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2 Months Later..

"Bam! one backstage pass to an Arctic Monkeys Concert..Tonight. For. You." Alex said smacking a pass down onto the Bar top. 

I was working tonight and Alex and Jamie had come in for a pint, made my shift a lot less miserable as I got to see two out of seven of my favourite faces whilst I worked, the other guys were with their girlfriends and Katie was at her parents house for the day.

"You're playing tonight? But you guys have already done the 'Suck it and see Tour' and you haven't got a new album for another tour?" I asked wiping a glass.

"Well...when we were on that tour, one of our shows 'ere in LA ended up gettin' cancelled..fuck knows why they never told us but they re-scheduled it and asked us if we wanted to perform tonight!" Alex said grinning at me.

"Wait..so I get to see you guys perform live then?" I asked putting the glass down and leaning my elbows on the bar so I could meet his eye-level.

"Yep. Yer fancy comin?" Alex asked smirking at me.

"Fuck yes do you even need to ask me that!" I said beaming at him. I leant over the bar top and pecked his lips. Alex leaned forward for one more but a guy came over asking for a beer so I had to serve him.

"I'll see you tonight then yes? Me and Jamie are just leaving now here's the money for our beers love" Alex said placing some notes on the bar top.

"See you tonight Al" I said pouring a beer and smiling at him.

The past 2 months have actually been amazing, we went camping with the lads and the girls, Nick fell into the lake and started sulking but then spent some time with Kelly in their tent and was suddenly happy again....so who knows what happened there.

Kelly and Nick were as good as dating now; Breana and Matt were still as adorable as ever and Katie and Jamie were too.

Alex and I spent most days lounging at each-others houses, going out for meals, going on walks or going to the beach. The press already knew we were dating now as a photo of me and Al kissing on a park bench went viral everywhere. I got kind of uncomfortable at how nosey the paparazzi could be but Alex assured me that he wanted 'Everyone to know I was his and he was mine' which made me less uncomfortable about the them.

My dad had found out about Alex and I and was really unsure at first, constantly checking on me to see if he was treating me okay to which I just ended up FaceTiming Him and putting Alex on the phone so that they could 'Meet' eachother; surprisingly, they got on really well. After that my Dad always talks to him on the phone and they're like son and father now.

The lads had been in the recording studio now and then, they said that they had a total of 3 songs but wanted to release them in an album, so that meant me and the girls had to wait to hear them.


                  Today at 4:56pm :
Shift finished at
4:30, just got home, what time
Is your show and what should I
Wear?  <3

Today at 4:58pm:
Show starts at 7 and I've booked
A taxi to come pick you up at
6:30, I can't collect you as we have
To do sound checks.
Wear anything Love you look
Amazing in everything xx

I changed out of my work clothes and hopped in the shower; then once I was out and dry I changed into a pair of Ripped mom-jeans, a tight white cropped t-shirt and a plaid black and white button up jacket over the top. I put my black heals on and then sat down to top up my makeup that had worn off throughout the day.

𝑇𝐻𝐸 𝑊𝐴𝐼𝑇𝑅𝐸𝑆𝑆-𝐴𝐿𝐸𝑋 𝑇𝑈𝑅𝑁𝐸𝑅Where stories live. Discover now