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A/N: What cami is wearing ^

I was sitting at my dressing table doing my makeup, it was 6:35 and Alex told me he'd be here to pick me up at 7:30pm.

My hair was curled neatly and clipped half up half down, I'd done some glam-ish makeup, but used a nude eyeshadow as I didn't want to go too glam. I winged my eyeliner and applied my catty eyelashes.

I outlined my lips with a light blush pink colour then applied some lipgloss. Once I'd finished my makeup I stood up and walked over to my bed where my dress and shoes were; I'd been out shopping during the week with Brea, Katie and Kelly, they all squealed when I told them about Alex and I then they took me into a load of shops and made me try on dresses for the date tonight.

The dress the girls made me buy was a short-ish White dress which was rippled and had a low cut neck, revealing my cleavage a bit but the girls promised me it didn't look slutty and that I looked 'hot as fuck' and Katie said if she was Lesbian she'd 'so do me' which made me giggle.

It had puffy shoulders and arms then went tight on my lower arm. I had my nude heals and a sparkly gold choker along with some gold rings and my gold earrings. I think one word to describe me was that I looked Expensive, and when I looked in the mirror..I actually liked what I saw.

I grabbed my white handbag and placed all the things I'd need inside.

I sprayed some of my favourite expensive perfume which I'd only wear on special occasions like today, I then hair sprayed my hair and just did small touch ups before I checked the time, it was 7:14pm so I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, carefully not to mess up my foundation or my lips.

I grabbed my bag and phone and keys and headed downstairs. I popped a bit of gum in my mouth to keep my breath fresh. Then my phone buzzed and Alex said he was just coming up near my house.

I quickly went for a piss as I didn't really want to go during the meal, then I waited patiently to here Alex's car pull up.

I never heard his car but he messaged me again saying he was here. I unlocked the front door and saw his black Cadillac over my drive and he was leaning against his car holding a bouquet of flowers.

I felt my breath get lodged in my throat as he looked like fucking heaven on earth, he was wearing a white shirt, first few buttons undone, black trousers and a belt, a dark navy blue blazers and black shiny shoes. His usual black aviators on and his hair slicked into his signature quiff. I tried not to bloody drool at the sight of him.

I locked up my door and walked over to him biting my bottom lip to stop myself from smiling so much. His mouth was parted open and he slowly took his aviators off and eyed me up and down.

"What's wrong? Is there something on me?" I said furrowing my brows and looking down at myself.

"Fookin 'ell Cami.." Alex said with wide eyes still looking me up and down.

I blushed and looked to the side. "Stop I'm gonna go red.." I said covering my face with the back of my hand.

He pushed himself off of the car and handed me the flowers with a smirk. I took them from him and kissed his cheek, "thank you, they're beautiful" I said my face hovering close to his.

"I won't kiss yer cos you're makeup looks like it's taken yer hours, but i will make sure I take it off you tonight.." Alex said smirking, I scoffed with a smile on my face and turned my head to the side to stop him seeing how red I was going.

"You look fookin smashin by the way.." Alex said as he opened the passenger door for me.
"Absolutely gorgeous" he said as I ducked down and got in.

𝑇𝐻𝐸 𝑊𝐴𝐼𝑇𝑅𝐸𝑆𝑆-𝐴𝐿𝐸𝑋 𝑇𝑈𝑅𝑁𝐸𝑅Where stories live. Discover now