Chapter 72 It could Go Either Way ?

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Tessa drove them to the doctor's appointment at the hospital. They held hand's the whole way. Once there they were shown to a private room, where Mariah had to change into a surgical gown so they could do scans etc. Mariah had taken Tessa into the shower the night before, not just to have sex, but to let Tessa feel where the lump was, that Mariah had found two weeks before. To Tessa, it felt like the size of a walnut! She wasn't sure if that was good or bad? Even looking on the internet did not help with the prognosis. It just said if you have caught it early enough the chances are good for survival, and the main thing you want to hope is that it has not spread anywhere else. Tessa had not bothered with breakfast, because her stomach was all over the place. She did however stop at Crimson Lights for their coffee on the way. Mariah stayed in the car just in case Sharon was there, luckily she wasn't.

Nurses came in and took Mariah's blood pressure and some tubes of blood for the blood work to be done. The doctor came in and had a feel of her breast and then she did an ultrasound, Mariah was then taken for a cat scan. After that was all done she was allowed to get dressed again. Tessa was making sure she was ok every step of the way. The worst bit for them was the waiting around afterward. The nurses even told them to take a stroll outside of the hospital, they will call them when they want them back, with that Tessa managed to pursue Mariah to go see if they could find somewhere to have something light to eat before she passed out. Mariah laughed you and your food she said, well I couldn't eat before we left, my stomach was all over the place it still is,  but I have to try also to find some coffee. After about a couple of hours, the dreaded call came to come back to the doctor's office. Walking back holding hands, Mariah stopped and looked at Tessa.

Remember what we said! Yeah! Whatever happens, we will fight as a team, she gave Tessa and very passionate kiss and said I love you. I love you too smiled Tessa. Let's go and face whatever we have to do full-on. Entering the doctor's office, Mariah did not like the look on his face at all! Mrs. Coupland Porter, they both answered yes without thinking. Mariah smiled at Tessa. I'm Mariah the patient she said Well I'm doctor Jean Grey. Mariah then said and this is my wife Tessa. They all shook hands and sat down. Mariah then grabbed Tessa's hand before Dr. Grey started to tell them the results. Dr. Grey started by saying Ok Mariah, Well you are right there is a lump, and under the ultrasound, it looks like we have caught it early. But it is cancer your blood work proved that.

So it's looking like I will have to do a lumpectomy, which is a surgery to remove the lump, and then looking at the overall picture I don't think you will need Chemo but you will need to do radiotherapy about four to six weeks after the surgery to get rid of any cells around the area that might have cancer in them. You'll have the radiotherapy for three weeks maybe longer, it will be Monday to Friday, and have the weekends off from the treatment and then come back in for the next week. Looking at everything so far I think you are in stage two luckily for you because you acted on it as soon as you found the lump. Hopefully, once we have done the treatment you should be fingers crossed of course good to go. Mariah was staring into space as if she'd not heard anything the doctor had said. Until all of a sudden, she said Will I lose my hair? No! you should be ok, but I don't know if your lymph nodes have been affected until I go in and have a look. So if I have to take them we may get away with more Radiation or we might have to do Chemo, which obviously may result in you losing your hair.

If she just has the radiotherapy how will that affect her? Asked Tessa The site may be very tender, so when washing never rubs the area just do thing's very gently. She will get very tired and get fatigued at doing the slightest thing. I told you about the hair loss, you may also get pain in the breast and chest area, it should be mild if this happens. You may also get swelling of your breast, but once the treatment is over it should go back to normal. Also, I will make the suggestion your clothing should be soft cotton if possible and no underwire bra's until it's all healed. That's about it said, Dr. Grey. I will give you some leaflets and some more information on it all she said. Tessa's brain was on overload at this point, trying to take in all that the doctor had just said. Mariah had just become numb to it all. 

Once they came out of the hospital, Mariah just turned to Tessa and burst into tears. Tessa held her up and walked her to their car and helped her in, and then she went around the other side and got in. Right we need to go and tell Sharon and the girls said Tessa abruptly. Mariah just nodded Yes! Tessa drove to Crimson, once they arrived Mariah was reluctant to get out. Tessa went around the car and opened the door. Come on she said the sooner we get this over with the better. She helped Mariah out and held her hand. Hi girls! shouted Sharon from the counter, Mariah and Tessa headed out to their usual spot on the patio. Sharon came out and realized Mariah had been crying. Ok! Is everything alright? Tessa looked up at Sharon and said can you get our coffees to please and bring one for yourself. Sharon disappeared and came back and placed them on the table. 

Once she'd sat down Mariah looked at Tessa with pleading eyes. Sweetheart! Your starting to scare me, What's going on? Tessa reached out for Sharon's hand. We have just been to the hospital. What! Why? A couple of weeks ago Mariah found a lump while she was in the shower, so unbeknown to me she went and got it checked out and we've just got the results that it's breast cancer. Sharon started to tear up. So this morning we had to go and get blood work done and she had to have a scan and an ultrasound, to see what the treatment plan will be. Mariah looked at her mom and they both started to cry. Mariah then managed to tell her that she would have to have surgery with radiotherapy afterward.

Once they had all finished blubbing, Sharon asked when she knew about the lump? She told her before the girls got married and no they don't know yet! We wanted them to enjoy their time together and also Mariah wanted Crystal to open in London before we tell them. Was that wise? said, Sharon. We have no Idea said Tessa, but Mariah wants to tell them in person not over the phone so! Can you fit in a trip to London before the surgery? Yeah! There holding everything off for a week so we can do it. Shouldn't you get it done sooner? said Sharon concerned. It's fine mom, they said it won't make any difference in the scale of things. Oh ok! said, Sharon. So what's your plan? Well, we're flying to New York first to tell Cassie and Jo and then we'll get on a plane and fly to London for Crystal's opening night and tell her and Sophie. Not much of a first-night present is it? said Mariah sadly. 

Then we fly back and a couple of days later everything will begin. Is there anything I can do? said Sharon. Not really mom, but once my treatment starts I'm sure there will be loads you can do. Sharon gave them both huge hugs and went back to serving customers. Ok,  you said Tessa let's get you home, you've had enough for one day. When they got back to the house Tessa ran Mariah a hot bath and let her have a lovely soak. She then tucked her up in bed and cuddled her until she fell asleep. When Mariah woke it was getting dark.  She came down the stairs to find Tessa, but she was nowhere in the house, So she looked out into the garden and saw a lonely figure at the lake and realized Tessa was sobbing her heart out, which made Mariah cry. Mariah left Tessa to it for a while and then made some coffee and took it down to her. She startled Tessa, it's ok it's only me said Mariah I thought you could do with some coffee. Tessa choked back tears and said I'm sorry. What are you sorry for? I'm usually the strong one your rock, but this has knocked all that out of me. 

Tessa, you are my rock, and you always will be. You're allowed to feel this too and let your emotions out. I'm sad that I have to put you through this. It's the last thing I thought we would have to face. There is only one thing I want to ask you? And what's that? Once my treatment starts I don't want to see you, mom or the girls cry in front of me. Only because I want to put all my mind to the task at hand and focus and I won't be able to do that if I see you all going to pieces. Is that ok? Yes of course it is said, Tessa. I'll tell your mom and the girls and I promise we will keep it together for you. Thank you. I love you so much, Mariah kissed her with passion, and they made out in the lake house.

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