Chapter 71 The End ?

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Ok, you're now pacing the room! I need you to sit down and tell me what's happening? "Mariah" Please! Tessa was going frantic. Hang on you went for a check-up the other day. Has it something to do with that? Err yes! said Mariah with a worried look. Whatever it is we will get through it! "Tessa" What if I say we might not? Oh come on it can't be that bad, can it? Tessa grabbed her hand. Right sit down and tell me, you know I can handle anything. Mariah started to cry. My Love! What is it? I have breast cancer! What! No ! Tessa started to cry. It's ok said Mariah cradling her. It's a lot to take in I know. This is how I felt when they told me. How long have you kept this to yourself? About two weeks! I didn't want to put a dampener on the girl's weddings. I'm sorry Mariah said in a sad voice.

Do you mean to tell me even your mom doesn't know? No! The only person oh does is our counselor, I called her straight away so I could get rid of some of the angst I have, so I would be a bit more cheery for the wedding, even though inside I'm a mess. They both started crying again. Ok well, what is your doctor's plan? Probably Chemo or Radiotherapy or maybe both? I have to go back next Tuesday. What do we tell the girls? Nothing yet said, Mariah. But they need to know Mariah said Tessa anxiously. I know! But we need to find out the information first before we can explain it all to them, and besides let them have their honeymoons and let Crystal open in the west end in her first lead. Are we going to be able to go to opening night? asked Tessa I don't know the answer to that until we find out from the doctors.

The following few days were a learning curve for Tessa, even though they didn't know what Mariah had to do yet. Tessa was on her laptop and phone twenty-four-seven, finding out everything to do with breast cancer so she could help her wife the best way she can and be armed with a lot of questions for the doctors. She and Mariah tried not to talk about it because it just upset them both too much. Mariah would lay awake at night thinking about leaving them all behind. She didn't like that idea, but it was one she might have to face. She also wasn't looking forward to telling her mom and the girls.

Everything she was going to tell them hinged on what the doctors were going to tell them in a couple of days' time. Tessa was just on edge, she was thinking about every scenario. The worst one was she might lose Mariah! To her that was unthinkable. The next couple of days were painfully slow for the both of them. Mariah tried to keep herself busy with work as much as she could, but Tessa would often come home from the studio and find her sitting at the lake looking into the distance worrying about it all. Tessa did not fair much better, she tried her best to concentrate on writing new stuff for her next album, but she went to the condo instead and cried her eye's out, and hoped the new's wasn't going to be too bad! 

She came home the night before they were due to go and see the doctors to find Mariah in pieces on the floor, she gathered her up in the biggest hug she could muster. It's ok my love I've got you. No! It's not ok Tessa, What if !! "Mariah" Don't say it please Tessa was in tears now. I can't even think about that. Please let me go and get your mom? She will know what to say to you, she'll also be able to answer all those questions you have. I mean she is a survivor herself don't forget. True said, Mariah. But like I told you I really don't want to tell the girls or mom just yet until we know what we're dealing with and then I can ask mom all the questions I want. Ok said Tessa Well let me make us something to eat and then we'll cozy up on the sofa, and try and chill ready for the big day tomorrow. Yeah! Get the wine I think we could do with a glass said Tessa smiling.

In the morning they called into Crimson for their usual coffee. Thank goodness Sharon was not there, so they sat on the patio in silence, not knowing what to say to the other. Mariah finally broke the silents "Tessa" Mm What / Sorry I was miles away. Yeah, I noticed. She grabbed Tessa's hand. Look I know this is hard to take on board. I've lived with this for two weeks and even I don't know how to deal with it. All I know is we have each other, we have been there for each other through some nasty things. This is no different, I will fight this with yours the girls, and mom's help. We will come out the other side I'm sure of it. I need you to be positive as me because you are my rock and if you have doubts so will I and I don't think that will help either of us through this. Do you? No! Your probably right said Tessa trying to smile.

It's ok for us both to be scared, Tessa. Once we hear what's going to happen tomorrow, at my doctor's appointment I hope we can put a plan into action and finger's crossed come out the other side. I hear you said, Tessa. I think the worst bit will be telling your mom and the girls, especially the girls because their both on honeymoon and we have to tell them this news! We don't have to said Mariah What do you mean? Asked Tessa Well we could wait another week or so to tell them once their honeymoons are over? " Mariah," I think the girls will hate us if we do that to them. Don't you? Yeah, I suppose so, but I don't want them putting their lives on hold because of this. You will have to convince Crystal to go to London and continue with opening night and Cassie has to go back to New York too. I'll try my best is all Tessa could say.

What about your mom? Oh god said Mariah I'm not looking forward to that conversation at all. Just as they were about to leave Crimson, they ran into Sharon coming in. Oh hi, girls! Hi mom. Why the glum faces? Err nothing said, Tessa. Just missing the girls and realizing they have their new lives now. Ah! Flying the nest syndrome said Sharon. Err what? Oh, it's when your children leave the nest and you are on your own, It can feel very lonely. Yes, it does said Mariah we're feeling a bit like that, she lied through her teeth hoping her mom would not notice. They said their goodbyes and went for a walk around Chancellor park before heading home and a night of restless sleeping. The next morning they were both exhausted through lack of sleep. Tessa brought up the coffee. Mariah looked at her all sad. She held Mariah and said positive thinking remember.

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