Jokes aside, the more she interacted with this girl, the more Grace's head was killing her, as if it was about to split open from the inside.  'Absalom, we gotta get out of here, quick.'

'It's getting worse?'

'I feel like my head is going to come off any second now.'

'Fine. The moment she leaves, you get dressed and we're out of here. Besides, nothing good will come out of sticking around Leon's associates.'


"You should really take those meds. You're starting to turn paler by the minute."

"No, it's ok. I'll ugh...I'll just take a breather outside in a few minutes. It'll be fine.", she assured Lara, who was still reluctant to accept that excuse.

"If you say so. When you're ready come downstairs. We'll have a doctor check-up on you. Now excuse me, I have someone to greet downstairs."

With those last words, she shut the door behind her, leaving for the main lobby.

'We can't afford to have you checked up. You have n-'

"No pulse, cause I am technically dead, I know. I'll just...dash right past her and run straight back into the forest, to lose her."

'You can also jump straight out the window.'

"In the morning? When people go to work? That's asking to be spotted.'

'Tch. Human society is such an inconvenience.'

"We finally agree on something."


      Lara, albeit still worried about her newest acquaintance, had an important meeting to attend. No, not the business kind by any margin. It's just that after complaining so much to her family about how the heir of the family just dumped all the work on her and vanished god knows where, her sister has decided to come give her a helping hand. And wouldn't you know it, as she reached the main lobby, she couldn't control her excitement.

"Cecilia!", she shouted, disregarding any other employee that accompanied her sister here.

       It has been half a year since they last saw each other. Meet Cecilia Jones, perhaps one of the most feared ladies in the family tree after Scarlett and Aina, being also the lover of  Edward Hyde, cousin of Leon, and the rest of his siblings.

             If you opened up the dictionary at the word 'Businesswoman', you'd find there a picture of Cecilia Jones, a woman who does everything by the book and therefore has quite a distaste for the lack of diplomacy skills as far as Aunt's Sca...

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             If you opened up the dictionary at the word 'Businesswoman', you'd find there a picture of Cecilia Jones, a woman who does everything by the book and therefore has quite a distaste for the lack of diplomacy skills as far as Aunt's Scarlett's children are concerned. Perhaps the only fault anyone could give her was smoking, but even then there's a group of people who would see that as empowering. It's no wonder she has something akin to a Fanclub among Abstergo employees. Alas, a story for another day. 

"It's so good to see you, Cecilia.", Lara bowed slightly, acknowledging that her sister was here for business and not just a family visit.

"You seem well enough, Lara. Any chance Uncle Alex or Aunt Scarlett are here today?", was what she said, but in truth, she meant to have the 2 questioned about their son's improper attitude towards his work.

"I've been informed they're currently away on 'family matters', whatever that might entail."

"Sigh...and here I promised dad to change their minds. Ah well, let's at least sort the business in Kuoh out before proceeding.", Cecilia stepped inside, puffing out the smoke with each step until she hit a standstill.

            In a hurry, both she and Lara were brushed aside by a speeding Grace, dashing for the exit, as her heart was in unrest the moment she laid her eyes on Cecilia.

"Hey! Where are you going!?", the younger sister called out to the runaway, but no avail. "Grace!", she shouted again, but this time, her entire figure disappeared around the corner.

       Lara apologized immediately to her big sister, offering her hand to help her stand up, but she wouldn't move. The cigarette that was lit up and trapped between her lips fell helplessly to the ground, as Cecilia Jones, with shaky legs and teary eyes called out in a drowned-out and cracking voice...


To be continued...

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