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A little thumb and forefinger wrapped around the diamond ring that rested on Camille's finger, the two fingers twisted the ring round slightly and tapped the diamond gently, before falling off of Camille's finger and back down onto the bed.

"..And the baby bears all said Goodnight to Momma bear, then momma bear turned off the bedroom light and left the baby bears to fall into a deep sleep in the bedroom." Camille read aloud quietly, closing the book afterwards.

Camille looked down to the little girl lying next to her and leant her head down to peck the child's forehead.

"Goodnight Arabella." Cami whispered and tucked the duvet over her little girl.

Cami got up slowly and turned off the lamp, sauntering out of the bedroom and leaving the door half open.

"Is she asleep?" A low raspy voice whispered as Alex exited from the bathroom.

"She's asleep" Camille said quietly and smiled softly up at Alex.

"Come out onto the balcony for a smoke?" Alex asked.

"Come on then" Cami said walking through the hallway to their bedroom.

As they stood out on the balcony, Alex's arm wrapped round Camille's waist as he stood his body up close to hers from behind.

"God I remember all our nights like this out 'ere" Alex mumbled into Camis hair as she lit the smoke between her lips.

"Share? Or do you want your own baby?" Cami said turning her head slightly to Alex.

"Hmmm, share. Only cos I like holding it in between Yer lips for Yer" Alex said smirking down at Camille.

Cami took a drag and brought it up to Alex's lips, he inhaled it and puffed out the smoke, taking the cigarette in between his fingers.
Alex moved to Camille's side his arm still wrapped around her waist and she leant her head on his upper arm.

"Arabella, 3 years old in 2 months, would Yer believe it?" Alex sighed and held the cigarette down to Camille's lips as she took a drag.

"Our little girl.." Camille said smiling as she blew smoke out of her mouth into the dark night and looked up at Alex.

"Yer ready for next week?" Alex said smiling.

"More than ready Al" Camille grinned and held out her left hand in front of both of them, the silver ring shining in the moonlight and the diamond glistening into their eyes.

"Yer Dads lookin after Bella for the honeymoon correct?" Alex asked taking a drag of the cigarette then putting it out.

"Yeah, he's so excited, so is she, you know how much my dad loves her" Camille grinned.

"How can't Yer love her.." Alex started smiling at the thought of his daughter.

"...She's just like you" Alex said smiling down at Camille.

Cami looked up at him and pushed her head forward so their lips could meet for the thousandth time, what felt like the first every single time.

"You ready to be known as Mrs Turner?" Alex asked smirking as he pulled back from the kiss and rested his forehead on Camille's.

"I was born ready" Cami grinned and giggled at their cheesiness.

"I'm so happy I'm spending the rest of my life with Yer" Alex said turning Camille to face him and tucking hair behind her ears.

"I'm so happy too Al" Cami smiled.

"Ever since I saw Yer that day, the waitress working at the pub, how stressed Yer looked running about the pub waitressing tables and serving people behind the bar.." Alex started grinning down at Camille.

"I knew I wanted to make you mine.." Alex said quietly as he leant forward and pecked her forehead.

"I did too" Camille said smiling at him.

"Come on, gotta be up bright and early for a little Arabella who will want her breakfast first thing, you know what she's like." Camille giggled as she pulled open the balcony door and stepped inside.

"Yeah the little mardy bum, just like you she is, especially with food" Alex chuckled as he followed Camille inside closing the door behind him.

"I'm gonna say Goodnight to her, I promise I'll be quiet though love" Alex said quietly as he left the bedroom and sauntered down the hall, Camille crept close behind him.

Alex leant against the bedroom doorway and Cami wrapped her arms around his waist from diagonally behind, resting the side of her face on his upper rib-cage as Alex wrapped his left arm over her shoulders.

They stood cuddled together watching their little girl asleep peacefully in the small bed in the middle of the room.

Cami twisted the engagement ring on her finger and glanced up at Alex, he looked down at her and then glanced down to her finger and back up to meet her eyes then winked.
Leaning into her forehead and placing a small kiss before leaning back and gazing back towards his daughter.

Both of their hearts fulfilled with joy and Happiness and Love, as they both stood side by side, cuddled together with the person they love the most, and the little girl they love the most resting before them.

𝑇𝐻𝐸 𝑊𝐴𝐼𝑇𝑅𝐸𝑆𝑆-𝐴𝐿𝐸𝑋 𝑇𝑈𝑅𝑁𝐸𝑅Where stories live. Discover now