can raise money not only for the theatre but for other charities in GC too. Yeah! said Tessa I think the girls are relieved that they don't have to rush the renovations, also I think the fans would have killed me having such a small concert to finish my touring days off. said, Tessa 

Your right, when we were last home and we told Crystal and Sophie I could see the relief on their faces. It's going to be a brilliant way for me to round everything off nicely, and we will also have all the grandchildren there, and your mom. I think I may get her some headphones though said Tessa, to protect her hearing a bit! Mariah laughed. I don't think at the age of eighty-five mom's going to worry about going a bit deaf after a concert. They both laughed. Your probably right said Tessa In fact she'll think I'm insulting her! Anyway Mrs. Coupland Porter we have the day off! Do you want to go and visit some of our old haunts while were here? Asked Mariah. What do you have in mind ? said Tessa I was thinking of our first visit here. Oh, when you told me you loved me for the first time and we made love. A lot of firsts said, Mariah. I was scared back then of the way I was feeling about you. She smiled at Tessa. I'm so glad I finally got on that plane to come and see you in concert and to tell you how I felt. Me too said Tessa It was the longest three months of my life! I didn't know how I was going to live without you, and where my life was going to go until you turned up that night and you finally talked to me! Best decision I ever made said Mariah smiling. Ditto said, Tessa. 

So anyway I'm guessing if we're doing our first date? We're off to the Fisherman's wharf for some lunch said, Tessa. You read my mind laughed Mariah. Oh and I booked the Mercia restaurant for dinner. Ah! That's that restaurant with the containers and it's on that island over there. Tessa pointed. Good memory said Mariah it's called Treasure Island. Tessa leaned over to Mariah and kissed her. Come on let's go and have our first date all over again said, Tessa. They walked for what felt like miles and miles, by the time they got back to their room to freshen up and have a nap before heading out again for dinner at around 8pm. Tessa was massaging Mariah's feet on the sofa after they had come out of the shower, while they were also drinking some coffee from room service. Ooh! You know where to press and pummel said Mariah with a grin. Well, we could take this to the bedroom? Tessa suggested I don't need much persuading said Mariah with a wicked grin this time. Pulling her wife up Tessa locked her lips on Mariah's. When they made love these days, it was more about the quality than the quantity. They spent the next three hour's enjoying one another's bodies. 

When Tessa looked over at the clock, she turned back to Mariah and said so much for us having a nap! Why what's the time? Nearly 7pm! Oh geez! I was all snuggled in your arms too. Yawned Mariah. After that marathon are you sure you want to go out? We can always cancel? Ah no come on, we don't bother getting dressed up very often these days. You have a concert to do the next two nights, and then we'll be heading back to GC and that will be that! Yeah! It will be, won't it? Will you be sad you won't be doing this again? Doing what? Tessa said. All this said Mariah Once you do these final two concerts you won't be going on tour again. I can't complain, I've been lucky to have had the most amazing time, seeing all the countries I've seen, and you and the girls have been with me sometimes. But this time has been the most special because we've been together having a ball in every country we've been in thanks for coming with me. It's made it extra special. My pleasure said Mariah turning around and kissing her. Come on let's go and get ready. 

They had a wonderful dinner and even managed to go dancing afterward, at a club recommended by the hotel. They didn't get back to their room until around 2am! Well, that's the longest we've stayed out for a while said, Mariah. Yeah! I wasn't expecting the dancing smiled Tessa. But it was worth it to dance with you. Tessa twirled Mariah around. Ok, I'm ordering coffee! This late? said Tessa Ooh! You might be right said, Mariah. How about we raid the fridge and see what's in there? said Tessa grinning. Are you sure you're going to be ok? It's just that it's getting late and you have a concert to do tonight! We don't let our hair down that often and I can rest for the rest of the day. We'll just order room service so we don't have to go anywhere. Ok said Mariah Go for it! They both laughed like naughty school girls. Crashing around 4am Tessa said to say she may regret this decision later! Mariah was the first one awake around midday, she knew exactly what to do. She phoned down for room service of vast amounts of coffee and some breakfast of scrambled eggs and bacon and some toast. Tessa started to stir! Are you feeling ok? Tessa looked bleary-eyed at Mariah.    

Surprisingly good considering. She said in a gravelly voice. Oh, my voice might need a bit of work before tonight. Tessa struggled to smile. She still 's not a morning person Mariah thought smiling to herself. Tessa struggled to sit up in the bed, Mariah helped to prop her up. Do you need any headache stuff? No! No! Like I said I'm surprisingly good. There was a knock at the door. Please tell me that's coffee arriving? said Tessa Yes and breakfast smiled Mariah. Yuck!! said Tessa Look you have to try said Mariah You need to eat something for some energy for tonight. Ok, I'll try, but I'm not promising said Tessa. Well I ordered some scrambled eggs, I think you'll be ok with them, I'll eat the bacon because I'm starving. They smile at one another. The rest of the day flew past. At the concert, Tessa was just on fire Mariah thought. When they got back to the room just after midnight, Mariah had pre-ordered some of Tessa's favorite food Chinese. She was starving after only forcing some scrambled egg down herself all day. The next night there were loads of tears on Tessa's part, her band had been with her since day one. Saying goodbye to them was not easy. Also, the crowd was just unbelievable, they were singing so loud that Tessa gave up at one point and just let them sing it on their own. 

She invited Mariah on stage at the end, and the chanting began Teriah! Teriah! Mariah was the one to make them fall silent this time. She took the microphone off of Tessa and said I have one gifted wife. The crowd cheered. She may be giving up touring but she will still be writing songs and doing TV etc. The crowd cheered again. I have a bit of a surprise for my wife and all of you. Loo at the screens. Tessa turned around and on the big screen behind her was the whole family, waving and blowing kisses at her. The crowd quietened as Crystal and Cassie told her how proud they were of her, the grandchildren were thrilled they had seen her in concert and sent her loads of love. They stayed on screen as they swayed with the crowd as she sang If I'm Not Busy and More Than A vow. When she had finished Mariah went over and planted a huge kiss on her lips. The crowd and her family went mental. She turned around and blew the family loads of kisses. Mariah left the stage to let her wife soak it all in for one last time.

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