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As I arrived at work I set my bag and other belongings in my Locker at the room behind the bar. I grabbed my hair and clipped it into a loose low messy bun so it wouldn't be a pain in the ass as I was working.

"Miss Wilson 5 minutes early? Am I seeing things?" Michael called out from behind me as I was cleaning the bar top humming a song stuck in my mind.

"Well Michael some of us don't take 2 hours to do their hair" I replied glancing up at Michaels Fawn coloured quiff that sat perfectly still on his head. Obviously raked with hairspray as Michael wasn't the Gel user.

"Have to look sexy for you of course" Michael replied nudging my arm as he moved past me to put glasses and cups back on the shelves behind us. I clutched my chest gently and pretend to fan myself. "Oh Michael you know how to make me go red" I said in a posh voice and a grin followed after.

"I knew you loved it" Michael said laughing and grabbing a tray to collect stray empty glasses sitting on tables and walking round the bar and begun collecting them up.

"Aye Camille get us another pint please" a deep raspy voice rung in my left ear as I cleaned the beer taps. I knew that voice too well.

"Dad" I replied nodding at him as I grabbed his glass he'd placed in front of me and begin to fill it up. "Here alone?" I said to him not making eye contact but focusing on the beer filling up in front of me.

"Nah John's popping over now so we'll sit in the garden" Dad replied with a sniff. I looked over at him and handed him his glass of beer. "That's on the tab by the way don't forget to pay it tonight because I can't keep paying your tabs off Dad." I said with a hint of annoyance in my voice as he always left the bar stumbling drunk and never paid for his drinks.

He smacked a 50 dollar note on the bar top and slid it towards me as I stood wiping my hands with a towel. "That'll pay all me drinks I 'ave tonight then" he said with a small sarcastic smile. I took it and placed it in the cash holder beneath the bar top. I nodded at him and turned back to the taps I was mid-cleaning.

"I saw you the other night, talking to that young lad here" My Dad said snapping me out of my thoughts. I'd actually forgotten my dad was there that's how easily clouded my mind can get.

"Who was I talking to? I talk to about 20 people every shift dad" I replied placing the towel on the tap and leaning my elbow on the bar top to face him. "The English bloke, gelled quiff hair, came in here with 3 of his other mates they were dressed all posh" Dad said while sipping his beer.

"Oh yeah he wanted to help me carry the drinks over to his table I don't know him" I replied. "Yeah don't know him Cami. I know him. You know Tyler? The guy who sits with me and John outside sometimes?" My dad said with a serious tone. Whenever my dad was serious, shit was about to get real. "Yeah Ive served him a couple times he's nice" I replied.

"He's in the music business like some producer shit or something I don't know, he works for that lad you were talking to..he's in a band..Arctic..? Arctic monkeys or something like that" my dad said furrowing his eyebrows and staring at his beer. My eyes instantly widened in slow motion.

He's in arctic monkeys? No surely not you would've known that right? Their music is on your playlist Cami you surely would've known...

"Arctic monkeys?" I replied looking at my dad with an eager expression on my face as I was dying for a reply. "Yeah he's in that band you know the rock band they're quite famous, Tyler was telling me they just come back from a tour or something" Dad replied sipping his beer and avoiding my wide eye contact.

"The Suck it and see tour" I silently whispered to myself. I never knew who they were individually I just knew the band name and all of their songs. I didn't know what the band mates actually looked like or their names.

"Well, I best be off but Cami, that lad as I was sayin, he's famous Camille, a famous rockstar..and that also means drugs and drink, I don't want you getting too involved in that stuff alright?" Dad said as he stood from the stool and pushed it in picking up his glass.

He then turned and walked out to the back garden and as the back door shut. I turned around and my eyes were glued wide open..I'd stumbled into a rockstar..a fucking rockstar. Suddenly the front door to the bar swung open.

And in strutted 4 figures...wait 5? Yep in strutted 5 figures.

𝑇𝐻𝐸 𝑊𝐴𝐼𝑇𝑅𝐸𝑆𝑆-𝐴𝐿𝐸𝑋 𝑇𝑈𝑅𝑁𝐸𝑅Where stories live. Discover now